
A Song of Askaldenfirsts and Dragons. Part Five: The Greyskuggies

Part V. The previous four parts are combined into one book: The outlanders. Rating NC-17, as well as the whole series. (rape scenes, violence, racial issues) Dedicated to George R.R. Martin There are already a lot of problems in Ermir, so also and... I won't spoiler. The story continues, the heroes suffer. An epic fantasy drama with a constant plot twist. Thank you for reading. Remember, friends, everyone can take and write using my world prequels and sidequels and will receive from me all the rights to use. But you have to be on the side of Ukraine. Sometimes I will generate characters used in the book and post on Reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/user/MikeFjord/

MikeFjord · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Ansellellor

Ansell appeared in Hoogmeerfall, he saw several dead dragon bodies. The Ikhagatbers had already stopped standing in the circle, but as soon as the First appeared, they began to cast a spell. Ansell understood all at once. The smirk was gone from the old elf's face. He was in a winter fur cloak his hood was pulled back, his eyes were full of determination.

"Kots Bak Sart Pakus Dan Arjur!" he cast a spell of the First, creating a four-sloped powerful protective dome.

And he made it in time because the hail of fiery spears fell on the dome, the ikhagatbers were also under the dome and the spears just bounced off it.

"They may not have been my children, but you knew they were being led by false ideas, and you knew they didn't want to kill! Los Rim Nak Glu Fai Stur Vic!" Ansell cast the spell of the First, and a huge stone fist fell from the sky onto the dome of the ikhagatbers and began to strike the protective dome with all its might. The ground shook underfoot. "Skiv Moor Sem Ren Dak Blut," he cast another spell, and two giant swords appeared, trying to cut through the protective dome of the ikhagatbers from the right and left, while a magic fist hammered from above.

At the same time, the ikhagatbers were already launching an ice whirlwind, frost spears, and even a rain of fireballs, which had done nothing with Ansell's dome, but finally destroyed almost all the houses around, and the dead bodies of dragons were bouncing from the powerful blows, turning more and more into a pile of shapeless meat. Finally, Ansell broke through the protective dome of the enemies.

"Ska Huv Rav Ud Clee," he said the beheading spell of the First and the askaldenfirsts, and the heads of the ikhagatbers began to be cut off one by one.

"No, wait!" Eickshamweit said before his head was separated from his body. Heads and bodies fell on each other.

"Because of unwise beings like you, I hesitated for a long time and did not want to leave the First!" Ansell said to the corpses as he approached. Then he looked around. "What a nightmare, the dragons will now take revenge for sure. If not Gaal will burn Ermir, then another will. It is a pity that I do not have assistants to spy on all dangerous creatures," Ansell spoke out loud dejectedly, and then disappeared.

He appeared on Malderfir.

"Old man! Finally! We've been stuck here for days! We were almost killed by some creatures that looked like tanukalai," Arinella shouted, "Erdanellar quickly realized that this was not a tanukalai!"

The travellers did not look very good. Vinlage was with a bandage supporting his hand, Anz Shabo had a scar on his cheek, Arinella was constantly grasping the left side of her belly.

"Where are the karkhashes?" Ansell asked.

"Did you listen to what I said?" Arinella was furious, "This is a disgusting place to live. It's humid and hot and dangerous!"

"Alright, calm down, let him explain," Erdanellar put in.

"The brown and white striped tanukalai? It is a svayrage. It's good that you haven't seen a dragon yet!" Ansell said, throwing off his fur cloak.

"A dragon?!" Arinella and Vinlage asked together. Anz Shabo opened his mouth in surprise.

"Are you crazy, old man?!" Arinella said indignantly, "You brought us from a planet with dragons to another planet with dragons! You are completely insane!"

"Yes, but Gaal is not here," Ansell said, not understanding why they were looking so strangely, he wants to help them.

"Bring us back, el-el," Erdanellar ordered.

"Yes, I'll do it, because Gaal is no longer on Ermir, or at least not yet! You see how I helped you perfectly!" Ansell said with pride in his voice.

"What?!" now Anz Shabo and Arinella asked at the same time.

"Thanks to other dragons and me, the fiery Gaal now on another planet, on Kaartarnar, where he belongs," Ansell smiled and this time his smile turned out to be sincere.

"So, the threat is gone, and we may safely return and live on Ermir?" Anz Shabo sighed with relief.

"For now, yes," Ansell replied confidently, and then began to cast a spell and opened a portal through which the travellers returned back to Ermir.