1 Another World!


That was the only thing that surrounded the young teenager.

"That's the... hell?!"

He asked with a confused expression.

Unfortunately, he had died in a terrible car accident. He still remembered the blow, and the driver's desperate face, which had no way to stop in time.

The reason for his question was that he knew he was not an angel, and quite possibly would not go to heaven if the latter really existed.

Regret?! He wasn't feeling it. He lived his life to the fullest, as if every day was his last day on earth. From animes and webnovels, to many troubled relationships. Perhaps the only thing he truly regretted was not having seen the continuation of the Dragon Ball Super Manga, which in his opinion was more than excellent.

As he let out a sigh of resignation, he waited, waited and waited, but nothing occurred, and when he was about to give up everything, something changed in this world of darkness.


He felt an icy liquid dripping from his face.

As if he had woken up from a nightmare, he opened his eyes.

"Where am I?"

Analyzing its surroundings, he was in an unknown forest, with trees as large as multi-story buildings. Unfortunately, he was naked and, as the rain fell from the sky full of gray clouds, he was all wet.

With no time to think about unnecessary things, he stood up and protected himself inside a large tree, which fortunately had a huge hole.

Strangely, even though he was out of clothes and all stew, he wasn't cold at all. He even felt very good, but still, a little uncomfortable with the fact that he was completely naked.

"Hmm?! That's not mine...!"

He spoke referring to his male organ, which, even though he was a little embarrassed, was much bigger than he remembered. He then finally noticed that his legs and arms were longer, apart from his skin that did not have many hairs and the calluses of his hands, which were gone.




With several shocking facts taking place, he came up with a bizarre hypothesis.

"I'm in another... body?"

That's not just because he was sure he died, but also because he didn't recognize or remember how he got to this place, his body being different and... Well... a brown tail, which he had on his ass.

Since there was nothing he could do, he waited for the weather to get better, which didn't take long. He then came out of his hiding place and walked in a random direction.

Despite the rather humid weather, he felt a lot of comfort in this small forest, also because the climate was much lighter than he remembered in his city.

There weren't those tall buildings, the annoying noise of vehicles and the countless rude, idiotic people.


A breaking grave noise caused him to stop. He then looked at where the noise came from, and what entered his vision scared him to the core.

It was a dark panther like night, and not even his countless bruises and blood on his dark coat drew his expression of hatred. The panther then looked at the little human being in front of him.

Aaron stood in a statue pose, hoping it would drive the feline away, but unfortunately, the latter was not a dinosaur.

The feline then walked slowly around Aaron. Seeing this, Aaron swallowed dry, causing fear to obscure his reasoning.


With a frightening roar, the feline set off towards Aaron.


Mysteriously, Aaron observed the feline, as he was in slow motion. He also thought the feline was too small and weak in his vision.

Step! Step!

With only two simple steps, Aaron evaded the attack of the feline, which was left with a confused expression. How did your seemingly fragile target deviate from this attack?! He had no answers.

He then repeated the attack and, just as before, Aaron swerved easily.

At that moment, Aaron didn't notice, but his heart was beating at a breakneck speed, no, he wasn't afraid, but excited. Excited about this strange situation, but that made him think of things that seemed fantasy to him.

What if he was a Saiyan?! A very powerful race, which had a tail just like his. This would not only explain his tail, but also why he saw this fight in slow motion.

He then decided to end it or at least try. Waiting for the feline to strike again, he took a rock to the ground and with a very powerful impulse, threw it at the feline.

Woosh! Boom!


That's what Aaron felt at the time. He threw the stone in the direction of the animal's eye, intending to blind it, however, this stone went through the feline's body and destroyed some trees in its path. He then looked at his arm, which did not have many muscles.



