
A Serpent's Rise

After passing away I found myself reborn as a snake in a mystical world without any system or cheat abilities. This world is filled with monsters and to survive and make a place for myself in this monstrous foodchain I must become a monster myself.

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasy
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18 Chs


[50 years later ]

Nothing significant has happened in the past five decades, I have reached a length of 19 meters and bony ridges have started growing on my spine. Now there is fully formed beard along with moustache of my Serpentine face which extends some 10-15 cm below my lower jaw giving me a rather mature look my naga standards. Bony ridges have also formed on my eyebrows forming a secondary layer of protection but making my eyes look sunken giving me a particularly intimidating look.

During these past decades I encountered few large snake on the very outskirts of my territory who were as large as me and few even bigger but they just looked like regular snakes unlike me who has all there additional features. This new observation has led me to a conclusion that the kundlini or the inter energy that is present in my body is responsible for my transformation as the large snake which I encountered gave of very little energy and were not intelligent. Im not saying that they were dumb as there size was the indicator that they were better than there peers but compared to me they were like monkeys are to humans. Most importantly they showed signs of aging as there bodies were filled with scars and there movements were slow. They were dying but I am still energetic as ever and still show no signs of aging.

Kundlini is present in all living creatures but the amount present is what that differentiate mere animals to spiritual ones like me. Animals which can awaken this dormant energy become more intelligent and ascend to greater states of mind and body.

Some creatures handle this energy better than other like snakes such as me but only if they manage to awaken it, same goes for humans which are naturally intelligent but fail to awaken it most of the time because they are busy chasing petty desires of flesh and neglect the true source of life and transformation that exist within all of us.

Day by day, week by week and year by year im finding myself in a meditative state as there is no lack of food as I have become some sort of local Deity for the goliath tribe and whenever they see me basking in sunlight im offered food sacrifice due to which I don't even leave my lair to hunt.

Few more years went in a blink of an eye until one day I stumbled upon something that got me intrigued. Due to a landslide near the river end an ancient fossil got exposed, the fossil was heavily fragmented but only its skull remained intact.

The skull only managed to remain intact because it was protected by a large iron helmet which offered it some protection from the elements and had partly fused to the rock surrounding it due to untold eons of sedimentation. It was no doubt that the skull belonged to a humanoid but the disturbing part was larger than any goliath I have seen so far as the I estimated The skull to be around 8.2 meters in height without including the helmet with 3 rows of jagged teeth each the size of a large german shepherd. The helmet was shattered on the posterior side with scorch marks all over it as if this giant was hit by a lightning bolt. One thing was sure that this creature what ever it was that it was clearly intelligent and had been capable of forging equipments from ores from this planet. As for The size of the entire body I didn't even dared to make a assumption.

I could only guess that these giants probably had to use a volcano to forge equipments capable to fitting them and I simply shuddered at The thought of how much they had to eat to sustain themselves.

Few months went by and finally the goliaths discovered it. The tribe started covering up the fossil with mud and dirt until it was no longer visible and it seemed like it had never been there.After the burial was done, Giaia along with all of the members of the tribe gathered to honor the fossil in a form of ancestral prayer.

"Behold thee my brother and sisters", spoke The chieftain in a proud yet mournfull bellow.

" Behold thy Ancient one"

"Behold thy honored ancestor, Behold thy son of the Divine nags"

"We honor the son of the thunderous serpent"

"We honor thy warrior who stood up against the wrath of the devas"

"We honor thee our ancient father, We honor thy might Titan who sacrificed thyself so the progeny of The serpent gods may sings the songs of their Glory for Eons to come!!" .

The chieftain had tears rolling down his face with snot comming out his nose as if he was Drenched in a memory of a time long gone.

The other goliaths along Giaia were all in a mournful state crying and wailing. These monsters who slew men as if they were cattle, drank their blood as if it was nectar were now reduced to such a pitful state.

I observed all that specticle from my astral form and scanned their feeling and memories.

These goliaths are survivors of a genocide, there civilization was wiped out and there population was almost driven to extinction by a group of beings called the Devas. The ancient skull that was unearthed was of an ancient Goliath who sacrificed himself while fighting the devas to save his race.

One thing that really confused me that these goliaths believe that they are the descendants of nagas. Then it suddenly hit my mind, the legends and myths from earth.

Nephilim, Jotunn , Titans , Danavas , Asuras these creatures are know by many name but one thing is common. They are huge in stature with a craving For the flesh of man.

These creatures were always shown to be at war with the gods or angles.

These creatures had one more peculiar characteristic that they were not of natural origin, They were hybrids.