
Lesson Four Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Trump Card (2)

"I believe you were going to settle this via a QUIZ, weren't you? Not through violence. You're out of control, Levi." Lucifer was standing in front of me, his usual appearance different. From his back, I could see four beautiful black wings that were coming out of a high-collared, twin-tailed coat with red and gold peacock feather patterning. When Lucifer looked over at me from over his shoulder I could see a black diamond on his forehead and two curled bulls horns. He was also currently wearing red gloves instead of his usual black ones.

Even though I was still shaking from almost dying I couldn't help but find Lucifer attractive at the moment. He was like some beautiful being that could kill me without breaking a sweat. I wonder if being in a near-death experience causes you to see all the beautiful things in the world before you die….?

"L...Lucifer…" Levi's angry expression slowly turned to a timid one as he slowly backed away from Lucifer. Seeing as Lucifer was the safest place right now I moved over more behind his back and looked at Levi with nervous eyes.

"Wh…?!" Mammon was getting off the ground, his pants covered in ice cream that looked like it would be a pain to clean up later. He looked shocked that Lucifer was protecting at the moment and I felt the same at the moment.

"Unbelievable! Just as Leviathan was about to strike who should step in and stop him but the one and only Lucifer himself! Simply incredible!" Asmodeus voiced his surprise as well as he looked at Lucifer who was still standing in front of me.

"I haven't seen you leap to someone's rescue like that in quite some time, Lucifer." Satan didn't show much surprise on his face but he had a look in his eyes that I didn't trust at the moment.

"Munch… Munch…. Munch…. Gag! …. Ack… food… caught in throat…" I didn't know if Beel was choking because he was surprised by Lucifer as well or he was eating too fast. I'm just going to assume it is the latter…

"Levi, go back to your room and cool off." Lucifer kind of reminds me of my mom with how stern he was to a now timid looking Levi. Levi didn't do anything right away, just looking at the ground with a frown on his face.

"Levi? You heard what he said, right?" Diavolo didn't have his usual smile on his face as he looked at Levi with a serious look on his face. Levi then nodded his head slowly as he mumbled out a quiet response as he went to leave the room.

My heart was still beating fast and I think I had tears in my eyes but I didn't feel like I was going to die anymore. Mammon was looking over to Lucifer with an unreadable expression on his face and Lucifer raised an eyebrow at him, curious about what he wanted to say.

"What is it, Mammon? You look like you want to say something." Lucifer gave him a look that told him to speak his mind but Mammon just looked away from his with an annoyed look on his face.

"...No. I don't wanna say nothin'." Mammon had his arms crossed around his chest as he looked away from Lucifer, still looking upset at the moment. I feel like I should be the one who is upset because I almost died but that's just me.

"So, what're we going to do now? How are we supposed to have our competition without Levi?" I could feel my eyebrow twitch in irritation when Asmodeus mentioned the competition. I think it should just end since… I don't know… I ALMOST DIED!

"I guess this means the competition ends in a draw. Neither one of them won." Diavolo clapped his hands together as he said this with his usual smile appearing back on his face.

"I've got an idea. You should give your guest free cafeteria meal tickets as a parting gift. Fifty years' worth ought to do the trick." I don't know if I want to get pissed at Beel for only thinking of food or just be impressed he managed not to pay attention to the situation at the moment. I want to sleep for fifty years from all this stress I dealt with at the moment.

"Still, I have to say I find it surprising that you would go out of your way just to rescue a mere human, Lucifer. Very surprising…. Don't you agree, Mammon?" I don't like what Satan is trying to do. It feels like he thinks there is something special about me but I have a feeling it's just because I am a human transfer student.

"...Huh? Why're ya askin' me?" Mammon was still a bit out of it as he responded to Satan with half-ass effort.

"As the oldest, I naturally have to clean up my younger siblings' messes." When Lucifer said that, Mammon's expression grew even more upset and he looked to the ground with a frown on his face.

I didn't want to be on the floor anymore so I got up and made sure not to put any weight on my ankle that was hurting me at the moment. I looked at Lucifer who was currently looking at me and I quietly mumbled words of thanks as I went to get off the stage.

I almost tripped off the stage but was quickly steady by Mammon who appeared by my side and was holding onto my shoulder so he could guide me back to my room. Seeing as I needed some form of comfort I held on tightly to Mammon clothes and got as close as I could to him. Even if he didn't like me a lot I felt safer near him then anyone else here.

Back At The House Of Lamentation….

"So, ya made it out of that without being attacked, only to end up fallin' on your butt and sprainin' your ankle… Seriously, could you be any more of a klutz?" Mammon was complaining as he bandaged my sore ankle. I flinched a bit when he was a bit too rough with it and raised an eyebrow in surprise when Mammon made his hold on my ankle gentler.

"You humans really are way less physically capable than us demons. That's because they don't eat enough. And unlike us, they don't eat the right things." Beel said this a bit muffled as he ate the crust of pizza that was brought to my room by Mammon.

"Stop tying everything back to food, Beel! Actually, why're you even here, anyway? Seems to me that you've been spendin' an awful lot of time here ever since the night of the DVD marathon." I gave Mammon a look when he said that to Beel. Did he not notice he is doing the same thing…?

"Well, so have you. I mean, you've even left a cell phone charger here. And a toothbrush, too. That's how much you're over here." Beel pointed out the stuff that was clearly not mine in the room and I nodded my head in agreement with him. Mammon has just been leaving his stuff in my room lately whenever he came over. It is strange and I don't know if it is because we are close or not.

"W…well that's because, uh… you know… I've gotta look after this human, don't I? It's my job…" Mammon was messing around with the bandage tape in his hand in an embarrassed way and he was avoiding eye contact with me as well as he spoke to Beel.

"Mammon, you're doing a terrible job with those bandages." Beel pointed to my ankle that was starting to look like a circle shape due to how much Mammon was wrapping it. It would be a hard time walking like this…

"Hey, shut up! I've never had to wrap someone's ankle before, okay? I don't know how it works! If you think I'm doin' such a bad job, then why don't YOU do it, Beel!" Mammon pointed angrily at Beel and looked ready to throw the bandage tape at Beel's head.

"Munch…. Chew…. Mm, nothing beats pizza for a midnight snack." Beel just ignored him as he ate another pizza and I hoped he wasn't eating my pizza slices that I didn't even get to eat yet because Mammon wanted to bandage my ankle right away.

"Dammit Beel, listen to me when I'm talking to you! Wait a minute… Isn't that MY slice you've got there in your other hand?!" Mammon looked pissed when he saw the Beel was currently eating his slices of pizza.

"You know, I could really go for a soda right now. I'm going to go run to the kitchen." Beel went to leave for the kitchen, still eating Mammon slices of pizza as he exited my room.

"... Hey, Beel! You put down one of those slices you're holdin' right now! HEY!" Mammon called after Beel who just ignored him as he left for the kitchen.

"Of all the… Seriously, does that guy ever stop eatin'?! You'd better keep a close eye on your pizza, or he'll steal yours away next." Mammon looked annoyed as he leans back on my bed and I brought my wrapped ankle closer to me so I wouldn't accidentally touch him with my foot.

"...Ah… um, by the way… There's somethin' I want you to know… Listen. The next time your life's in danger, I'm gonna be the one to save you, all right? Don't you forget that… And if I can't manage to save ya, then make sure you die, got it?! I don't want no one else steppin' in and savin' you, all right?! It's me or no one, understand!?!" Mammon had his face covered as he told me this and I think his ears were… red?

"Why?" I couldn't understand why it mattered that he was the one who saved me. I thought he didn't care about me. This is confusing, I hope he knows that.

"B-Because… ya know, because it's my JOB!" Mammon uncovered his face as he glared at me with a red face. I couldn't help but chuckle at how embarrassed he was. He is so awkward…

"Huh…? That ain't my phone. Is it yours? Hey, Yuki… your D.D.D.'s ringing." As I was chuckling to myself at how funny Mammon was acting, Mammon pointed out my D.D.D. was currently ringing. I was surprised about that. I didn't have anyone here who would be calling me since I wasn't that close to that many people.

I went to grab my phone and tried to be careful not to hurt my ankle as I moved my body. When I looked at my phone I felt my eyebrow raised when I saw it was Levi who was calling me…. Is this a sign of death?

Hello there~ I am back with another chapter for this story! My week was fucking weird since I had to go to urgent care since my asthma decided to be a bitch and flare up on me. I do feel better but that didn't have to happen in the first place. But at least the week got better after the game added a new event for me to play (which I already finished already...). Well that all I have to say for now and I am going to head on out now. I hope this chapter was enjoyable for you and that you are healthy and safe! Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~

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