
Chapter 1

The beginning of apocalypse!

It was Sunday morning where all the people take a break to enjoy their weekends and catch up to their families to share happiness , while others spend their weekends for gathering and meetings .

People were all walking around in the parks , some were jogging and others were working out but what common in them was their smile and lively looks . The kids were chasing each other occasionally their laughs would echo out which disturbed the peaceful environment but no one became annoyed by it , instead they enjoyed their lively atmosphere .

It was another normal day but this day was turned into something terrifying and something that people didn't dare to imagine .

A little girl pointed at the sky and said curiously but since she was still a child , her words were somewhat hard to understand.

"Da-Da ....look a stone f-flying"

Infront of the girl was a middle aged man and when he heard his daughter words , he couldn't help but squat down to her level and said while rubbing her head

"My little sweet pie how can stones fly ?"

The little girl saw that her Father didn't believe her so she couldn't help but pout angrily and point at the sky again while saying in a cute voice

"B-Behind ...you papa"

The man thought his daughter was playing a prank but still he turned back to play with her prank. But who knew when he turned around his mind stopped working and terror appeared on his eyes .

A gigantic stone was 'Flying' towards their location .

when people saw the man reaction they couldn't help but look at the sky and everyone eyes widened in fear .


No one knows who said that but everyone started to run away crazily but the stone was so big that it almost covered the entire sky .

These people didn't have the chance to run .

The stone was just a size of car but when it came closer did people clearly saw it was big enough to swallow the whole city .


"Noooo... "

"Mum ...dad help !"


Soon mournful cries could be heard and next second a big explosion occurred and everything turned to dust .


Time : 4:58 PM

Date : 12/10/3000

Place : Western city

The city was full of ruins and desolated . The atmosphere was silent and darkness , there was no presence of living .

The Street was filled with corpses and bloods no animals were found, occasionally hair-rising scream could be heard which soon engulfed by the silence .....

There was no sun , no living nor life but only silence and death.....

No presence of life was detected but it doesn't means no one was 'alive' .

Well actually they are all dead ! But the problem is they are alive even if they are dead !

Undead name suits them better.

But the word 'Zombie' makes it more terrifying .

Slow walking ,dumb and clueless about things except human ....

Still bloodthirsty and terrifying . It feels no pain nor emotions , it only knows to kill and devour flesh and more flesh .

It all started a few days ago :

The government founded a weird looking black stone falling from the sky . Due to the force from the fall , 50kms radius around the black stone were soon destroyed and turned into pitch black land which was emitting black gas. Fortunately the black stone fell at a place where there are only limited people resided in the city but still there were already more than millions people lost their life but when they thought it was the end of the nightmare , things started to turn from nightmare to Hell.

A black gas which was emitting from the black stone started to spread and mix with the air . The people started to slowly change and First it was small scale ...then it started to spread from city to city , state to state then country to country at last the whole planet started to change.

The gas soon dissolved in the air and those who breathed it started truning into zombies . Well-Known scientists started to find antidote for it but the results brought no hope for humanity.

Among the 8 billion population only 20% were left ...but soon they were dying and loosing hope.

Killing, greed , robery, r@pe and cruelty started to spread around the world

People started to get lose control on their mind . Their mental stability were starting to get unstable which made them into something more scary and more dangerous than the zombies.

Soon chaos was spread ...

Military were unable to stop both zombies and people madness.

The democracy failed and orders fell , Soon chaos took everywhere.

Nearly 90% of humanity was turned into zombies . All living organisms started to mutate , the animals became terrifying while humans gained ability but the greater the ability the greater the Chaos .

People started to go lawless without any laws and order , only strength mattered . Greed and cruelty made humanity worse and it was still getting worst .

" I'm afraid the world was soon going to extinct ...let's hope that we can still change our situation and go towards searching for hope !"



"the situation has gone critical ... I repeat the situation has gone critical !"

"We hope that those who all alive are out there can reach to Defender base as soon as possible "

"I repeat....."


The TV was shut down and soon silence engulfed in the room.

"Sigh looks like the outcome is worse ...I hope I'm safe today "

A 24 year old adult male who lacked socal life and dreams . Just a typical average life with no bothersome about others life ways .

He wasn't like this before he had both ambitions and expectations but pity he failed in the ned which made him lose all hope and trun into meaningless.

Park winter or may be just Mr. Winter he was just a orphan but due to some kind hearted couples he was adopted and after few years they passed away from the serious disease . then he started to build his life day by day without any exceptions of great things . He started his own company of food industry where it was doing great on first day but soon ended up getting bankruptcy . Before the apocalypse he was about to kill himself when he couldn't find a way to overcome his financial problem but due to the sudden occurrence of massive changes in atmosphere and the zombies terror he ended up delaying his trip to heaven .

God knows why his excitement and curiosity made him survive up to now . He once failed in building his empire with money but now he badly wanted to build an empire in his own strength .

Not empire but an stronghold

A stronghold in apocalypse !

....To be continued

Hello there handsome gentlemen and beautiful ladies who is reading this :D . This is my first time writing about APOCALYPSE genre so I hope that it makes u all read in fun and enjoyment XD.

Hollowlivescreators' thoughts
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