

A/n: This is all written from Kokichi's perspective.

I ran away from the rather large building, it's height intimidating. Though, that's not what made me the most weary and resentful of the building. It was the logo, the rather large one at that. However, while I was running, I failed to notice someone in front of me. Well, I hadn't noticed until I crashed into them. The two of us stumbled, and fell to the ground. I groaned, a mild headache coming on. Pushing myself off against, whatever I was on, I looked down to see what I was actually on-top of. My eyes widened in surprise from what I saw.

A girl looked up a me, with bright and piercing yellow eyes. Her hair was a snowy white, and sprawled out around her. By the looks of it, her hair was normally straight, and would probably go to just below her shoulders. Her bangs were styled the same way, only they were just above her eyes. A comically over sized black hoodie was what the girl wore. Only the hoodie had bear ears, and the pocket was a dark grey. Light grey sweatpants covered the girl's legs, bright yellow sneakers were on the girl's feet. She seemed mildly surprised, before she gave me an amused smile.

"Mind getting off of me?" She inquired. Her voice was honeyed. It sounded gentle, and had an undeniable kindness behind it. Ignoring this, I scrambled off of her in a panic. She laughed as if I hadn't just ran into her. After getting up, I stepped back, away from her, cautiously. However, she didn't seem to have the same view of the situation as I did. Instead, she got up and stretched, a yawn leaving her lips.

"I-I'm sorry, I hadn't been paying attention to where I was walking." I stuttered out an apology. The girl before me just raised an amused brow. Her posture was completely relaxed, not tense at all. She had put her arms in her hoodie's pocket. There wasn't any sign that the girl was closed off to a conversation. Though she did look a little tired. Her pale skin making the bags under her eyes a little obvious.

"I could say the same for myself, if I had been paying attention this wouldn't have happened." The girl denied my words. She also muttered something else under her breath, but I couldn't actually hear her say anything else. "Why were you in such a hurry anyway?" The girl added. I bit my lip and looked behind me, towards the looming building. Although I had gotten some distance, I was still closer than I wanted to be. "Ah, the Team Danganronpa building." She sighed, I glanced back at her. Shuffling anxiously, I awaited her judgement. After most learn that I don't actually like Danganronpa, they don't tend to have the best reactions. Actually, they have the opposite of a good reaction. Most exclaim, how could I possibly not like the show? The effects from the Ultimate Tragedy still very clear and prominent. The girl looked annoyed, but it didn't appear to be directed to me at all. "I'm not a fan of the show either. Honestly, I find it disgusting. I'm assuming that's why you were running anyway, unless I interrupted your action's wrong." The girl stated. Her eyes eyed me patiently. Her tone, that had been warm and kind before, had turned cold just from the mentioned show. Her eyes seemed to look right through me, accessing my reaction. It made me feel small, and vulnerable, not to mention guilty.

"N-No you're right. I can't stand the show either." I responded truthfully. Swallowing, I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. When I actually manage to find someone that also dislikes the show, it has to be right after I just auditioned for the damn thing?! However, the girl didn't seem like she could actually sense my silent regret. In fact her eyes softened, and she gave me a gentle smile. Which honestly just made me feel even more guilty.

"Yeah, it can get extremely gruesome." She winced, just from the thought of it. Shaking her head, as if to dismiss the thought, she continued to smile. "Anyways, I need to get going. I promised someone I would meet up with them later today." The girl informed me, with a lazy wave of her hand. Afterwords, she began to walk off. I watched her curiously, she passed the looming building with no hesitation. I didn't hear any lies in her words, but I had watched just to make sure. Biting my lip, taking one more glance at the building, I moved on. Instead, I started making my way home. To the orphanage.

Darkness surrounded me. My mind drawing a complete blank. It felt like I was sleeping, but even that word just seemed wrong. As if it didn't quite fit. It didn't fit at all. I need to get up, a sense of looming dread filled me. Fighting against the grogginess, my senses slowly came back to me. Finally getting a sense of myself, I could feel myself locked in some kind of confinement. Panicking, I rushed to get out. With a rush of air, I was on the floor. Looking around me, I quickly took notice of my surroundings. I was in some classroom, that had overgrowth everywhere. Some large monitor was in the room, unsettling me too no degree. Standing up, I quickly wiped away any dust off of me. Looking around me, I saw what had kept me confined, It was a locker. There were more lockers. That I also started to hear movement from. Cautiously, I backed away from the lockers. I boy fell out of one of them. However, another locker was still moving. A girl fell out this time. Only I recognized her!

She was the girl I ran into a couple of days ago. Only this time, she was wearing a uniform of some sort. Her blazer, and skirt were brown. The blouse she was wearing was white, and the bow tied around her collar was a bright red. Black knee high socks led to a pair of white dress shoes. She groaned, setting up. Why does that uniform look so familiar? Her eyes scanned the surrounding area, analyzing everything. Then her eyes landed on me. I tensed up, but her eyes weren't accusatory. Instead, the girl stood up, and wiped the dust off of her. Then she offered her hand to the boy beside her, who grabbed onto her hand. She pulled them up with ease.

"So, does anyone know what's going on?" The girl yawned, still looking as tired as when I first met her. Her eyes were still analyzing ever detail. Her body language noticeably more tense then when I had last talked to the girl.

"I don't know. I had been walking to school and suddenly these random people came up behind me and kidnapped me." I winced at the memory. My body still felt sore from the experience. The boy nodded in agreement. He was wearing a hat, for some odd reason. Then again, some high-schools have that as apart of their uniform, so that might just be it.

"I had the same experience. But I don't know why anyone would kidnap me. I'm just an ordinary guy, there shouldn't be any reason to kidnap me." The guy paused, surveying the room. "Not to mention, this is some sort of school, right? It looks like it. Why would someone bring us here of all places?" The guy fired question after question. Not that I had the answer too any of them. Were we kidnapped by the same people? What would they even want with us?! The girl hummed, her gaze calculating. The atmosphere completely different from the laid back girl I had met before.

"We should get out of here, and try and see what's going on. Perhaps even get some help. This might be a school, but it looks completely abandoned. Which just makes the situation look even worse for us." The girl informed. Without any hesitation, she walked up towards the door. Me and the other guy followed. She opened the door with haste, the sight in front of us filled me with absolute terror. Some machine loomed over us, red lights glowing and becoming nearly blinding.

"Hell yeah! Found you!" The machine yelled at the top of it's lungs, at least the pilot of the machine did. I jumped in surprise and terror. Tears swelling up in my eyes. How is this even possible? I thought all machines like that got locked away after The Tragedy! How could someone possibly get access to them? Unless this was some scheme of Future Foundation, but what could they possibly want with us?

"We need to get out of here!" The girl forced out. She grabbed a hold of the other guy's and my hand and she began running. I kept up with an easy pace with her, already been used to running. The other guy struggled a bit, but otherwise kept up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, waaaaaait!!!" The pilot of the machine screamed behind us. I heard loud footsteps tailing after us, and I intertwined my fingers with the girl. Gripping her hand even tighter in fear. She didn't comment, instead she continued to run. On the way there, we ran into other machines, causing us to turn into a different direction. Eventually, the girl let go of our hands, and I reluctantly did the same. She scanned the area around us, and we were eventually cornered into a hallway. Panicking, all three of us ran through the double doors in front of us. There were other people there. All of us were in a high-school uniform of some sort.

"Look, there's even more people." A guy with magenta hair pointed out. We were in some sort of gym. The gym not safe from the over growth of the school, if anything, it was the exact opposite. Everyone was completely tense, scared. What was going on? Why were we of all people kidnapped? Our little party of three moved towards the group. The silence surrounding us was absolutely suffocating. Then, suddenly two more people shoved themselves through the gym doors. It was a blonde girl, and another guy with a hat.

"Oooh. . . . More people have arrived." A girl with white hair, that were in pigtails, spoke up. She was clearly just as cautious as everyone else in the room. Just as nervous. Everyone scanned everything nervously. I looked around, that makes seventeen of us. Was there even more people in the school? How many of us were kidnapped? Or was this the last of it?

"Huh?" The blonde that had just come tumbling in mumbled out in confusion. Her eyes scanned the room. More specifically, they scanned all of the students. Maybe she didn't think anyone else was kidnapped? The more she looked at everyone, the more her gaze filled with horror at the sight. The reality of the situation probably just got even worse in her eyes.

"Did you all get chased by that monster, too?!" The guy with magenta hair exclaimed. I flinched at his angry and loud tone. If I didn't know any better, I would think that he was angry at them.

"O-Oh, yeah." The blonde girl stuttered out in surprise. She also shrunk back a little at his tone. Though, the two of us probably had completely different reasons for doing so. One being, she was the person yelled at. Two being, this is something I'm used to at this point. But in that case, I guess I should have learned to stop flinching then, huh? However, that isn't the main issue here. The main issue here is, what exactly is going on?

"What. . . are they? What do they want from us?" A guy, that was more than likely the shortest in the room, asked. I thought back to when we had to run away from it. My body shivered in fear, just from the memory alone. However, it looked like some sort of a machine. And considering I heard a voice coming from it, it was probably being piloted by someone. Even when I came up with a possible explanation, I kept my reasoning to myself. What if I'm wrong? Or what if I just make someone else even more angry and upset with the situation? Though, that will probably happen on it's own the more time progresses.

"Do you want me to check on what's happening?" I volunteered. Secretly, I was hoping someone would say no. However, we do need to make sure to survey the situation at hand. If we can't check on where ever that thing is, or have a basic idea of what's going on, we'll just be putting ourselves in more danger.

"You can't! It's too dangerous out there!" A girl with a headband in her hair warned. Her hair was also divided up into pigtails, only her hair twirled around itself. The girl with yellow eyes hummed, my ears instantly recognizing her voice, even if it was at a low hum.

"Although that may be true, we also do need to form some plan of action. It's not exactly safe to stay in here either." The girl, I've yet to learn the name of, yawned. Though she seemed more laid back then when we had woken up in this place, she was still tense. I wouldn't have noticed, if not for the fact that I've gotten used to reading people.

"Perhaps. . . But it's likely that monster still lurks nearby." A guy with a mask on pointed out. I wasn't sure if he was wearing it because he was sick, or he was scared of getting sick from other people.

"W-Wait!" The blonde exclaimed in panic. Her tone was loud, I flinched again. Maybe the pace at which things were developing was too much for her? Her tone seemed extremely strained and worn out. "Who are you guys. . . ? And why am I here-" She began to ask, as if anyone of us could actually answer her question. As if we weren't kidnapped, like I'm assuming she was.

"And that makes seventeen." A guy with green hair and eyes stated. He completely ignored the girl's words, as if they didn't matter. The number seventeen seems to be the most important to the boy now. Looks like he also counted out the number of people that are present. Out of everyone's posture and body language, he seemed the most relaxed. It was comforting in the sense that he could keep a level head, but that also made me feel unnerved.

"What?" The blonde girl responded, confused as to what the green haired boy could mean.

"I'm talking about us. There are seventeen of us-all high-schoolers." The boy explained. Considering everyone was wearing a uniform, though they mainly appeared to be all different, the natural assumption would be that we are all high-schoolers. Though I still couldn't place were I've seen the yellow eyed girl's uniform before. It feels like I should know it. Like I should know what ever school that she's from. "What do you think that means? Though, I don't quite get why there's seventeen and not sixteen." The guy added. Wait, sixteen? What is that supposed to mean? "Oh, right. Didn't answer your question. I can give you my name. It's Amami Rantarou. Let's leave it at that for now." Amami introduced himself. Though he clearly must have an idea of what's going on. That's clear from his words from earlier alone.

"Huh? Um. . . Okay." The blonde mumbled out in confusion, not sure what was going on. Understandably, since most of us didn't understand what was going on either.

"Anyway, why does it matter that there are seventeen of us? There might be more coming." The magenta haired guy pointed out. He had a point, however the green eyed boy's eyes just seemed dismissive.

"Nah, I think this is all of us. If this is what I think it is, anyway." Amami responded. Making it clear, that he did have an idea of what was going on. "Maybe the extra person is because of some sort of special?" He mumbled. I almost didn't catch his words. This served to only make me more anxious with the situation at hand. Why did it matter about the number of us there was? And what does he mean by one extra? Is one of us not supposed to be here?

". . . If this is what you think it is?" A girl with red eyes repeated. Her eyes were accusatory, her body language was tense.

"What, you some kinda fuckin' know-it-all?! If you know somethin' spit it out!" A strawberry blonde girl demanded angrily. However, this didn't seem to phase Amami at all. Amami just kept his laid back posture, his eyes calculating.

"Okayyyy, quite everyone! Shimmy down, shimmy down!" A unknown voice spoke. It almost seemed like the voice of a child. I looked around me frantically, but everyone seemed just as panicked and disturbed. Well, except for Amami, and the yellow eyed girl next to me. However, her eyes were scanning the place as well.

"No, no, no, no. It's 'simmer down'." Another unknown voice corrected.

"Huh? Who's that? Where are they?" A girl with long blue locks exclaimed in panic. She voiced what everyone had been thinking. What everyone was completely confused about. Suddenly, out of no where, five of the machines that we saw from earlier appeared. My eyes widened in surprise, my feet stepping back in horror of the sight in front of me. How did they just appear out of no where?! Logically, something of that size couldn't possible be able to do that!

"Kyahahahaha! Thanks for bearing with us!" Five voices spoke in time with each other. It had to be coming from whoever was in those machines. The girl with blue hair screamed at the top of her lungs in pure horror.

"Damn it! There are more monsters! We're surrounded!" The magenta haired guy stated the obvious, looking at the machines in shock. More, huh? There's a possibility that there was always this many to begin with. The yellow eyed girl was right. It did end up being dangerous that we all came here. Now there wasn't a guarantee that we can get out. At least, not all seventeen of us.

"These aren't monsters. They're Exisals." The pilot of the red Exisal corrected, like it was the most obvious thing ever. I've never heard of an Exisal before. At least if I have, I certainly can't recall it.

"They're highly mobile, bipedal weapon platforms." The orange Exisal added. The chance of escape just seemed to be shrinking by the second. Then again, we haven't even been outside of this school. There might be a chance that escape is truly impossible.

"Weapons?!" The boy with black hair, and a cap on his head, exclaimed in pure horror. The thought there was, what kind of weapons? Eyeing the Exisals, I could only assume that they carried some heavy types of guns. Not something anyone would be able to easily dodge.

"Should we take these for a spin by killin' one of em'?!" The blue Exisal, that had greeted us when we first left the classroom, asked. It's tone was familiar. It still insisted at shouting at the top of it's lungs. Though I suppose, it's a he. Considering the Exisals seem like they need to be piloted by someone.

"Gyaaaaahhh!! Wait a minute!" The girl with a headband in her hair shouted in fright. Her arms shot up around her, like she was trying to form a protective cage around herself. A cage that wouldn't be able to save her from this machinery. "It wouldn't be fun picking on plain good-for-nothing commoners!" She was probably referring to the fact she wasn't an Ultimate. Though, an Ultimate would never get caught up in a situation like this, right? For some reason, my eyes snapped towards the girl next to me. More specifically, her uniform. As if my mind was trying to tell me something.

"You're right. We should at least think of an interesting way to kill you!" The blue Exisal responded. He laughed, as if it was the most amusing thing ever. "Maybe I'll pick ya up and squeeze ya till your guts come gushin' out like toothpaste!" The Exisal described. My mind imagined the idea, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"P-Please! Not like toothpaste!" The girl stuttered out a plea. Her face twisted in horror. Her arms moving again, as if she was trying to figure out the best possible way to defend herself. Her feet also shifted around, trying to figure out their desired position. Maybe she know's some form of martial arts? But I doubt that would do anything against an Exisal.

"Urgh. . . I just imagined it. I can't handle gore." The pink Exisal cried out. She, I'm assuming by the voice, sounded like they were actually going to vomit from the thought. Maybe she would stop something too bad from happening, if it involved gore? Somehow I doubt the possibility of that happening.

"Then what if. . . we start peelin' off their limbs one by one, like string cheese?" The orange Exisal gave another example. Honestly, my mind couldn't decide which would be more painful. Toothpaste, or string cheese? I felt bile coming up my throat the more I thought about it.

"Please, not like string cheese either!" The girl with a headband cried out desperately. Attempting to stop them from doing anything. However, if they were going to do something, they probably would have done it by now. The girl's eyes were so wide, they seemed to be bulging out of her head. She furiously sweat nervously.

"Wait! We can't kill them with the Exisals!" I breathe a sigh of relief when the red Exisal spoke up. That means we were safe, at least from death by Exisal. If they were still going to kill us, I hope it would be less painful. Then my thoughts flashed to the orphanage, and the kids still living there. My eyes watered, but I didn't let any tears slip. I can't die! Not yet! "According to the schedule, the Exisals aren't supposed to show up till later!" The person piloting the red Exisal seemed to remember. Wait, schedule? What's that supposed to mean? Does that mean everything that's going on is planned out?

"But. . . We're in the Exisals right now." The orange Exisal, or rather the person piloting it, pointed out. They seemed mildly confused, as well as a little annoyed. But at the very least, it seems their animosity has been taken away from us.

"Oh! So we are!" The person piloting the red Exisal spoke in surprise. As if they honestly hadn't noticed that they were in one. Are they going to get out of the Exisals, or are they going to stay in them?

"We screwed up. We aren't supposed to be in the Exisals for our first performance." The girl piloting the pink Exisal sighed in disappointment. First performance? It made it sound like we were on some sick game show of some sort. But why would anyone have a sick game show like this? Unless it was Danganronpa. Although I auditioned, I'm assuming they would have me come in. Not kidnap me. Then there was the yellow eyed girl beside me. It wouldn't make sense that she was here, she had walked past the building, and it was the last day for auditions. Not to mention, she was pretty clear about her disgust for the show, so why would she audition in the first place?

"I told ya we shoulda read the script!" The person in the blue Exisal panicked, and yelled out rather angrily. Though maybe, while they are distracted by their apparent screw up, maybe we can escape? I took a brief glance at the gym doors, then thought better of it. They would notice if someone was trying to escape, and it wouldn't put anyone in a better position, it just might make it worse.

". . . No, ya didn't." The person piloting the orange Exisal pointed out, with a very dismissive and partially annoyed tone. The people piloting the Exisals moved around as they talked, which only furthered my anxiousness revolving around the situation.

"Well. . . Why don't we just get out of these mechs? It shouldn't be too late for that." The girl piloting the pink Exisal suggested. My shoulders sagged a little in relief at the thought. We were still in a dangerous situation, but it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous with them in the Exisals. Plus, if we can stop them from getting in the Exisals again, maybe we can turn the tables? It would be seventeen against five, so it's certainly a possibility.

"Y-Yeah! Let's do that!" The person in the red Exisal agreed eagerly, happy to fix their supposed mistake. "Okay, readyyyy!" They added in excitement. Then the hatches to the Exisals opened. Then what happened next filled me with so much shock, the idea of rioting left my mind. Color coordinated teddy bears jumped out of the Exisals, then within the next moment, the name of each filled my mind. But how is that even possible? Do I know them from somewhere? Scanning over them, they looked vaguely familiar, but I don't know from where.

"Rise an Shine, Ursine!" All five bears chanted at once. "With our powers combined, we are the Monokubs!" The bears posed. They posed as if they were a part of some show. The idea kept hitting repeat in my mind, however I dismissed the idea of this being some part of a show. That's not possible! Someone would know something is this was a show, right? Then again, some of the things that have been happening are unexplainable. Almost as if it was magic. Though after the Monokubs display, everyone went noticeably silent afterwards. As if no one could believe what was happening.

"See? We're outta the Exisals." Monotaro stated. He seemed to be sweating nervously. Was he the one that had told them to get into the Exisals to begin with? Or maybe it's because he's nervous about defying this apparent schedule? "Now we're not scary anymore, right? Right? Right?!" Monotaro questioned nervously. Never-mind, maybe he's not upset about the schedule, rather our view of him.

"His desperation is strangely terrifying. . . !" Monophanie exclaimed. Not that she was wrong. It did make Monotaro a bit more unnerving when he was questioning us frantically like that. Not that none of this was unnerving to begin with. In fact, the fact that they are teddy bears instead of humans just makes this even more scary than if they were. At least I can read human beings, for the most part anyway.

"You punkasses better prepare yourselves!" Monokid insulted and cussed us all out at the same time. For some reason, I got the idea that he was mad at us. He held a guitar in his hands, the strings were tugged at violently. The sound from the guitar itself wasn't all that pleasant to one's ears.

"And he's just outright terrifying!" Monophanie squealed in horror. She placed her paws to her face, as she backed away a little form the blue bear. Monokid didn't seem to mind; in fact, he seemed like he enjoyed it.

"I'm a messenger from hell, from the depths of hell, here to drag ya down to hell!" Monokid threatened. However, because of his rather uncouth way of holding himself, it didn't make him appear to be the most intelligent.

"No, no, Monokid. You're sayin' 'hell' to much, it's ruining the hellish impact." Monosuke corrected. If the bear was trying to make a pun, it wasn't funny by any means. Though, I doubt Monosuke could care-less. The bear, himself, was pushing up his glasses.

"Eh? What's hellish mean?" Monotaro questioned. The bears seemed to forget about us for the most part. The most important question in my mind was, why were we all here? However, I didn't have the courage to ask.

"H-Hey. . . What's up with these stuffed animals? How are they moving?" The guy with magenta hair turned to the rest of us, like anyone of us could give him the answers. At the very least he had broken our silence. Glancing around, everyone looked as bewildered as I felt.

"I-I have no idea." The girl with blue locks responded. Taking one more look at everyone, no one looked as if they were threatened anymore, having calmed down a little. There was only about two people that still had their guard as high as it had been before. There was Amami and the yellowed eyed girl beside me.

"Moving stuffed animals. . ." The girl with red eyes mumbled. She didn't look as if she could possibly believe it. Not that I could blame her. Something like this shouldn't be possible, right? But then why do they look vaguely familiar?

"On top of that, it seems like they're calling themselves the 'Monokubs'." The shortest guy in the room spoke. Taking a closer look at his hand, I saw a cigarette in it. Was he really concerned about smoking, now of all times?! Not to mention, couldn't that end up being a fire hazard in a gym like this?

"Wait! You guys call yourselves the. . . Monokubs?" The blonde exclaimed. Eyeing the last two people to speak, a feeling of overwhelming dread filled me. The way the two were talking, it almost seemed as if they recognized the name somehow. But how could they possibly recognize the name? The blonde's eyes were wide with pure shock. She was looking at the green bear. However, Monodam just shrunk back in fear for some reason.

"Oh. . . . Don't bother askin' Monodam." Monotaro informed, his arms were folded over his chest. "He only talks to close friends. The years of abuse have really done a number on his heart." Monotaro informed. The word abuse sent shivers down my spine. A bit my lip at all the memories that came from that one word. Trying to compose myself, I clenched my fist tightly. The pain from my nails digging into my skin was a momentary distraction. "Isn't that right, Monodam?" Monotaro added. It seemed as if the area around him just sparkled. The green bear didn't respond. "M-Monodam?! You wan't even open you're heart. . . to me?!" The red bear panicked. He started sweating from his nerves. Though, I'm not exactly sure how.

"Looks like I was right." Amami stated calmly. He watched the bears, that didn't seem to be paying any mind to us. If he's calm, does that mean we don't have anything to worry about? For some reason, I doubt that's the case. "This is exactly what I thought it was." Amami reaffirmed. "But who's behind this? Why the ridiculous theatrics-?" Amami questioned, as well as insulted the bears in a way.

"Gahh! Shut up, you! All o' you are reactin' way too normally to this! It's boring!" Monokid screamed like a defiant child. Normally? If being in too much shock to respond is normal, then I guess I am reacting normally. But why wouldn't I react normally? I'm just a regular high-schooler. It's not like I'm someone as grand as an Ultimate.

"Actually . . . Don't their clothes seem kinda boring, too?" Monotaro added, actually taking the chance to look over us and observe us for the first time. I took a step back, nervously. What do they mean our clothes are boring? They kidnapped us! And it's not like they gave us a change of clothes either.

"Wait a minute . . . Ya think maybe they haven't been givin' their first memory, yet?" Monosuke inquired. Every pore in my body screamed at me to run. But I couldn't get myself to do anything. What do they mean, first memory? All of my memories are perfectly intact!

"Huh? That shoulda happened before they woke up. . ." Monotaro mentioned. He brought up a paw to his face, seemingly confused. Are they going to give us new memories or something? What do they mean by first memory? By the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like they are taking any away.

"Hey, answer my question! If you guys are the Monokubs, then-" The blonde began. So she does recognize the term Monokubs then. I racked my brain, trying to remember if I've ever heard of a term like this before. However, my mind drew a blank. The bears themselves seemed familiar, but I don't think I've ever heard of them before.

"Hey!! Who the hell are you punks?!" Monokid interrogated. A silent anger began to fill me. They're the ones that kidnapped us! And yet, they're going to ask who we are? A gritted my teeth, but stayed silent. Opposing the situation might not be the best. We might be able to stop them from getting in the Exisals if everyone rioted, but the room seemed to be filled with a strange excitement. The only people that seemed not to pleased with the situation was Amami, the yellow eyed girl, and I.

"Huh?" The blonde mumbled out in confusion. She seemed confused as to why they would ask her that question themselves. While she looked mildly shocked, she didn't appear worried over anything.

"What do you mean?" Another girl with a headband asked. Only her hair was a sandy blonde, and covered one of her eyes. She and the other blonde didn't seem particularly upset by the question, just confused.

"We're just wondering. . . Do youse guys have Ultimate talents or anything like that?" The orange striped bear asked. Monosuke was currently holding money in his paw, a vague sense of confusion on how he got that filled me. However, the more important thing that he mentioned was Ultimates. Why did he think any one of us were Ultimates? I know I wasn't. Ultimates became a bit more secretive after the Ultimate Tragedy. Though if you actually try looking Ultimates up, you can find them, you just won't find as much information as you might have before. Hopes Peak is still open, only now it has it's doors open to students who are also not Ultimates. Only, it's really difficult to get in if you aren't one. I had considered applying, but I doubt I would have gotten in if I did.

"I. . . Don't have one." The blonde girl spoke this time. She looked extremely dismayed by the thought of not having one. I don't particularly care about them, but It would make it easier getting into Hopes Peak, and if I could get sent to that school, then it would be a whole lot easier setting myself up in life. The people that tend to get the most dismayed about not having Ultimates, are fans of Danganronpa. Mainly because the whole show revolves around them, makes them seem more interesting and important. Because of this, people get an idea of what Ultimates should be in their head. And when they aren't what they want, people tend to discriminate them just for having an Ultimate. "I have a skill that I devote myself to. . . but I wouldn't call it an Ultimate talent. . ." The girl added.

"M-Me either. . . I-I don't. . . have anything like that. . ." The boy with black hair and a cap stuttered out. Surveying the room, people seemed dismayed. Except for Amami, and the yellow eyed girl that was still standing behind me. Instead, she seemed to tense up. She didn't look all that thrilled with the situation.

"Y-Yeah. . . . Same here." The guy with magenta hair sighed. Aside from that, why would they want to know if we had Ultimates to begin with? Did they kidnap the wrong people? The word Danganronpa popped into my head, though I dismissed the idea once more. Surely they wouldn't kidnap their participates, would they?

"I knew it! They haven't gotten their first memory yet!" Monokid exclaimed. The term first memory filled me with so much dread. What could they possibly mean by first memory? By the sounds of it, a memory of being an Ultimate. But I'm not an Ultimate. Seems like the majority of the seventeen aren't either.

"Monophanie. . . . Weren't you in-charge of that?" Monosuke accused as he pushed up his glasses. The glasses themselves were horribly crooked and slid down his muzzle every time that he moved around. Monophanie didn't responded for a moment. Then I heard a light snoring sound, as it looked as if the bear fell asleep.

"She's asleep? Did she seem really tired to you guys?" Monotaro questioned. By the looks of things, it seems as if the Monokubs have gone right back to acting as if we didn't exist.

"She's obviously fakin' it!" Monosuke accused with vigor. He seemed thoroughly pissed off, as he raised his paw in the air in an accusatory manner. His mouth opened, revealing razor sharp fangs. Horror filled my every pore to the point it actually felt like it was becoming a part of my skin. However, Monophanie continued to snore away.

"Even if she's faking, she looks so peaceful. Let's whisper so we don't wake her up." Monotaro cooed at the pink bear. If she's faking it, it's obviously because she's not feeling so peaceful, isn't it? I couldn't stop my thoughts from being spiteful, even with the situation at hand.

"Hmph! If you so say!" Monokid agreed. I was mildly surprised by this, given the behavior I've seen of the cub so far. Maybe Monotaro is the leader of the group then? He's right in the center of them too.

"A-Anyway. . . If you guys are really the Monokubs, then-" The blonde began to speak once more. This brought my train of thought back to the fact she clearly recognized them some how. Although they look familiar to me, I don't remember the term Monokubs. So, however they are familiar to me, it must not have exactly been all that important to me too remember.

"Don't worry about us. The real issue is youse bastards." Monosuke accused. He completely dismissed the girl's words. However, the girl herself didn't seem that bothered by it. She still seemed to be oozing that strange excitement that held most of the people in the gym. "Well, 'issue' is putting it mildly. . . This is actually a huge problem." Monosuke added. "Youse all forgotten your talents and become generic high-school students." Monosuke sighed. My mind instantly threw out the idea once I heard it. I didn't forget any Ultimate talent, that I'm positive of.

"Huh? Forgotten?" The blonde repeated. She looked as confused as I felt. I knew that I couldn't possibly have an Ultimate. I knew it down to my very core, it just didn't fit. The fact that the Monokubs seemed so assured that I did, It just kept me feeling the same dread that filled ever pore of my body.

"See, according to the backstory, there's this Ultimate Hunt goin' on. You've all lost your memories and became different people cuz of the Ultimate Hunt." Monotaro explained. Still, the moment my mind heard the explanation, it threw it out because it didn't make any sense. The more that they talked, the more it sounded like some fucked up game show. Backstory? You don't call someone's memories a backstory, you call it a background more than anything. The term backstory is something most people would associate with a fictional character.

"Umm. . . What are you talking about?" The girl with blue long locks questioned. The more I thought about it, the less of what the bear said made any sense. Ultimate Hunt? It sounds like Ultimates being hunt down. And while not all people agreed with some Ultimates, no one would even consider hunting them down. People respect them far too much for that to ever happen.

"Well, in your current state, it's pretty much pointless to talk to you guys like this." Monosuke completely ignored us, again. What was the point of kidnapping us again? If they were going to do something, ignoring us doesn't sound like the smartest decision. They have to have the wrong people. There's no other explanation for it.

"The first thing we need you guys to do is remember your true selves." Monotaro informed us. This filled me with more anger than anything. I was well aware of who I was. And I certainly can't risk to stay stuck here forever! The other kids need me!

"Yeah! You need to reclaim your sealed talents by regaining your memories!" Monophanie exclaimed. She was very clearly wide awake. The fact that she had been faking to be asleep was never more obvious than it was right now.

"What the-?! Are you awake already?" Monosuke asked. He seemed to forget all about the fact that he had accused Monophanie of faking her sleeping, only moments ago. Either that, or he was being sarcastic. At this point, neither would surprise me.

"I don't get it. . . What are these sealed talents you are talking about?" I asked, finally having the courage to speak. None of this made any sense. I knew that I wasn't an Ultimate. So if they were actually talking about me forgetting something important, it couldn't be an Ultimate talent. Then again, none of what these bears have said have made any sense anyways.

"How are we supposed to talk when you keep askin' so many friggin' questions?!" Monotaro shouted. I flinched back. I bit back a spiteful comment, it probably wouldn't end well if I made one. Not right now anyway.

"Yeah! We're not some swift-footed singer who's landed another future ex-boyfriend." Monophanie added. I raised a brow at the very oddly specific phrase. Is she jealous of singers because they have boyfriends? But why would a bear be jealous of that of all things?

"Let's do this already. No one wants to watch a bunch of generic high-school whiners." Monosuke decided. On what though, I'm not sure. The word 'watch' instantly stuck out to me. My mind coming to the same conclusion it keeps coming to, that this is some type of show. However, a show would never be able to get away with kidnapping a bunch of high-school students, right?

"First, we'll update your wardrobe so you guys look all cute and spiffy!" Monokid exclaimed. The word cute didn't sit well with me, mainly because the word didn't match the bear that said it at all. Then clothes popped out of the Exisals, even though nothing was controlling them. The next moment, it was like some magical girl transformation or something. My mind had a hard time keeping up, sense something like this shouldn't be possible. After the supposed, 'transformation' was done, I looked down at my clothes. It reminded me of some sort of straight jacket, I didn't hate it. Though I was highly disturbed about the fact that I was somehow magically in them. Glancing to the side, I looked at the yellowed eyed girl. I was mildly surprised by what I saw. She was wearing the same outfit I saw her in when the two of us had met.

"H-Huh? Wh-What am I wearing?" The blonde girl stuttered out. I looked over at her to see her wearing an outfit that mainly seemed to be music note based. Although the outfit was cute, she look just as shocked as I felt. Granted, everyone looked relatively shocked by the situation.

"Mm-hm! Looking good! Now you look more like Ultimates." The pink bear hummed. Her words annoyed me to no end. The way the Monokubs talked, it was as if they know me better than I know myself.

"Ultimates. . . ? Really. . . ?" The blacked haired boy, now the only one wearing a cap, questioned. He sounded surprised, but that disturbing undertone of excitement was there. It creeped me out immensely.

"Next up, the memory youse all been waiting for." Monosuke continued to ignore us however. As if we weren't worth his time at all. The impeding memory they all keep talking about feeling me with dread.

"Hell yeah! Get ready! Once the seal is broken, we'll be in the domain of the killing game!" Monokid shouted at the top of us lungs. Now that was a term that I actually recognized. It was a game show, Danganronpa. But I thought the people were just actors on a screen, not that they were actually real life people that died!

"Now then, after the Flashback Light helps you remember your amazing talents. . . the amazing story will begin for real this time!" Monotaro added. Suddenly, a bright light filled my vision and it seemed like my life flashed before my eyes. I could feel my old memories leaving me as I struggled to hold onto them, to hold on to anything. However, the longer I tried, the more pointless it became. Instead, new memories filled the old ones, but none of it felt right. Then suddenly, all went to darkness.

Darkness surrounded me. My mind drawing a complete blank. It felt like I was sleeping, but even that word just seemed wrong. As if it didn't quite fit. It didn't fit at all. I need to get up, a sense of looming dread filled me. Fighting against the grogginess, my senses slowly came back to me. Finally getting a sense of myself, I could feel myself locked in some kind of confinement. Panicking, I rushed to get out. With a rush of air, I was on the floor. Looking around me, I quickly took notice of my surroundings. I was in some classroom, that had overgrowth everywhere. Some large monitor was in the room, unsettling me too no degree. Standing up, I quickly wiped away any dust off of me. Looking around me, I saw what had kept me confined, It was a locker. There were more lockers. That I also started to hear movement from. Cautiously, I backed away from the lockers. I boy fell out of one of them. He looked like some sorta, robot? However, another locker was still moving. A girl fell out this time.

I looked at the girl for a moment. Something in my mind screamed at me. Screamed that I should recognize her. However, a stronger force in my mind said that I shouldn't recognize the girl at all. That I've never met her before. Perplexed, I studied the girl. She was a girl with with bright and piercing yellow eyes. Her hair was a snowy white, and sprawled out around her. Be the looks of it, her hair was normally straight, and would probably go to just bellow her shoulders. Her bangs were styled the same way, only they were just above her eyes. A comically over sized black hoodie was what the girl wore. Only the hoodie had bear ears, and the pocket was a dark grey. Light grey sweatpants covered the girl's legs, bright yellow sneakers were on the girl's feet. The outfit she was wearing also seemed familiar. However, the strange pull in my head insisted that I didn't know who this girl was. The other part of me screamed that I did, but I didn't know from where. The more time went on however, the voice that screamed so desperately grew smaller and smaller. Almost to the point that I couldn't sense it.

Her eyes scanned the surrounding area, analyzing everything. Then her eyes landed on me. I kept a relaxed posture as I smirked at the girl cockily, but her eyes weren't accusatory. Instead, the girl stood up, and wiped the dust off of her. Then she offered her hand to the boy beside her, who grabbed onto her hand. She pulled them up with ease.

"So, does anyone know what's going on?" The girl yawned. Her eyes drifted back to me as she eyed me up in down, as if she was at war with herself just like I was a moment ago. I had decided that I didn't in fact know this girl, but a part of me was hopeful she would recognize me, for some reason. However, the more a felt this way, the more the strange pull that had a hold of me insisted that I didn't know this girl at all. Her body language was tense, for some reason that also filled me with a sense of déjà vu. I hummed for a moment thinking. Last I could remember, I was with D.I.C.E. But then, how did I end up here?

"I don't know, I woke up in a locker like the two of you." The smirk on my face grew deviously. "Or who knows? Maybe I'm the one that kidnapped the two of you~! I am a liar after all." I teased. The boy, or robot, visibly began to panic. However, the girl looked back at the lockers before looking at me.

"Considering there are three lockers open, I'll assume you were telling the truth when you said you woke up here like us." The girl shrugged. She was still tense, but it didn't appear that she was threatened by me. Her words were said with such a nonchalance, it didn't appear she was even upset about my teasing. However the robot looking boy doesn't look nearly as laid back as the girl.

"P-Please don't joke about something like that! That is no laughing matter at all!" The boy lectured. I rolled my eyes, and placed my hands behind my head. My smirk remained, however it was much more playful that it was before.

"Well anyways, who're you two? I'm Ouma Kokichi! The Ultimate Supreme Leader!" I declared. However the other two didn't seem nearly as amazed as most people do when they meet an Ultimate. The boy, oddly enough, looks rather proud of himself for some reason.

"Achikita Mayu, I'm the Ultimate Sleeper." Achikita yawned, as if to further this statement. Something in the back of my mind clicked. As if her Ultimate was truly real, so true that I could feel it to my very core. I could feel that it was more true than my very own Ultimate. This filled me with confusion to no end. How could that be right? Though I was given no time to think on this, when the tiny voice from earlier came back with a vengeance. "Hey, Ouma-san? Do I know you from somewhere? You seem oddly familiar. . ." Then the voice started screaming at me once more.

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