
Chaoter 1 [Prologue]

In a plane of existence unknown to mortals, was a young man; sat down in a throne made of a material of sheer energy

The mans green eyes seemes to glow even though all that surrounded him was black and darker than any night that were to be or was.

As he sat in complete darkness, suddenly he started smirking

His eyes began to see a glimmer of hope

He said next

"Let there be Light, enough to show him his path"

And with that his surroundings turned lighter and lighter and lighter, to such a level that you would get blinded by all the white

"Let's see, young one, if you can truly walk this path" he said with a glimpse of a kind smile

"Alone" but his eyes gave the impression of something much more sinister

----------[scene break]------------

<16 years later>

At a world unlike ours, a world torn apart by two sides of conflict was a jet- -black haired man, lazing about on a boat big enough to be called a transport ship, but not enough to be called a big cruiser.

At least thats what he thought of it.

Slowly, but surely, he got up; deciding to get back inside the ship, tired from all the 'tanning' as most people called it.

He wore a short black blazer type jacket, just down to his thighs unlike the trench coats most people seemed to infatuated with in the ship.

"Ah, Mr. Ohara, care to join us for lunch I'd presume?" A brunete man asked to the man.

"No, I'm not hungry.. unlike some people" he mumbled that last part.

"Well, Mr. Ohara if you're free why not go inside, chat around? God knows you're antisocial" he said, a slight chuckle rising at the mans last few words.

"Well, sometimes I wonder why all people aren't like you" the man said while noding, slightly agreeing that talking about his next assignment might be good.

He walked back into the ships main hub area  and walked around for a bit trying to see if anyone could recognize him.

That they did, as they slowly shuffled around, as if trying to avoid him.

The young adult merely sighed in annoyance and perhaps a tinge of guilt.

Most people merely saw him and retreated back to their groups, to talk about how heroic they are, in the case of braggarts, or how they managed to get laid or somethin-

"Oi, Michael" a man with auburn hair and light brown eyes called out, wearing a ridiculous, in Michaels humble opinion, yellow outfit.

"Yeah, what is it Tommy?" Michael asked his eyes stilled in on Tommy's stupid grin as he slowly mumbled something along the lines of "how did I manage to get paired with this idiot"

"You should have been there! The food was so good!.. too bad they didn't allow me to get seconds, oh yeah, like my new outfit?, cool huh?" Tommy asked Michael, meanwhile michael just asked God why exactly Tommy- No, HOW exactly the man infront of him was supposed to be a ninja; as he was attracting about eighty percent of the people gathered there's attention.

"Alright alright, what ever you say, now get moving, my room, now"Michael said awkwardly as most people would see him in the same light, and it was bad enough already, as they saw Tommy, a glutton and an idiot.

".. why?" Tommy just asked, a curious expression on his face.

"Well, we have to disscuss about how, where and why we have to split up once we get to ST. Marie" michael responded.

"I get how and where, but why.. why?"

"Because you're an idiot, that's why, so get moving; fat ass" Michael replied with an annoyed huff as he walked back to his room, lucky since most people didn't get rooms in ships like these.

------------[Scene Break]------------------

<after a couple of minutes>

The room wasn't that big to be honest, but who's to complain?

A bunk bed, a desk, and a closet to keep his clothes, well Tommy's really though since Michael had only brought one pair.

"So... what did you want to say again?" Tommy asked sitting on the bottem bed.

"Its a couple of hours till we get to ST. Marie, but it wouldn't hurt to ask where you'll be going, where I'm going and where we'll meet back" Michael said sitting on a foldable chair most rooms had an access to from the closet.

"Oh.. thats simple, I'm.. I'm.. hm.. where am I supposed to go.." Tommy asked confusedly to himself.

'The sheer lunacy of this idiot.. god how did Maria even have a crush on him..' Michael thought and sighed.

"Weren't you supposed to go to, I dunno, camp Voldergarb? You know, the one that's supposedly going to be attacked, if the marching army sighted near it and their camp has anything to say?" Michael asked, a bit sarcastically.

"No" Tommy replied in a serious manner.

Michael smirked.

"And why is that? He asked, even though he supposedly knew the answer.

"Arrogant.. tch.. well, I have to go to take back the state of.. arms.. fedora?

No, army's fedrora.. wierd name heh" Tommy said after he checked the dossier for the mission with a grin threatening to split his face and a low chuckle.

"Yeah well, good luck in that, I'll join you after I see whats the situation at camp Voldergarb" Michael said as Tommy just continued to ramble how better at naming things he is.

" ya know, like my cat I  got last year, his names better than tha-" he started only to be cut off from Michael's laughter.

"You.. ha! You'd named your cat's name gardfeld! Is that a pun or something?! Because most people would call that 'how to make your cat a laughing stock'.. heh, gardfeld!" Michael said laughing between nearly each word.

Tommy just flustered around.

"Hey! Thats not funny! I'd named him after that movie garfie-!" Tommy started, to counter Michael's commentary at his cats name but had to stop at the knocking on the door.


"Who is it?" Michael asked, still a bit red faced from laughing at Tommy's cat's stupid name.

"The Captain" The supposed captain said.

"Oh, just wait a second". Tommy said as he walked to the door to open it, since he was closer to it, Michael being near the back of the room.

After Tommy opened the door, to their shock,

It was the Captain.

".. what, you weren't expecting me? Even though I said that it the Captain? Seriously, anyways, your stops coming near, I thought of telling you that since im such a nice guy and all, unlike you informal untrusting idiots.." the Captain said, almost incoherent to normal people at the end.

"Oh.. I thought it was atleast two hours till our arival though?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, yeah, its been two hours and all, now get off my ship!" He said a bit angry.

Michael just smiled at him and said-

"Alright, we'll be off, like us 'definitely forma and non idiot' people.. god that is such a mouthful".

"What?" Tommy asked confused.

"Just get off my ship!" The Captain yelled, nearly sending spit off at Tommy's face, thank God he'd learned to dodge.

--------------------[Scene Break]--------

<after getting of the ship/boat at the dock of lord elbunde>

"Man, he wasn't lying.. how did it go by so fast? It was like, just five minutes talking to you and then bam! Two hours son!" Tommy said, amused apparently at the universe's inconsistency at the time department.

"Yeah well they say time goes fast with the ones you love.. sheesh never though you saw me that way.." Michael said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Tch, who would like you?!" Tommy half said half shouted.

"..heh.. tsundere.." Michael said whilst chuckling.

"Well then, it's about time we split off, Tommy" Michael said with a smile on his face as he hugged the auburn hair colored man

"Same to you then- oh wait you didn't say good luck yet" Tommy replied while giving the hug back

"Hn, like you or I'll need it" Michael said with a smug look on his face as he walked off to find a horse, since camp Voldergarb would be a 'several hours on horses' type journey

"I wonder why they don't just mass produce those cars from back at home.." Michael said outloud a bit softly while walked towards the 'john cables horse shop'

"John.. cables.. what a wierd surname.." Michael said very quietly as he nearly entered the shop.

please do comment about what you think will happen!

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