
A snake in an apocalypse

I have always admired snakes and thought them stunning creatures so when I walked up to one to help it out from under a rock. The last thing I ever expected was for not just my Race to change but also the whole world as I new it.

Set63773628 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

I'm a snake?!?!!

I blinked my eyes groggily as I come too, only to jerk fully awake in an instant from what I see in front of me.

[Soul connection fixed. System integrated and online.]

I stare in shock at the floating screen in front of my eyes, hardly believing that what I see in front of me is real and not just a dream. I instinctively try to reach down and pinch myself to make sure it's not a dream only to get an even bigger fright when I cant feel my arm respond.

I slowly look away from the screen nervously expecting the worse. But when is see only the beautiful scaly tail that I was admiring earlier I realise that it was even worse than what I had imagined. I raise my head and look around in shock as everything around me seems massive. That's not even the worst of it though because as I slowly get my bearings I can see buildings burning to the ground and zombies slowly wandering around the streets.

I freeze everything thing that I am doing and try to stay as still as possible so that the zombies don't notice my presence and come to eat my face off. A couple minutes pass as I stay completely still not daring to move a single muscle before I slowly start to wonder why they hadn't eaten me before I woke up. It might be because I am seemingly now the snake that bit me earlier and that zombies only eat the meat of their own species for example in this case that would be humans.

With my immediate panic attack sorted out once I realise something that hopefully means I am safe from the zombies. I start to think about what has actually happened which causes my mind to wonder back to the floating boxes that appeared in the sky and talked about how a system was supposedly connected to our planet or should I say how our planet was supposedly connected to the system.

Anyway I have always been an avid reader of fantasy books so if this has really happened that must mean that i have a status of some sort. 'Status!!' I scream in my thoughts hoping that what I think has happened actually has.


[Name: Raven Miracle]

[Gender: Female]

[Race: Ouroboros]

[level: 1]

[Strength: 5 (10) ]

[Constitution: 8 (9) ]

[Regeneration: 15 (5) ]

[Agility: 20 (10)]

[Mana: 5 (0)]

[Racial Skills]

[Gluttonous Growth]



A/N the stats in brackets is the current human average

I stare at my status my thoughts coming to a halt as it finally sinks in that I am truly not a human any more But that I am instead something that is called an Ouroboros.

I eventually manage to focus again and look over the rest of my stats but I cant help but notice how high my Regeneration and agility is compared to humans as well as the fact that I have mana already when no one else does.

Continuing on I see that I have a new racial skill that I cant help but wonder what it does as I dont get much of anything from just the name itself. As soon as the thought popped into my head a new screen appeared in front of my eyes.

[Gluttonous Growth]

[Description: The ouroboros is a naturally hungry snake that can grow up to be massive in size and mass when they get older even getting big enough that they can wrap around planets.

Causes massive growth in size and physical stats as age increases as well as when huge quantities of food is consumed.]

Well it seems very overpowered but it could also turn out to be a dud as it doesnt mention how big the stat increase actually is.

With my status understood I feel it is finally time to fully leave my dreary life behind and embrace this new life by going out and getting my first level.

Just as soon as I figure out how to move as a snake of course.