1 A star I saw one night

One night as I was walking on the park, enjoying myself in this cold starry night. I stopped for a while when I saw how beauty you are. Your beauty was on top, as I sat on the bench enjoying myself watching you.

Your long straight hair dancing in the air while you're enjoying watching the stars in the sky. I was so amazed when the moonlight strikes your face. Now I knew why my heart skip a beat for you.

It doesn't matter if you doesn't know me. I feel happy by just watching you from a far. Every night, I always go to the park. It feels like my own two feet had their own mind. I was so happy when our eyes accidentally strikes each other. How could I say "Hi" when every time I'm near you my heart wants to go out of my chest. Maybe this is not the right time.

The other night I was so over prepared. I thought it over and over and now I'd realized this is the perfect timing. I readied myself tonight. This will be the night I'm going to say "Hi" and know you better.

I came to the park early as I usual do. And she hadn't arrive already. I waited very patiently I just thought that I'm just too excited and arrived early. I wait and wait until three hours had passed. In the end you didn't came.

Frustrated and disappointed, I am that time. Maybe destiny wont let us know each other. But I'll never give up. I'll keep on going to the park until we know each other.

The next night I came to the park and hoping that you'll come tonight. And like last night you didn't come. But that wont stop me from seeing you.

One year had passed. I don't failed going to the park. But like usual, you didn't came. Hopes and dreams were fading away. Then one day I sat on the same bench you always sat. As I was gazing up in the sky. I stepped on something, at first I don't mind that but out of my curiosity I picked up the thing and checked it out. It was a diary. I read it. And as I turn the pages I noticed something. The description, all that happened, the scene and the boy described on that diary was...was....


Run and rush I am going home.. Now I know who she was. I searched her name in the internet and also asked my friends about her. I didn't thought that she lives in the same neighborhood as I am. I got her address and went to their house with the diary with me.

I knocked on the door and they let me in kindly. I asked them straight to the point. They changed faces. Her mom began to cry and I don't know why. I comforted her mom and at last she calmed. She stated all about her, the things she likes and dislikes, her favorites and everything. Then again her mom cried again and told me something that got me in real shock. I said my farewell and went home. As I enter my room and lay on my bed I didn't noticed that the diary that I'm going to return was still in me. I re-read it again and again and when I turned the empty pages I saw a letter. I read it on:

Dear my shining light,

Hello there! How are you? Hope you're fine J . I hope that you'll read this letter of mine for you. I was happy on the night I saw you at the park. Did you usually go there? Coz that was the first time I saw you. Anyway on that night, I had my first crush and my first and last love ^_^ I couldn't go to you coz maybe you'll just going to turn me down. The time when our eyes met it was like, there's a static or what other says a spark!. I regretted the moment when I had the chance to say hi to you but I was so coward to do so. Maybe that's for the best too. I don't want you to be left behind when I'm gone.

I love you the first time I saw you and forever will. I hope someday you'll find your partner and live happily with her. And that time I will happily watch you both up here in the sky together with the stars. I'll be your loving guardian angel :D I love you I love you I love you I love you! Don't stop gazing at the stars ok? If u need someone to talk to I'm willing J.

Your star <3

I was on a real great shock. I couldn't believe it... our feelings for each other was mutual!! I cried but loneliness is not the reason why. It was a tears of joy. I was so happy that I could die from that moment. Now I knew why destiny won't let us know each other. The moment I had with you even though it wasn't forever it made me feel really happy.

The boy doesn't skip a night gazing at the stars...…on that bench ...…..on that time together with him the letter of his star he saw one night.
