1 Love

The beginning of my love story is with love. How can I tell that story? As soon as I think of it, a different feeling comes inside my body. It was the beginning of my school life. Bari 6 So I would have had a little courage to think differently.

After 5 years I was able to talk about my love. Many are also afraid.

But I didn't know that the one I loved loved me long ago.

For the first time, he said yes or no. But at the end of 2 weeks I said again.

Luck seems to have been with me. He accepted my proposal

The beginning is the story of our love

I used to wear it in one class. So we met every day. This is the first time I fell in love with someone. Feelings tie is different.

I also used to send my SMS. My mother realized that her son had become immature.

My mother told her father everything.

He is a very condo.

Oto came to me and started saying something.

I brought him to the beat at a lot of cost.

This is how our love story continued.

We had many problems. I'm always him

I would dare.

I don't even know when I fell in love with him more than myself.

There were many problems from his bar. Many times he told me to break the relationship.

Who listens to whom.

I used to tell him one thing to keep me from going to the ashes. If I have to go, I will kill him with my own hands and then I will go.

But I knew he was telling me this because of the situation. I know he loves me a lot.

We didn't have love like others. I didn't go anywhere. I just saw this at school. I would not give gifts like others.

But I used to bring fruits every day.

It was a little slimmer than me.

So I used to bring Rasogolla every day.

He ate tiffin for me from Bari. We ate together.

During this time of my love, I never went for a walk.

I am the fast boy of the school. So everyone makes me their own.

Sometimes he would break the relationship by himself. He would come back by himself again.

Everyone in the school knows, everyone in the village knows. And there was no one to oppose me.

The two of them are very much in love. I couldn't stay with someone for a whole moment. I had to stay away.

Now I love each other. I live with each other. It is a story of 5 years. It cannot be said.

Inshallah our love will succeed.
