
The Beginning

Melvin, Denzel 1870

"You know very well that I ordered you to marry her so that she can become a victim in our family, right?” The man with white hair appeared dignified. His expression was solemn, and his gaze was cold. He is 75 years old, but he looks to be in good health. He sat proudly in his seat, showing his power.

"Yes. I remember, Dad." In front of the old man sitting, there was another man who was half his age. The man was standing bowed weakly like a loser. He didn't seem to has the courage to look back at the figure he called Daddy.

‘BRAKK’ The old man hit the table.

“So why are you protecting her!!!” The old man's shout added to the tension between them. He got up with a very angry look.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I... I...."

"You love her," The old man interrupted.

The son was so shocked. He chose to be quiet.

"SANCHO, ANSWER ME!" the old man sounded still very emotional.

Sancho slowly lifted her face. "Yes, Daddy. I love Molek."

The old man's eyes narrowed. "What did you say? You love her," he said in a mocking tone. Then he laughed loudly as he dropped his body, back on the chair. His laugh filled all corners of the room, aroused fear, implied a threat. "You stupid!!!"

"Sorry, Dad, but I can't stop my feelings for Molek. I've tried to ignore it, but I just can't." Sancho, as he was known, finally admitted. The man knew that trying to hide was pointless.

"You say you have feelings?! If our family considered feelings, this splendor would not have existed so long ago!"

Sancho's lips were locked tight. He was unable to reverse his father's words. There was nothing he could deny. In reality, his family's power did stand without thinking about anyone's feelings. His family oppresses the weak, provides a beautiful mirage for their follower, and associates with an equally ambitious ancestral spirit. It has become a family tradition in order for the family to prosper in the future. Sancho's only hope now is that his beloved wife will not be hurt as a result of his secret feelings being revealed.

"We can't keep her any longer. Grazian is desperate for her!"

"Dad, no! I'm not going to let his soul be enslaved there."

"What did you say?! So you dare to argue with me now?!"

"I didn't mean to argue with you, Dad. Give me time to find someone else, as long as it isn't her!"

Grazian wants Molek!"


"Gosh! What are you doing? Do you want to play with your ancestors?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Enough! Make sure you are ready for her ritual sacrifice tonight."

"Dad, no! Don't do it!" Sancho kneeled in front of his father. "Please don't her. Allow me to be with her. This is the first time I've felt love for someone."

"Sancho! Why did you give up your life for that unfaithful woman?"

"Sancho's eyes were wide open. He wasn't sure what his father was saying. "Dad, what do you mean?"

Sarcastically, the old man snorted. "I thought you weren't aware of it yet."

Sancho stood up again, his brow furrowed and his mind racing with questions.

"You should be aware. Protecting her was a huge mistake. That woman doesn't deserve your feelings. She's just a woman who can't keep her honor as a wife."

"Dad, what do you mean?" Sancho's voice began to grow louder.

"Your wife is already having an affair with her own bodyguard."

"What! No, Dad. That's not possible!"

"Look. You've been blinded by love. Sancho, whom I know, is a sharp observer who isn't easily fooled. But your feelings for that woman have weakened you to the point where you are unaware that she and Arandra have been playing behind your back."

Like a deadly sword slash. Sancho felt his body split open, and the pain in his skin was excruciating. The man's eyes were glazed over, his mouth was difficult to close, and his breathing was labored.

Sancho couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he is well aware that there have never been any lies between him and his father.

"Ask your wife directly if you don't trust your father!"


In one of the palace's corners. A woman appears to be preoccupied with her flower plants. Her face shone as brightly as the flowers she was watering. He was seen smiling several times. Asserting that he still has a lovely charm about him. Her red lips were still as bright as morning roses, her round eyes as bright as the full moon, and her skin was bright and flawless, but her body was now too skinny for her.

"Madam is very good at taking care of these flowers," a petite girl next to her exclaimed.

"Ow Jane. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to create such a lovely garden."

"This is a fun job for me," the girl added, her face beaming.

"Thank you very much, Jane. In the palace, you, Arandra, and these flowers are my solace."

"Really?" Jane appears to be very happy.

Jane's expression made the woman smile widely. "Yes, of course. Without you, I would be extremely lonely. You are very important to me. If I were here by myself, I'm not sure what I'd do. You are not only my bodyguards and assistants, but you are also my friends."

Jane was touched by her master's words. "Take a look at you guys! Madame has been extremely gracious to me. So don't be too lazy to grow!" Jane addressed the flower row in front of her. Of course, his words made Molek laugh. "Hey, you! Grow well so Madame can enjoy her time in the palace. I've noticed you're having difficulty growing." This time, Jane pointed to the nearest Hycinth flower. Little Jane enjoys making her master laugh.

A man in a black suit approached them shortly after. When he arrived, the two women's expressions became tense. Molek, in particular, felt the same way. When the man approached her, she had a bad feeling.

With a slight bow of his head, the man greeted Molek. "Excuse me, Madam,."

"Bob, what's the matter?" Standing up, Molek inquired.

"Mr. Sancho is waiting for you in his study."

Molek guessed that the man had come to deliver news from Sancho. Every time the name gave the order to come see him, her heart sped up. "Isn't he with Daddy?" Molek inquired, hoping to postpone their meeting.

"They've finished talking, and Mr Boman has just left the palace."

Molek nodded, as if she understood. "Okay. Tell him I changed my clothes first."

"All right, madam."

"Hmm Bob. Since the morning, I haven't seen Arandra. Do you know where he is?"

"He's out of town, madam."

"What?! Why didn't he inform me?! How could my personal bodyguard not inform me?"

"Excuse me, madam, but I'm also here to inform you of something." Molek appeared to be paying close attention. "Beginning today. Mr. Boman has ordered Arandra to stop serving you. His position will be filled by another bodyguard."

"What?! Why?!"

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