
How the system works

A inner darkness, a sense of nothingness, Kane is floating in what seems like a vast black void. A deep voice starts to be heard saying in repition "fix the system, it's up to you, it's broken". Kane was asking questions, whats going on? where was he? why him? But, unfortunately there was zero answers given, just the same phrase over and over.

His eyes opened to a crackling fire laying under some sort of make-shift shelter next to that same girl he saw before passing out. She was beautiful, shoulder length red hair, black yoga pants, a hoodie wrapped around her waist, A t-shirt that held her two big breasts tightly in place.

She welcomed him awake with a somber "good morning" then she introduced herself as Verra. After the pair exchaged conserning looks and pleasentries Kane then asked "where am I?" She began to explain "This is the afterlife, A sort of hell." Kane looked confused, shocked, almsot in disbelief as Verra went on. "Every soul is born neutral and if your good in life you get enernal bliss, if you are just okay you get to try again, but if you are less than okay you end up here." She explains more saying "I have been here for almost five years now, apparently the system is suppose to work so souls can prove themselves worthy of a second chance but no one has done so for almost 1000 years."

"What? Why is that?" Kane shockingly chimes in. "I do not know, no one really does, I guess maybe no one is worthy or maybe the task is super hard." Verra replies and continues "In fact the only thing I really know is there first step is to enter the center demon city, that's where the test for the second chance is located. However even that is extreamly difficult! There are other villages and towns with people from every world, souls from all over. a lot of fucked up shit out there."

Kane felt his anxiety creeping up again, his new reality setting in. What was he suppose to do? He knew well he felt he had to figure out this mystery. "This is my anime!" kane burst out and went on "Im not dead, im just a summond hero to fix the broken system!" Verra burst out laughing "n..no your dead dumbass" laughing through her words.

Rumbling and shaking intrupting the pair before they could finish talking. A scared look filled her face and Verra quickly stands and gathers her things, rushing Kane to his feet. "A sand worm!" she panics. "A sand worm? like some beetlejuice shit" Kane sarcatsticly rebuts but his joke quickly backfired when he steped out the shelter to see sand moving quickly his way like rushing water. Slightly emergeing was a big worm oping a mouth with huge teeth. Verra and Kane quickly ran off with the sand worm in pursuit but were not moving fast enough. Sweating looking over their shoulders teeth getting closer and closer and closer. Just as the two were preparing to be caught almost to luckily a pit trap opened in the sand letting them escape the worm falling fastly threw a secret tunnle passage.

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