
A Second Chance.

I've always dreamt of becoming an adventurer. Even though I have never amojnted to anything but at the age of 19, I finally managed to become one. Who coulve guessed that my first quest would be my last... That is, If I wasnt given a second chance.

Ziiphinx · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ch.1 - A new beginning

It felt painful, I could feel something moving in my chest.

I then opened my eyes to see a longsword slowed pulling away from inside my chest and my wound closing up.. "I am truly back" I said, in a sigh of relief.

However, after observing my surroundings, It seems I was out all night since it was already morning. "Under normal circumstances, the carriage would've reached the Kingdom of Zaton by now so I'm sure a rescue team would come. I have to move fast, If they discover this incident with me being the only one alive and having no wounds, Im as good as dead." I said to myself while hurrying to leave the incident.

I then grabbed the sword that had slain me along with a cloak that didn't have a big hole through it and started to run inside the forest.

Not even 20 steps later, I hear shouting and the clopping of horses. It was a group of mercenaries and looking closely at the logo on their horses' saddle and their armor, It seems that they were hired by the 'speedy merchants' group'. The 'speedy merchants' group' was the group whom the robbed carriage's people was apart of.

After observing for a while, I left to go further east through the forest. I wanted to head for 'Hilkert', a country that is known for peace and It's people of diverse race. I knew i couldn't go back to 'Stroata', the country where i was born in as the guild there had my name probably counted as deceased.

After walking, running and cutting through the thick jungle, I finally made it to the plains and it took me 7 hours, from morning until night. So, I decided to take a rest. After picking up some firewood and setting up a camp made from sticks, leaves and animal hide i got on the journey, I then set up a bonfire and started cooking up the meat I'd gotten from the forest and went to sleep after eating.

Morning came, Sunlight shining through holes in my shabby "tent". I woke up and sat up with a weird look on my face.

"I really died and came back huh.." I thought to myself in awe of what happened. I then tried recalling what had happened in the 'afterlife' that i was in.

"I wonder who that was. A deal immortalized within the ring huh." I then look down on my left hand, to see the ring missing. "It's gone! Where did it go?" I exclaimed in a panic. After a few minutes of searching, I concluded that the ring was used up when the deal was performed. In other words, the ring was but a token of contract or something of the same meaning and was used up when I was revived.

I then recalled the words that popped up in my conciousness before I awoke in the living realm.

<You have been given a second chance>

<You have received the Authority of Darkness>

<You have awakened>

"It seems I received the Authority of Darkness or whatever the hell that is and became an [Awakened]."

"Can i finally be someone reputable?" I think to myself with a huge smile on my face.

An [Awakened] is someone who was able to unlock some sort of ability. The most common way for a person to be an [Awakened] is to develop their martial arts to the point of unlocking Aura or using magic by studying the arcane to the point of being able to manipulate mana through theory. Other than those though, one can become an [Awakened] by receiving a blessing or authority from a higher being.

An [Awakened] will then have their power permanently buffed and they are then able to access something known as a Status Window. Through the Status Window, an [Awakened] can see their stats, levels and combat related skills while also distribute something called "Stat Point" that people who are [Awakened] get for levelling up to their stats which would enhance their unlocked ability or physical and mental permanently alongside "Skill Point" to level up skills that they have gotten.

I received the Authority of Darkness and became an awakened. That must mean the entity that talked to me was the Goddess of Darkness. She isn't a very worshipped god due to her lack of influence towards the people of this world but occasionally makes deals with people in order to keep her power. "My guess is that my parents must've made a deal with her." I murmur my deduction.

"Before I head to Hilkert, I want to check something." I think to myself

"Status Window!"

A yellow light then appeared before me, with words on it.

It read;



Age: 19


RACE: Human



HEALTH : 660/1050 (+)

STAMINA: 907/1000 (+)


STRENGTH: 15 (+)

AGILITY: 9 (+)



MANA: 15/15 (+)




-Authority of Darkness (Lvl. 1)-


- Hands of Shadow (Lvl. 1/10) (2 MANA)(+)

- Darkness creation (Lvl. 1/10) (5 MANA)(+)

- Shadow movement (Lvl. 1/10) (2 MANA)(+)


- The dark supports

-Combat Skills-

Swordsmanship (Lvl. 5) (+)

Archery (Lvl. 3) (+)

Skill Points: 7


"I wonder what these Authority of Darkness skills do." I said while tapping the skill [Hands of shadow]

Then, Another 'Window' popped up.


Hands of shadow (Lvl. 1)

Summons two hands made from shadow that can be used as a weapon or just additional hands. Can only be used within 10 meters. (Length increases by 5 meters per level) (Strength and agility stats of Hands of Shadow are +5 of the user's original stat.


"Ah, I see."

"So i can see the details if i tap the skills."

"Not too shabby!" I exclaimed to myself.

I then proceed to tap every Authority of Darkness skills i have.


Darkness Creation (Lvl. 1)

Creates a semicircle dome of pure darkness with a max diameter of 10 meters (increases by 2 meters per level) and a height of 5 meter (increases by 1 meter per level) either on the user or somewhere else in the range of 20 meters (increases by 2 meters per level). All light inside the circle previously or made in the circle will be teleported outside which would make the dome glow with bright light when observed from outside the dome.



Shadow movement (Lvl. 1)

Allows the user to teleport in between shadows or absence of light as long as the two absence of light are 5 meters apart from each other (Increases by 2 per level). Increases agility by 10 in complete darkness and by 5 at night (Increases by 1 agility per level)



The dark supports

Whenever the user is in complete darkness, the user is able to see clearly and have all stats increase by 2.


"These skills seems to work well with each other. I can use Darkness creation to teleport between two spaces with shadow movement or to overwhelm my opponent with it. I can also use The dark supports to increase my stats. Pretty neat." I think to myself excitedly.

"Hopefully i can find some monsters or bandits to test my newly found powers on during my journey to Hilkert."

"I do have some stat and skill point but I think I'll hold off from using them until I've tested out my skills but there is a high chance I will be enhancing my mana stat."

Below the mana stat, I noticed something.


I wonder if it's because I havent learned how to do aura yet.

I should increase my swordsmanship and archery if I want to use aura.

"Now then, Its time to pack up and go."

"Im gonna fulfill my dreams of becoming an adventurer and possibly find my mother." I said to myself to resolve myself.