

Melvin was tossing on her bed. She appeared weak and dizzy, maybe she was hurt or something was amiss in her life. Besides her bed was a old stool that contained a radio, a cup of water and a tin lamp. Her room was small and poorly decorated, at the walls blurred photographs of her family hanged with a decor bringing the room to life. The photos hanged like bats from a mangrove tree. It was evident that Melvin was suffering of hunger, her eyes red from the sleepless night. She could only afford water as she thought about her family which was poor as a church mouse.

Her father died when she was 12 years old. She was left with her mom, Jane, and her younger brother Michael who was 9 years old by then. Life became a jail in hell since they lost their breadwinner 8 years ago, Putting something on the table was a workload since Jane depended on casual works which were poorly paid.

Melvin's mother and her younger brother were in the sitting room, on the table was a open lamp that illuminated the room with a dim light. Help was least expected since all the time they appeared suspects in case of theft in their village though few poor colleagues visited to share there plight, at least a problem shared is half solved.

Time clocked slowly in motion. Melvin was still on her bed until when a knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. She sighed faintly and spoke '' open the door."

It was Michael who had came to call her for the morning meal.

Her mom made black tea and sent Michael to call on her sister to celebrate the small they had on the table. They knelt and buried their heads in their hands for a thanksgiving prayer, and then drunk the tea and thereafter went to work on the rich neighbor's farm.

Melvin and her mom didn't waste much time, they joined other workers in the garden of Mzee Gushta. The garden was large in size and it was split into pieces bearing different plants including vegetables and pineapples. Each piece was taken care of by two workers at a time.

Mzee Gushta was a well known tycoon in Zinge village. He is a businessman and a farmer of all sorts of crops and animals. His wife, Clare, died a decade ago leaving him with two sons, Vindra the elder son and Jordin. The elder son was through with his studies and he was a professional vertanery who looked after her dad's animals, Jordin was still in college. He is a close friend to Melvin and of course her highschool classmate. Due to poverty Melvin didn't finish her highschool studies, she had to join her mother in doing casual works in the garden of Jordin's dad at least to get food on daily basis.

However, among the workers Melvin was a smart and hard-working girl who used to work alongside her mother in their own allocated piece where vegetables was planted. For quite some time Jordin had been glancing at Melvin from the far end of the garden, he had been admiring her since high school but he never gathered courage to spare his feelings on her. He thought about it since Melvin started working in their garden but again lacked the best way to address her. Later, he appeared having own body conversation and maybe he underscored a given deal which took him not less than a minute to explain to his dad which saw Melvin promoted to take care of Mzee Gushta's premises majorly taking off the house chores.

Life acquired a changer for Melvin has she has been promoted, she became the light of her family. At Mzee Gushta's house she worked hard to meet the standards of the their expectations. She managed and was always appreciated for her tremendous work in that house, she could wake up early in the morning clean the house, organise it and later prepare breakfast while her bosses are asleep. Mzee Gushta liked Melvin so much and he always took her like his own daughter. He later doubled her salary and made the highest paid of his workers and her mother felt much happier than before since life was taking another turn for their success.

Several days down the line, Jordin was always disturbed with his feelings and plans. One of the Saturdays he gathered courage when his father was away for a business trip, this time he whispered to himself; "..Jordin bind the sack before it be full" ...and in a minute time he was in front of Melvin. He then yawned at least to pronounce his appearance, and to express his feelings. Melvin as usual thought Jordin has never stopped his craziness in cracking jokes but she was wrong until she heard him uttering words in a suggestive way... "Melvin, let every man praise the bridge he goes over... uh!.. I can't deny the fact that we are long time friends and furthermore classmates but also let me have a touch, mh I mean uh.. uh.. a soft touch over your body. You're wonderfully made, beautiful blue eyes creatively placed in its sockets, I'm always in love with your oval light-skinned face and your eight-figured body... if really I get a chance I can build a paradise only for us..." Jordin was immensely dipped in strong words of love. Melvin was shocked for a moment and lacked the best way to counter attack Jordin's claims. She later gathered herself and cleared her throat.. "Jordin, you know well I'm your maid and your father respects that space so much. What you're saying is a sin to God and a disgrace to our community at large, kindly I'm not ready for that and I urge you to stop it all... " Melvin strongly dismissed Jordin's interests and left him standing like a puppet looking at nothing.

Hard work finally paid. Michael enrolled back to school after dropping in grade III a year ago since a well-wisher who used to pay him school fees succumbed to death for his rotten morals. Melvin became a strong steering in Michael's life and at all times he looked upon her for everything even though she spent much of the time at Mzee Gushta's home, she had a well built spacious two-bedroom house with a well decorated sitting room with big pictures hanging at the walls, her bedroom was a replica of paradise with a giant size mattress and expensive duvet and the wardrobe was full of expensive dresses and a queen-like dress which hang at a side of the wardrobe. Mzee Gushta had bought for her all that for the love he had for her since the first day she became the house maid, he also took her as his daughter since he only had sons. He extended his love to Melvin later by making her his personal secretary and this earned her poor family a ray of hope.

September 9, was the day Jordin was to go back to to college. The day came and the family gathered to pay him goodbye and lucky to go and finish his nursing course. Melvin helped Stacy- a tall brown girl who replaced her when she was promoted to be a secretary, in preparing food and serving Gushta's family and friends. The table was full of different kinds of meals and drinks. They ate until their stomachs were full. At around 3pm, evangelist Daniel read a sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:18

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" and later conducted a prayer for the family and Jordin's journey to school.

Jordin arrived well at Fortes Medical Training College. His father drove him in a Marcedez Benz to school and wished him success as he took his way back home. Mzee Gushta drove the Benz in a high speed to attend to some appointments at his office in good time. In a blink of an eye he came into contact with Meco Transit vehicle which was also driving at a high speed. Unfortunately, Mzee Gushta lost his dear life on the way as he was rushed to hospital by pasers-by. Doctor Michael confirmed the death, rested him at the hospital morgue and immediately contacted his personal secretary using his card number to inform the secretary about the misfortune. Melvin recorded the information and reported it to Gushta's elder son, Vindra who also informed Jordin, his younger brother for the preparation of their father's send off.

On Wednesday 30th, friends and the family paid tribute to Mzee Gushta's demise as his body received a king-like send off at Zinge cemetery. The family was blessed after the burial ceremony by Father Zachaus. Vindra, the elder son took charge of their father's premises immediately after the burial. Jordin concluded his final exams and passed well with frying colors and his graduation was done successfully at the college grounds on February 2nd, 2017. He later came back home and started working alongside Melvin whom they had taken as one of their family member.

Melvin became pregnant after a short while, and she was relieved from work to take care of the unborn baby as Jordin took over her work. As time went by wrangles emerged between the two brothers concerning Melvin's pregnancy. Jordin was shocked to realise that his elder brother was also interested in her just like him but the good news was that he was to become a father in few months. Vindra became jealous of his younger brother and demanded to see Melvin off from their home and this left Jordin grow in rage. The brothers became two familiar strangers in one roof.

Jordin suffered missing Melvin for a couple of days so he hatched a plan to kill his elder brother and this took him one week to accomplish the mission. The police recorded a statement at the hospital concerning the death of Vindra, from the report it was realised that he was shot twice on his head and died at hospital for having internal breeding in his head. Jordin was arrested as the police started to investigate the matter.

Melvin gave birth to a baby boy. He was named after his grandfather, Junior Gushta. Jordin had to be released on bond as the case was still on so that he can celebrate the birth of his son and help Melvin settle at home. The police officers investigated the killing incident and it was realised from the CCTV footage that Jordin was the one who killed his blood brother on a cold blood. He was again arrested and tried in a court of law for a murder case. Lucky became a loose spring in a steering as he was judged to a life sentence and jailed at Petra maximum prison. Melvin cried and pleased the court to close the case to give them time to enjoy their new marriage but all was in vain as she was left with Junior Gushta all alone to take care of Mzee Gushta's wealth. She went back and settled with her mother and younger brother in their newly acquired home and by then she had no any other option rather than changing Mzee Gushta's wealth to the name of her son, Junior Gushta.