

[WARNING!! THIS NOVEL CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT AND WORDS THAT SOME VIEWERS MAY FIND UPSETTING. VIEWERS DESCRETION IS ADVISED] Glen and Charlotte were two best friends who fell in love with a trashy, self centered, rich and womanizing man, they knew what they were getting themselves into, but they blindly indulged in a pointless relationship with the handsome young man who was just there for the pleasure. Charlotted died after birthing the child she had in her short relationship with Henry, he traveled shortly after she tried to impose the responsibility of her child on him. Glen was now the only one left with his best friend’s child to care for, but then Henry returned to claim the child and Glen was not ready to give up Charlotte’s child.

Larts90 · LGBT+
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24 Chs


It was quite a long night, before Glen would realize, it was morning. He winced from sun rays were hitting his face as he sluggishly got up with achy feelings around his body. His muscles felt sore especially around his waist.

He slowly glanced around the room when he noticed Henry beside him sleeping soundly. He hitched moving away from him a bit and could feel his head spinning all of a sudden.


He held his head, opening the blanket on top of him and only just realized he was naked and Henry was too. His pupil blasted open, stunned when he realized everything that happened last night wasn't a dream.

He could feel his aching muscles and the twinging pains in his butt that was evident to conclude that it wasn't a dream.

I can't believe it, Henry actually did it with me…

His eyes became watery from the joy he suddenly felt within him, but then his expression turned gloomy all of a sudden.

What if it was just a one night stand?

He crouched his knees closer to his face, leaning on it with brooding eyes.

What if he returns to his cold gaze the moment he wakes up?

He shifted his gaze to Henry's sleeping face, glowing with the beam from the sunlight. Glen's could suddenly hear his heart thumping in his ears—his hands slowly approaching Henry's face, when suddenly Henry snatched his wrists startling him.

"What are you doing?" Henry enquired cocking an eyebrow as he sluggishly sat up letting go of Glen's wrist. He dropped his legs on the floor, reaching out for his sweat pants in his locker.

"I-I'm sorry." Glen said retracting his hands, pulling it closer to his chest anxious that he may have angered Henry.

"I-I should start going now."

He said wrapping the blanket properly around his body to reach out for his clothes that were lying around the floor.

He definitely sees this as a one night stand doesn't he?

Glen crouched down to pick up his T-shirt—pausing momentarily with pains evident in his eyes.

At least…at least it was wonderful while it lasted.

"Is this how you're supposed to treat me just after pouring your feelings out for me last night?"

Henry said abruptly causing Glen to jolt and turned around quite stunned. He stood up fiddling nervously and responded. "No, I-I really do love you, I just don't want to…make you uncomfortable or come to hate me…I-I'm sorry if I made you misunderstand my intentions."

"I see."

Henry beckoned. "Come sit here let's talk a bit before you head out."

Glen was quite confused, it's not what he had imagined. He thought he would've told him to leave the moment he got up from his sleep.

Glen sat down nervously and could feel his heart thumping as Henry stared at him intently, he wondered what could be going through his thoughts while having his eyes all over him.

Henry sat down and continued. "Last night, I felt extremely satisfied. I didn't even know it wouldn't be so bad at all, doing it with a guy."

Hearing Henry say that, Glen's face flushed from his cheeks to his ears, embarrassed.

"So, I would like us to keep doing this, as fuck buddies."

Glen was quite puzzled at what Henry meant by "fuck buddies."

"Is it like dating and having sex with your partner?" He enquired quite concerned.

Henry blinked his eyes stunned by Glen's innocence, it really was quite unexpected that a guy in his early twenties didn't know that much.

He let out a throaty laughter, amused. "However you see it or take it."

Glen abruptly knelt down before Henry with a pleading eye. "I really want to be with you, I've held on for a really…a really long time…p-please assure me that I have a chance." He tugged at the rear end of his sweat pants.

Henry's pupils blasted open, immensely stunned with a grin on his lips. "You're quite bolder than you look you know?."

He yanked Glen by his hair initiating a deep kiss on him.

Glen tightened his eyes a few seconds and opened his eyes to unexpectedly meet Henry's eyes staring him down as they kissed. He grew immensely abashed with Henry deeply plodding his tongue in and out of his mouth.

Henry retracted his lips and Glen exhaled loudly like he was holding his breath through out the kissing.

With a taunty grin Henry said. "You're really bad at kissing."

Glen covered his mouth, averting his eyes abashed.

"I have to visit my dad, where's your phone?"

He asked and Glen rushed to pull it out of his pocket, handing it to Henry.

Henry tapped on Glen's phone screen and handed him back his phone. "I saved my number there. Don't call me for unnecessary reasons."


"Go shower up." Henry said pulling his phone close to his ear about to make a call.

Glen nodded and walked away to the direction of the bathroom.


He striped the blanket off his body and got under the warm shower, his hair to his nude body drenched with the water making him to feel relaxed.

After he was done showering he went to mirror in the bathroom and only just nocticed his body had been mottled by hickeys, from his nipples to his neck. His face flushed red from shame.

He was quite fascinated by the trails Henry left of his skin, even though he wasn't a woman, Henry still held him with affection.

Why do I still feel less satisfied? I got his number…

"What's keeping you there?" Henry said with a knock on the bathroom door startling Glen.

He hurried closer to the door and responded leaning against the door. "Can you please hand me my T-shirt?". Patiently, He for Henry to bring his clothe.

Henry returned to the door with a knock and said. "Here it is."

Glen opened the door slightly to collect his clothes, wanting to prevent Henry from seeing his body once more. He was still feeling embarrassed from everything.

Henry was quite displeased with the fact that Glen was being secretive about his body, he shoved a leg in between the door to prevent it from getting shut.

With a startled expression Glen asked. "W-what is it?"

Cocking an eyebrow Henry responded. "Why are you being so secretive about your body? I already saw everything last night."

Not relenting, Glen still tried to shut the door despite hearing the facts. "I- about that…I have to get dressed." He stuttered averting his eyes as he could see Henry's cold eyes peering through the door space.

Henry let's out an exasperated sigh and continued. "Whatever, just get done quickly."


Glen came out of the bathroom door with only his oversized T-shirt which was high above his knee, his hair slightly wet sticking to his face.

Henry flickered his eyes down to his slender pale legs which were very visible and attention grabbing.

Glen averted his eyes, quite nervous with the way that Henry was gazing at him.

"I-I'm done." He said to distract Henry from staring so intently.

Henry brushed his hair backwards with his hands, stumped with an incredulous grin approaching Glen. He leaned closer pulling Glen by his waist.

"What is it about you that I can't stop looking at? You're too beautiful to be a guy. It's such a waste."

Glen felt hurt by the words that came out of Henry's mouth, but he wasn't sure how he should react or respond.

"D-Do you find me disgusting? What is it that you don't like about me?" Glen asked Henry with hope evident in his eyes.

Henry was quiet for a few seconds crinkling his brows. "It's not that I don't like you." He retracted his hands from Glen. "Besides you made me experience something different, I just think you look quite similar to a woman nevertheless." He said, his voice dry without a single hint of jesting.

"I ordered food eat it before you leave." He said as he made his way into to bathroom and Glen could hear his foot steps trailing off mixed with his heart beats.

I really don't understand everything he meant, but I think I should feel relieved…


Henry was soon done with his bath, drying his hair with a towel while he made his way to the dining, but Glen was already gone after eating only half of the food he ordered him. His eyes caught a small note Glen sticked on top of the table that read; "Have a nice day!"

Henry chuckled a soft laugh amused and muttered. "I just have to create a much bigger scandal don't I? What would my old man say this time?" He snorted with laughter.

sorry for late updates. T T

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