
A Seed of Chaos on the World of Order

The Hrodger household has been turbulent since Edward Hrodger, the talented new head of his family's company, proposed to another woman before he married his betrothed. His first wife Sophia is bitter about her husband's impropriety, and his second wife Mirabelle cross with him for not mentioning his engagement. Tensions in the house run high as Mirabelle goes into labor two months after Sophia gave birth to his firstborn son...

Chi11er · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Trial Run

"Hey, Phoebe. I was hoping to find you here."

Percy decided to take Gareth's advice. He went to Phoebe's favorite pastry shop instead of her house, figuring she would want to wind down a bit before going home. 

"Percy? Is something wrong with the Hrodger's? Did Gareth actually die!?"

Phoebe started panicking before Percy quickly hit the brakes on that train of thought.

"No, no, nothing like that. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something... in private."

Lucia picked up Percy's hint... and promptly tossed it out the window.

"No, I think my sister has engaged in enough awkward private conversations today. Anything you want to say to her, you can say in front of me. It's not like she doesn't tell me everything anyway."

"..." Percy was always surprised when Lucia spoke more than a simple statement in one breath. She had gotten more verbose as she got older, but hearing her say more than a taciturn statement was always a bit of a shock.


Percy accepted Lucia's conditions, and decided to press onward before he lost his nerve.

"Phoebe, I remember the moment I learned what it was that I feared the most. That day, when the direwolf attacked, at the moment you fell. I thought I was going to watch my friends die in front of me. Impulsively, I drew that useless training sword my father gave me, and planted my feet. "

Pheobe wondered where Percy was going with this, she was expecting him to do damage control for his liege's brother, not dredge up the past.

"Baron Cormac has a unique alteration to the knight's code of conduct for he and his men: Throwing your life away is strictly forbidden. If there is no chance of victory, we are to retreat. Dead men serve no purpose to the crown. Sacrifice is only permitted when the payoff is worth your life."


Both Phoebe and Lucia were aware of this fact. This particular value on the life of his subordinates flew in the face of tradition, and the old war hawks of Greoburg's court mocked the then knight Belenos Cormac for his implementation of this policy.

But that changed when his platoon achieved outstanding results.

The boost in intelligence gathered from retreating elements and troop morale that came with prioritizing the lives of his platoon eventually placed him in command of a company.

To give the knight the right to command a company, he was awarded an honorary Baron title, which was made permanent following his continued accomplishments in the conflict that followed. Percy's father served as a lieutenant in Baron Cormac's company.


"My father brought me up to adhere to the Cormac regulations. It was my duty to report back alive, not stand my ground to face a beast I had no chance of slaying. I had to ask myself, 'Why did I?'"

Phoebe quickly realized what was going on, and the mischievous look in her sister's eyes said Lucia had known since Percy arrived at he shop. She would need to be punished for her shenanigans later, but for now the young man confessing his feelings had Phoebe's undivided attention.

"I didn't know it at the time, but you already had a special place in my heart, I instinctively moves to protect you, because I have feelings for you, Phoebe. Feeling strong enough I'd rather die with you than live without you.

"I ignored my feelings because I belived you deserved someone better than me. I knew you had feelings for Gareth. Today I learned no normal person is capable of forming an intimate connection with Gareth."

Rub salt in the wound, why don't ya! Why are you talking about other guys, anyway!? Percy's awkward rambling was starting to get on Phoebe's nerves.

"Before I knew it, I had already written myself off as unworthy of you. However, thanks to a friend, I realized that isn't for me to decide. Please, I want you to give me the chance to find a place in your heart. Do you want to have lunch together sometime?"

...He's earnest, I'll give him that. "... Ok. Let's have a lunch day after tomorrow."

"I look forward to it!"

Yeah. I can see this working out. Now for the more pressing issue: how do I get back at my sister?


George was staying with the Coramc family, so he and Marcus shared the same destination. The two bantered as they made their way home.

"That was dramatic."

"That was unbearable. I have a hard time believing our resident prodigy is such a moron."


"Personally, I think he just needs experience. Maybe we could find a discrete establishment in the pleasure district..."

"Interesting plan. I'll tell Mirabell all about it."

"NO! Anything but that! Forget I ever said anything!"

"Deal. I don't need thar second-hand scolding."

"All Joking aside, what do you think of our academic plans."

George stopped to think for a moment before responding.

"I like it. You have the most dangerous role as our frontline tank. Do you think you can do it?"

"Easily. Father may not have much excess to spare for me, but he gave me access to some scrapped armor slated for smelting. Gareth went through it and made me an armor that exceeds the specifications of typical soldier gear. I'm more worried about leaving you to stumble about the wilderness by yourself."

"No need. I spent my childhood traveling with the caravans. Sneaking through forests and moors for firewood is second nature. Besides, I'm too lucky to step into something I can't run away from!"

"You shouldn't be so proud of your cowardice."

"It's like they say, 'He who runs away, runs away!'"

"Nobody says that That! It doesn't mean anything!"

The two friends continued to banter all the way back to the Cormac family's capital estate.

I've hit a rather serious case of writer's block. I doubt I'll be able to reach the 100,000 word count I need to qualify for the writing contest I've entered. I'm back to working ten hour shifts, but it should only be four days a week. I might be able to keep up with writing, if I can get a solid idea of what my next arc should look like. I have an ending, but that isn't helpful right now. lastly, my internet went down this week and will be out until Tuesday. I can still type from my phone, but I am alot slower without my keyboard and I don't have all of my reference material on my phone.

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