
East Imperial Academy (02)

As Yu Xian stepped through the academy's gates, the sheer scale of it all finally dawned on him.

Numerous nine-story buildings littered the campus, and hundreds, if not, thousands of fellow students moved along its premises.

Turning his head over toward the rapid shuffling of feet, Yu Xian noticed two delinquent-looking students chasing after him.

" Brother Yu!" "Big Bro Yu!"

Waving their arms raggedly in praise, they ran to where he was standing, only to be greeted by two of his finest fists.

" You guys…" Yu Xian stressfully held his head while watching the embarrassing display of two idiots struggling to get up

" As expected of Brother Yu… one hit, and I'm already on the ground…"

" Knocking down a loser like you isn't hard, what's amazing is that Big Bro Yu brought down someone as strong as me without even trying…"

And almost like clockwork, Idiot B's words completely provoked Idiot A

" Hehe, Brother Yu, you're seeing this too, right? A dog wearing our gang's uniform is trying to speak human language."

" Who are you calling a dog you chicken-shit loser?!" Idiot B raged before turning to Yu Xian " Big Bro Yu, This chicken-y coward is obviously a disgrace to-"

" Bei Xuan."

" … "

" Bei Xuan." he repeated

" …yes Big Bro- I mean Boss Yu?" Idiot B frighteningly eeked out

" Get up" and as idiot B hastily tried standing up, Yu Xian shifted his frigid gaze over to idiot A.

" Aaron"

" Yes Boss!"

" Get up"

" Of course Boss!"

Staring down at two of his nervously sweating followers trying to stand up as straight as they possibly could, Yu Xian sighed

" …Go change into something more presentable before I beat both of you to death." he expaserately stated as the two quickly nodded in self-preservation.

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