
A selfmade man

He who came back to the past are now building his business empire to change his destiny and get his revenge from his former boss.

arnelzxc · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Chapter 2

Chen woke up early in the morning at 6am Shaochen was still sleeping and snoring it looks like this guy will have a hang over, Chen Fan came down of the building and walked around the neighborhood he's still not used to this fragile body so he plan to exercise himself he's plan was to walk first to warm up his body.

Chen fan was walking around the neighborhood when he notice a pack people he thought there's must be something interesting over there. so he walk until he saw what are they looking at, Chen Fan walked to the crowd there he saw people playing dice game these people will let you lose all your money and if you win their money they will not let you go even if they need to beat you up these people are a cheater they are using some magnets to control the dice, Chen Fan hate this kind of people so he walked away and did not pay attention to those people.

Chen fan did not know that he walk too far away from Shaochen's home and now he's now at the business district of J.City when Chen fan finally discover that he was at the center of the city he stopped and scratched his head and to himself.'i didn't even notice that i walk too far haha Ahh right the Public Library of the City was just near this place' Chen Fan laugh at his own stupidness.

Chen fan continue to walk around again until he saw the J.City public library Chen fan walked at the direction of the library and was about to go inside when the guard stopped him at the entrance.

"Hey kid you can't just enter here just because you want to enter all the people who come here are seriously studying inside this is not a place for a thug like you." Chen fan look at his clothing he forgot that he borrow a clothes from Shaochen Chen fan answered the guard politely

"Excuse me sir but i'm here to read some books and not to make a scene here i was really going to study inside and i'm not some kind of punk or thug i just borrow this clothes from a friend of mine." said by Chen fan. But the guard did not believe him at all.

"Don't try to fool me kid." The man looked at Chen Fan in serious face

"I'm really going to study inside sir." Chen fan tried to explain himself again he don't want to make a ruckus because of this simple matter.

The man was about to enter the library when he heard the guard and a young boy arguing he interrupted the two and asked what's happening.

"Excuse me what are you guys arguing about?" said by the man the guard was about to talk back when he saw the man's face and he smiled awkwardly.

"Its nothing Professor Xin this kid want to go inside i just told him that he cant enter because he will just cause trouble inside the library if the people studying inside complain about this kid i will be the one in trouble from my superior" then the professor look at Chen fan and ask him.

"what are you going to do inside of the library?" The professor asked Chen and he answered the professor politely.

"Im just going to read some books and look for some old newspaper." Chen Fan looked at the professor and smiled a little

Professor Zhao Smiled and told the guard not to mind the kid he will accompany Chen Fan so he can't cause trouble that guard felt helpless and just agreed to the Professor and Chen fan follow the man from behind until they arrive at a vacant table at the side of the library Chen fan looked around and see a bunch of people reading books quietly.

Then Chen fan walked at the book shelves related to the history of country and business related books.

After picking up some books Chen fan walk back to the table with the man who help him get inside. while reading the book the man suddenly ask him

"Kid are you interested in country's history or do you want to become business man?"Chen fan looked at the man and answer the question.

"Everyone was interested in country's history and this business related books i just want to read and see if i can learn something out of it."Then the professor ask him again

"How old are you?" Professor Xin said, Chen fan look at the man and answered him again.

"Im 18 years old" Chen Fan was getting annoyed he cant focus on what he's doing.

The professor asked Chen fan another question again

"Are you a student that preparing for University Examination?" The professor saw Chen fan expression and was about to change the topic when Chen fan stand up and pick up all the books he's reading and answered the man

"No i'm not a student preparing for University Exam i didn't even graduate from a highschool so why would i prepare for University Exam."The Professor looked at him and smiled only and Chen fan brought back the book to the shelves and walked out of the library he don't have the mood to read some books now, Who would be able to read a book if someone keep asking question on you, So he walked out of the building and headed to Shaochen's home.

Chen fan came back to the apartment and he saw Shaochen sipping on a coffee Shaochen asked Chen fan

"Where did you go so early in the morning? Chen smiled at him and answered Shaochen

"I just walked around and read some books at the library" Chen fan asked Shaochen some question

"Brother Song do you have some part-time work today?" Shaochen looked at him and answer Chen fan

"Do you want some part time job Chen?" Shochen asked him

"Chen you said you just went to the library right, do you know how to read and write?" Shaochen asked Chen fan

"Yeah i know how to read and write i even know a few foreign language." Chen fan said and Shaochen looked at him and smiled and said

"You know a foreign language? Are you fluent in English?" Chen fan answered him

"Yeah im fluent in English" Shaochen face brighten up and said something

"Come with me later i'll introduce you to someone."

"Where are we going later? Who are you going to introduce to me?" Chen fan asked.

"My friend was looking for a translator they need some help to translate some foreign document you can do that right?" Shaochen's got excited for Chen Fan

"Yeah i can do that but how much are they gonna pay us?" Chen fan asked

" You can talk to them about that after seeing the document." Shaochen smiled at him.

Author thoughts

(All of this was just my imagination the character name of place business everything was just my imagination so don't be too alarmed at what's happening.)