
1: Gōgetsu Hōzuki

Cold, that was the feeling that Gōgetsu Hōzuki felt when he took a life. He was a member of the Main Hōzuki Family, his father was the Clan Head, but his Mother was from the Yuki Family. His Twin Brother Mangetsu, Baby Brother Suigetsu, and Him had one Goal, Join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Master All Seven Blades, and for Mangetsu and Suigetsu that was it, but Gōgetsu wished to become the next Mizukage.

Thus Gōgetsu fought without mercy, killing Classmates, Instructors, and Opponents with a brutal and unnerving level of precision that brought him and his twin brother to the attention of The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The Mist. Right now, he stood and looked on without any fear as the Seven stood before his graduating class, deciding on who they would select as their Apprentices if they even chose to take on an Apprentice at all.

Gōgetsu noticed as soon as the instructor had them ready for inspection, that The Leader of the Seven Selected Kisame Hoshigaki as his Apprentice and Subordinate, while the Hiramekarei Wielder selected Mangetsu as his Apprentice. Just as the Instructor was about to disperse them, as no other members looked to have an interest in them, Raiga Kurosuki stood before him.

"I'll take this one as my meat shield." Says Raiga, roughly grasping his shoulder.

Though sorely tempted to knock Kurosuki flat on his ass and use his Human Icicle Technique on Raiga, Gōgetsu resisted the urge, instead looking at his instructor for confirmation, who after exchanging glances with Fuguki Suikazan and the Lord Third Mizukage, gave it.

Falling in line beside Kisame and Mangetsu Gōgetsu and the two students fell in single file behind Jinpachi Munashi, The Seventh Swordsman bringing up the rear. It was safe to say blood would flow freely when The Chosen Three took up a Blade.


(Seven Ninja Swordsmen Wing, Kirigakure ANBU Headquarters, Inner Kirigakure Ring, Kirigakure, Land of Water, Five Great Shinobi Nations, Shinobi World)


Within the Kirigakure ANBU Headquarters was a top secret Wing for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and their Apprentices and other subordinates.

Following Raiga, Gōgetsu was placed in a Dueling Arena wear plenty of dried blood was shown.

''You Will fight to the death, until we call it, your own death or your Cell block is emptied. If you are still alive by the end you get to face a Single member of the Unit. And if by some miracle you manage to beat that Swordsman you will continue to fight a member util failure, death, or all Seven of us have been defeated. Release Cell Block 1, Cells 1 through to twenty three.'' Says Raiga darkly.....


As the Doors lifted and Prisoners entered carrying Numerous Weapons and wearing a variety of Shinobi Village Forehead Protectors, a Single Katana was dropped to him.

Taking the hint he picks it up and removes it from the Sheath. Giving it a few experimental slashes and flicks of his wrist to test the weight and overall balance of the blade. Gōgetsu While not satisfied with the Slightly off-balanced Blade, will not let such a small thing upset him, nor even if it were to upset him to do so so easily.

Looking amongst the prisoners headbands, he recognizes various Headbands as belonging to Shinobi of Kusagakure, Kumogakure, Hoshigakure, Amegakure, Yugakure, and Takigakure. Of those six Villages, Kumo, Ame, Taki, and Kusa pose the greater threat due to being of greater military standing.

Kumogakure has the biggest Military and a far higher ratio of Kekkei Genkai users than the Other Nations, being home to users of Lava-Style, Gale-Style, and Magnet-Style. In addition to this is the fact that they have Ginakaku and Kinkaku, the Legendary Gold and Silver Brothers who wield the Five Treasured Tools of The Sage of the Six Paths and are Pseudo-Jinchūriki. On top of this is the Kinkaku Force, and The Cloud's Black Lightning Brigade. Shinobi of the Kinkaku Force are extremely strong, with a very high combat power and carefully honed and nurtured resilience to Ninjutsu. The Black Lightning Brigade was a Force of five hundred Cloud Shinobi imbued with their Lord Third Raikage's Black Lightning and they had extremely high Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Power.

Ame Ninja were famous for their use of Genjutsu, Poison, and Intelligence Superiority. With Hanzo the Salamander as the Village Head, Amegakure was impossible to penetrate with anything short of a full invasion Force. Amegakure Ninja were infamous for have a vial of Poison sealed in their hearts which activated upon their death, thus preventing an autopsy or mind search as their specialized Poison was known to release toxic Vapor when surgically cut open.

Takigakure Ninja were renowned for their versatility and naturally higher perception, having produced Powerful Jōnin for many Generations.

Now Kusagakure wasn't a particularly powerful Nation, but they were of a greater considerable threat than Yuga and Hoshi for two reasons. Number one was because they shared Borders with Konohagakure and as a result of this Border, they enjoyed an incredibly fruitful relationship of Trade and Protection from Konoha. Number two was their skill in Hidden Traps, which littered the grasslands surrounding Kusa, but they were also extremely skilled in Barrier Ninjutsu as well as Bukijutsu.

It's unlikely that any of the Shinobi prisoners before him pose any considerable threat, but it doesn't hurt to play things cautiously and get a feel on each opponent before slitting their throat so there are no nasty surprises waiting just to with his plans at the very last minute. Adopting a ready position he waited until someone moved.

''Listen up, you fuckers got captured which means if you beat the kid you go free, whomsoever kills him or kills the killer gets to go free. Fight.'' Says Fuguki Suikazan.


(Fuguki Suikazan POV)


Fuguki was watching The kid with keen eyes, he'd heard of the boys reputation for violence and his appetite for bloodshed, killing with impunity, be it classmate, opponent, or instructor alike. He had considered taking the kid as his Apprentice but Samehada had expressed an interest in Kisame.

In order to maintain their symbiotic relationship, Fuguki had to occasionally bow his head in deference to the Sentient Sword's wishes and/or desires. Thus he chose Kisame Hoshigaki as his student.

The boy tested the blade before his fight, meaning that he was knowledgeable enough about the art of Kenjutsu to know that looking for imperfections in the Blade before a bloodletting was crucial.

Watching the fight now Fuguki noticed that Gōgetsu Hōzuki stood motionless until the precious few heartbeats of milliseconds before his first opponent was about to swing his sword at him. In those heartbeats Gōgetsu acted, slashing his sword upwards diagonally. The victim stumbled a few inches before his body fell in two different directions, being cleaned in two from navel to collarbone.

Fuguki narrowed his eyes upon noticing the very light Icy Mist rising from the sword. His eyes Shift briefly towards the new corpse and take not of the slowly consuming ice that is enveloping the Two parts.

''Interesting.'' Fuguki mutters, just loud enough to be heard as a low whisper.


(Jinpachi Munashi POV)


Jinpachi Munashi felt his bloodlust rise with each flawless strike the brat launched. He knew exactly where to cut and how much pressure to apply for maximum blood loss or maximum damage.

Jinpachi's mouth watered at the potential destruction Shibuki could perform. Contrary to popular belief, The Shibuki had a retractable edge which was used to sever the spun roll of Explosive Tags in order to protect the user from detonating the yet to be unfurled rolls of Paper Bombs. But this Retractable Blade could also be used to kill, albeit having been used quite sparingly due to it's fragility.

It's a shame Little Raiga got such a skilled Protégé.....


(Raiga Kurosuki POV)


The kid was extremely skilled without a doubt, but to be suitably compatible with the Kiba, you needed to be an all rounder.

Samehada required a deft hand, The Shibuki needed a Wielder with extremely high perception and dexterity. Kubikiribōchō required great stamina and strength of will due to possession of a naturally distracting Aura of a strong bloodthirst. Nuibari needed a Wielder who saw artistry in a gruesome death and as such had to be an agile Shinobi. Wielders of Kabutowari needed extreme levels of physical endurance to be able to lug that giant head crusher around all their life.

Hiramekarei was the simplest Blade in that one only needed to be clever in its use, due to its transformative abilities.

But using the Kiba means it's Shinobi had to be Cunning and Cautious due to its notoriety of inducing recklessness into whomsoever holds it's Hilts. The Swords were forged with Pure Lightning supercharged with Chakra, making them give whomsoever wielded them a state of constant emotional stimulus. But because they were forged with Chakra infused Natural Lightning this also meant that they could cut on par with the level of penetration used with the Third Raikage's so called Strongest Spear in the comparison of the ratio between the Raikage's Spears Penetration and Kiba's pure and unrivaled Cutting Power.

Furthermore, To adequately use Lightning-Style, a Shinobi had to have pinpoint focus, this was how a Shinobi truly mastered Lightning-Style.

Raiga needed to see more before he acknowledged the kid as his chosen Protégé, huh, what do you know, all the captured refuse was dead, looks like a Swordsman was next on the Card.....


Chapter End




I FUCKING HATE THIS! Apparently those dickheads in administration made adding more than five hundred characters in the Author's Thoughts on the site taboo like it is in the app! So because of that I have to put my Author's thoughts down here instead, adding words of over five hundred characters here needlessly and unwantedly adding my Author's Thoughts here. Fuck the idiot who thought that was a Good Idea, Okay rants done, and you have an insincere apology until such a time as my mood has shifted somewhere more pleasant.

Here's the shit I couldn't put in the Author's Notes because of those stupid idiots in the administration!:

I Finally got this done. Initially I had Raiga defeated and replaced during the selection process but Then I was like how and why the Hell would that work? Yes, Gōgetsu is going to eventually be considered OP, but I don't want a Nerfed OC right out the Gate. I mean even though he is a prodigy in certain fields that's no excuse for what I'd written at first.

But just a heads up, Gō's Story will be outlined by five Core Things which at certain points will overlap and connect;

Number 1: A Rivalry between him and Han of Iwagakure, as well as Naka and Naori Uchiha. Something of a Triad Rivalry that becomes legendary because of the carnage it creates which of course brings unwanted attention to it and results in Gōgetsu winning but losing badly in the process. He'll score two or three great victories for the village but the personal cost will haunt him for years. But of course it'll be healed by or at least during Canon. Put simply look at Ddraig and Albion of DxD and their Rivalry that interrupted the Three Factions War.

Number 2: Two Forbidden Romances which play heavily into the Triad Rivalry with Han and the Uchiha's. Now this angle will serve as plot.....builder let's say, because it will get dragged into the Rivalry first by the Stone and then the Uchiha's. Now whether or not children are born will become a central plot point regardless. After the two are finished he'll make a political alliance to an Influential Family for their support in the third Core Theme.

Number 3: Civil War. This'll be at least Five Volumes, with Volume 1 serving as the Genin Phase, and Volume's 2-3 will serve as the Chūnin Phase, with Volume 4 Serving as the Jōnin Phase. Now at the Start of the Jōnin Phase, Gō will start to ferment a Rebellion against the Fourth Mizukage. Which at the End creates the Mizukage Phase of the Story which will be Volume 5, or in other words...Cannon.

Number 4: The Third Great Ninja War. Now a common misconception is that Yagura is the creator of the Bloody Mist, but he isn't, it was the Third Mizukage who did that, but it was Yagura who made that shitshow into the true Bloody Mist. Don't believe me? Then explain to me how you might think that the Fourth Mizukage who was the Three-Tails Jinchūriki isn't Rin Nohara? The answer is because Rin was the Jinchūriki at the time of the Third, her death gave Yagura a chance to become the next Jinchūriki. Anyways, The Triad Rivalry will peak at The Third Great Ninja War, but that said it will have it's seeds planted before it. The Third Great Ninja War will just Raise the Bar.

Number 5: Fighting a Tailed Beast. Obviously with Han, Gōgetsu will be fighting a Tailed-Beast or a Jinchūriki, in some form of fashion, however he will have encounters with the Likes of the Gold and Silver Brother's, Roshi, and Yugito Nii oh and A and B of course! I do plan to have him become a Jinchūriki at some point, but it will become an important factor in a certain plot point in the Mizukage Phase.

Number 6: Being a Progressive Ruler. As the Mizukage, Gōgetsu will work very hard to improve Kiri's Stadinding and Village Statistics. Their Population is 2 out of 5, Military 3 out of 5, and economy 2 out of 5. By comparison to the other Four Great Shinobi Nations and Their Hidden Villages, Suna has a Population, Military and Economy rating of exactly 2 out of 5 across the board. Kumo has a Population Rating of 3 out of 5, A Military Rating of 4 out of 5 and an Economic Rating of a perfect 5 out of 5. Iwa has a Population and Military Rating that is the same, being 4 out of 5 for both. Their Economy Rating is 2 out of 5. Konoha has a Population Rating of 5 out of 5, a Military Rating of 3 out of 5, and an Economy Rating of 2 out of 5.

This means Kiri had the Short Straw in War and Peacetime. So Gōgetsu will try and raise those Ratings a little bit higher at every opportunity. But of course this means reforms, policy changes. and other political nonsense is to be expected.

Also...Welcome to the New Year, 2021 kinda sucked, but it wasn't terrible. I'm gonna try and get this and my a few of my Four Wishes series stories continued. I'll be very hands off this year, I originally dove in, and found myself taking on water way too quickly. So for now, It'll be this, one or two Four Wishes stories, and maybe a side project story. I have paused the Stories that haven't got my focus right now, so you guys know what to expect. Also I've got three other Four Wishes Stories or so unpublished including the last one in the series. Just a heads up it's a Marvel Cinematic Universe one, but for now Gōgetsu, Broly, Reynaud, and Kazuhiro have my chief focus.

And thus it is Until the next time that I must now say Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen to you all for 2021

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bossbovatannincreators' thoughts