
Moves, stats and experience

These is where I will be posting things concerning battles and Pokémon.

I won't be making up moves and instead only use moves that exist and that the Pokémon would be able to learn. Moves would be a way Pokémon utilizes their strength or some kind of technique.

TMs would be a instructional video for a trainer to teach their Pokémon how to use the move.

Also will be that moves that are kinda chained together, (thundershock, thunderbolt and thunder)(absorb, mega drain and giga drain) the Pokémon will be able to know all of moves that are lower tier in the chain as it is a simpler version of the move. This also has to do with my next point.

There won't be a thing like PP, instead it will be a type of stamina or energy. In theory let's say a Pokémon is constantly use a high power/strength move like thunder. That Pokémon would use more energy than if it was just using thunderbolt. That is the reason for Pokémon being able to learn chains of moves. HP will also not be registered as a number but the less HP a Pokémon has, the less overall energy it has as well.

Pokémon would be able to replenish their energy while in their pokeball. HP on the other hand can't be restored as quickly and healing items can't be used in a battle.

Another thing about healing items are that they take time to take effect.

Pokémon's stats will be true to their in game stats but just like the HP, won't be shown in numbers. Evs will be a minor factor in stats and battles as it will be confusing and takes some of the fun out of it.

Next is experience and level. While I will not be saying levels, experience will be present but slightly different. A Pokémon will gain experience from battling and from growing/aging. Instead of a numerical value, it is instead how much a Pokémon has grown. "Leveling up" will take longer in general. This is to slow down how fast Pokémon will strengthen as the story will be short if the Pokémon rise in power as quickly as they do in the game.

I will try to show/display a Pokémon's nature through its actions in and outside of battle.

Will also be updated to keep up with story.

Daoist_Lonely_Mancreators' thoughts
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