6 Chapter II: Way more than expected... (Part II)



Passing by a familiar figure... Stopping the car a few meters away from her.


I've never thought that I will be meeting her this soon. There is she, standing beside the fence looking at the trees and taking pictures of them.

*Smile* 'She seems like a tourist...'

Wearing a long-sleeve white shirt decorated with a little lace tie on the neck, a long violet skirt the same colour as her high heels that remind me of Violet Iris. She is holding a tiny bag. While her hair is tied to the back, wearing a little white round hat.

While I am observing her from far, she seems like she didn't notice me. She is looking left and right.

'Should I be suspicious of her behaviour or keep watching the show?'

'Taking off her heels? Why would she do---'

She just jumped over the fence right now...

I’ve never thought she would be able to do that. Sneaking to other property.

A smirk was drowning on my face without noticing it.

Reaching the entrance of the farm, parking the car, walking into the woods, passing by the most beautiful lake I've ever seen.

Entering my wooden cabinet. Setting down. And for a moment a thought crossed my mind but erased it. 'I wonder what is she doing right now?'

Yet, my mind couldn't resist asking 'Who would walk in a forest with a high heel?'

Timing passing... Looking outside the window, it's getting dark and cloudy seems like it’s going to rain really heavily tonight.

Looking at my watch, "Well I guess I should hurry if I don't want to be fought by the upcoming storm."

Placing the glass of red wine on the table while preparing myself to leave.

-“Wow, so pretty!” Hearing a familiar voice. Taking a few steps to see to whom does it belong. The same figure that I saw earlier. I stepped forward and said with a firm voice: “What are you doing here? This is private property!”

For a moment I saw her flenching to my sudden statement what made me laugh a little at her.

-“What are you taking so long to answer? Are you deaf perhaps?” I said firmly after organizing my cold expression.

-“I am sorry I didn’t know it’s a Priv..a..te...pro..per..ty...” She is replying while turning to face me.

Her eyes were a clear blue Sapphire. They are stunning. She is looking at me with a stunned expression drown on her face like she just saw a ghost and while pointing her at me she shouted -“It’s you!”.

Looking at her puzzled by her reaction, crossing my arms and looking at her.

-“What are you doing here?!” She said.

-“Shouldn’t you be answering that?”

She gave me a super annoyed expression. ‘Cute.’

-“None of your business!” then she turned her face to the other side.

‘I want to annoy her more.’ A thought crossed my mind.

-“Look here, Miss! This is private property I don’t care how you got here but I do care if you leave.”Saying with an annoyed tone.

I could see a faint smile drawn on her face. She thinks that she succeed in annoying me.

-“Oww really! I didn’t know... but I am not leaving if you don’t!”.

-“What? I don’t get it could you repeat...”

-“I said... I am not leaving unless you leave first. It’s not like you own this place.”

-“I own this place.”

-“Hmm... Wait for real?! Do you own it? When? How? Why?”

-“Look here Miss I don’t think it’s one of your business to know all of that. But if you don’t want to leave then okay suit yourself...” Saying while turning to leave.

But the idea of just leaving didn’t suit me. I want to scare her.

‘I like the sound of this idea.’

-“But, I don’t want your corpse to destroy the reputation of my place... so, what I mean is you can keep walking straight and then take a turn to the left and die there... you will be outside my property by then...”

-“Hey! wai--- Ahhhhh!!!!!!”

The moment I turned around to catch her it was too late. She already slipped on the wet grass and fell into the lake. She lost her balance...

