
Lesson Four Chapter Thirty-Four - Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony (2)

"Wha? Ugh, so it's another one of your lame ideas. You always do this… Listen, for starters, camping is a total drag. Isn't that right, Beel?" Mammon gave Simeon a disinterested look and that made me want to hit him over the head for being so rude to this beautiful angel!

"Hmm, camping… That would mean cooking out… Ooh, and roasting marshmallows… I'm in." Beel had his hand on his stomach as he happily agreed to Simeon's suggestion. So this gave me the okay to join in as well seeing as it would be too embarrassing if I went with him by myself.

"Ya see, this is your problem, Beel. You've gotta quit lettin' your stomach make decisions for you. So, what do you think about this camping thing, Yuki?" Mammon could only let out at Beel as he shook his head and then he turned his attention to me.

"Sounds like fun…" I was stealing quick looks at Simeon and forcing down the blush that was trying to appear on my face. I just wanted to learn more about this beautiful angel…

"Hey! What with that shy look on your face! It's creepy!" Mammon was looking at me with fierce eyes and I tried to tell him to shut up with my eyes, I didn't want to get embarrassed in front of this attractive man.

"Well, just keep in mind that we're going camping, and you're invited." Simeon gave me a gentle smile that went straight to my heart and I just wanted to pass out directly on the floor due to how pleased I was.

"Uh-oh, it seems I have a phone call. If you'll excuse me, I should really take this. You three take care now." Simeon waved at us with that beautiful smile on his face and I was still in a daze at how attractive he was. I got out of my daze once I realized Luke was looking at me with serious eyes and I remembered what he told me before.

'Never trust a demon…' I tried not to frown at the confusing emotions that my heart went through as I thought about that. I mean demons are bad… I think? I really shouldn't be thinking this deeply when I didn't sleep that much last night.

"Hey, Fido. Shouldn't you be headin' off with your friend there?" Mammon made a shooing motion with his hand toward Luke who glared at him but it just looked so cute in my eyes. I really can't take such a cute little child seriously.

"...Hey. Don't you tell me what to do. As it happens, I AM leaving, yes, but not because you told me to… Also, MY NAME'S NOT FIDO, OKAY?!" Luke raised his voice and his face grew red as he let out a huff as he turned around sharply and left out the classroom as well.

After School…

I was laying in my bed, my finished schoolwork was next to my bed on the ground. I was trying to take a nap but I kept remembering that person in the attic. I still couldn't understand why he wanted me to make a pact with Beel next…

As I was in the state of being half asleep and half awake I was brought back to focus once I heard the right tone from my D.D.D. Grabbing for my D.D.D that was next to my pillow I looked at who was contacting me at the moment.


Mammon - I'm feeling a little hungry

Mammon -Come meet me in the kitchen. Now.

Mammon - Just to be clear, it's not like I'm afraid Lucifer might catch me if I go alone. That's not what this is about.

Mammon - Seriously, that's not what this is about! For real, it isn't!


Looking at the text messages from Mammon I felt confused at the reason why he was hiding the fact he was scared at what Lucifer may do to him. I mean he is a scary demon so I would understand if he was scared of Lucifer as well.

Seeing as I was going to be able to take my nap because I knew if I didn't go right away Mammon would come into my room and drag me out of my bed. Forcing myself to get off my bed I headed to the kitchen. As I was walking to the kitchen I put my hair into a messy ponytail and tried to deal with the hair that was appearing in front of my face.

"Took ya long enough." Mammon was leaning impatiently on the kitchen counter as he watched me walk into the kitchen. I could only let out a tired groan as I stopped in front of Mammon.

"Listen, when I call you, you need to come lickity-split. I'm hungry, and I'm in a bad mood to boot. Ya shoulda known that. Well, whatever. Let's have a look inside the fridge and see what we can find." Mammon went over to the fridge and dug around in it for a while. I was behind him letting out a few yawns as I waited for him to find something to eat.

"...Ugh, there's nothin' good in here. Wait… now what do we have here? Looks like a custard." Mammon was holding a custard in his hand as he closed the fridge with the other one. He went over to get two spoons from the kitchen drawer and handed me one of the spoons.

"Here, eat this. I need an accomplice. I don't wanna be the only one in trouble." Mammon hands me the cup of custard with a note written on it: "Property of Beelzebub. You eat it, you die".

The sleepiness I was feeling disappeared instantly as I felt myself get seriously cold and I could feel my hands start to shake as I held something rather dangerous in my hand. I looked over to Mammon with wide nervous eyes.

"You've gotta be seriously brave to eat this custard here. If you can do that, I'll admit that you've got guts. So, you're gonna do it, right? What am I sayin'? Do it. That's an order." Mammon was pushing me to eat the custard in my hand and I glare at him like he was doing something dumb as hell.

"No! Why don't you eat it, Mammon?! I am not even hungry!" I pushed the custard toward him as I shook my head at the thought of eating something that belonged to Beel. That would be instant death!

"Were you even listenin' to what I said? If I'm the only one eatin' this stuff, and end up gettin' caught, then I'll take all of the blame. You're already an accomplice in this. You were from the second you agreed to meet me here. So, go on, eat it!" Mammon grabbed the spoon I was holding and forced feed me the custard. I could only swallow the food once I realized he wasn't going to take the spoon out my mouth until I ate the custard.

"There we go. You did it. You totally ate Beel's custard! I saw ya! Great, now I've got an accomplice. If you ate his stuff too, that means we're in this boat together! So, my turn. Let's see if I can't find anything else good in here. I've got a feeling there's probably something nice hiding back here in this corner--." Mammon reopened the fridge after he finished off the custard. I was going to say something to stop here when I froze in place when from the corner of my eye I saw Beel.

"D'AH…! Beel! Wh-What's the big idea sneakin' up on me like that? How long have you been there…?" Mammon closed the fridge in his shock and nervously looked at the silent Beel. I could feel cold sweat appearing on my back as I looked at Beel. I was really hoping he knew that Mammon forced me to eat his custard…

"...Did you eat my custard? Did you actually eat my CUSTARD?! Answer me, Mammon!" Beel took a step toward us and it felt like the ground cracked under his feet. I had a feeling this situation was getting bad really fast and I should probably move away from Mammon.

"N-Now wait a second, Beel! Lemme explain! There's a good reason for-!" Before Mammon could say anything Beel took another heavy step toward us and I could just feel everything going off in me shouting "DANGER, DANGER!"

"You did, didn't you…?" A dark area surrounds Beel and when it disappears Beel's appearance looks different. Beel had a pair of black, ridged horns that curled around his head like a circlet. He was wearing a black shirt with a grey flame pattern on the right side under a black punk jacket with a high collar. The collar had a buckle dangling from it and two patches of gold spikes on either arm. The coat only went to his hips, I could see a pair of insect-like wings coming from his back. He was wearing a pair of black pants with black cowboy boots and a white belt hanging off his hip.

He looked really attractive at the moment but I knew he was also really dangerous. I was conflicted with being attracted to him or being scared. But I knew he was seriously pissed off at the moment.

"You… ate... My… CUSTARD…!" Beel raised his voice at us and it felt like the air was shaking around us. I was conflicted with hiding behind Mammon or moving away from him.

"Uh-oh…!" Mammon quickly got in front of me and I quickly held onto the back of his jacket. This may have been a bad idea but he is a strong demon so I may be okay… Probably…

If I die because of a fucking custard I will seriously haunt Mammon for the rest of his demon life!

I am done with this chapter and this is the end of lesson four and now it is time for the extra chapter. I don't know if I will do a double update or not. But you guys will figure it out sooner or later! I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter and that you are safe and healthy. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~

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