
A letter to be read

Dear parents

It all started when I packed my backpack. Putting in snacks, extra clothes and other necessary things. I told them I went on a walk before I closed the front door and made my way to my little visit to an old place I once built. Took me about 4 hours before I even got the sight of the town it was in. While I walked through the crowded streets, it was like they knew why I was there. I shivered in discomfort when I walked by people I recognized or knew. I was too afraid to speak up because it felt like I was being silently judged. Like I've always been tormented with all my life. The town is pretty small so everyone should know each other at this point. The town looks pretty old. Not too many new fancy modern houses. I stopped at the end of a street I've known my whole childhood. I looked at the house I once lived in. It was almost as broken as my heart when I got flashbacks from the place. I shook my head, turned to the side and started walking towards the forest besides the house. As I walked through it I was looking down at the ground, kicking rocks that got in my way. I didn't look up once until I heard a bush behind me rustle. I looked up for a second before ignoring it, walking faster trying to avoid it as much as possible but the noise followed me. When I got to the tree I climbed up the worned out ladder, into the little house that was built on a thick branch. Looked so abdomend all these years later but that didn't matter at that time. I could hear someone crawl up the ladder slowly. Almost like if they were unsure about going. With every step I heard I crawled a little back, trying to not make much noise for whatever it is to hear. Out of instinct I jumped back in surprise when a head suddenly popped up from the hole. Fear washed over my entire body when the wooden plank below me broke in two and I fell through. I was in shock and it felt like everything hurt. At the moment I thought for sure I was going to hit the ground. In a split second someone had reached down and grabbed my ankle, having a tight grip but struggled to keep it. I quickly looked up to see whatever the hell had saved me from my 'death'. It was a boy who looked around the age of fourteen or at least fifteen to be fair. He had animal.. ears? I don't know, maybe hair horns, but it was kind of adorable I'm not going to lie. It was what I focused on at first, his hair. Honey brown with a little dark brown stripes in it. Hard to notice at first but I caught a glimpse of it due to the sunlight shining right into his eyes. I then moved my eyes over to his face. He had a little button nose with a bridge of freckles laying across it. His upper lip was more thick than the bottom one which made him look more on the feminine side. Also due to his soft face shape I figured he was a she. Her eyes looked kind of Chinese but at the same time not. She had heterochromia iridum. The left eye was reddish brown while the other was a bright green. They looked so divine and stunning. When I caught myself staring at her, it was like she had just caught herself as well. In switch movement she pulled me up. She sat in front of me as I sat right in front of the hole. Felt like I was going to fall again so I freaked out and jumped forward. I ended up on top of her, getting us both laying down. My head besides her shoulder and the rest of my body resting on hers. After two seconds of silence I quickly moved away again once I realized our awkward position. I sat up against the wall still in shock after what happened. I felt like my chest was slowly eating itself from the inside out. It hurt. She sat up, turned to me with her legs stretched out and her arm holding herself up in between them. That's when it clicked in my mind. "Torden?" I spat out not really caring if it came out as rude. I knew this person all too well. She's a he.. My mistake. "Awh.. What happened to thunder ball?" he pouted and gave me puppy eyes. I gave him an unsure face while inside it felt like everything came crashing down on me. And damn it was heavy. "Not even going to say hi to your best friend?" He grinned stupidly while nervously laughing. I just stared at him, trying to process everything. his expression then completely changed into a quite serious, not serious one and said:"Come on bud, we're like family!". "What are we in Alabama now?". He stopped dead in his tracks when I said that. His face turning bright red, mine did too when I realized what I had said. "Anywaysss.. Wh-" I got interrupted by him jumping at me and clinging his arms around me. He hugged me tightly as ever. I don't normally like affection but he makes an exception. When I finally got my arms loose I wrapped them around his tiny little body and hugged back. I looked down at his face and there were tears in the corners of them. "Where were you, you stupid donut?!" He hit my back out of frustration and broke down crying, sobbing into my chest as I tried silently comforting him.

I'm finally home.

Love Issac.