
A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon

A middle aged white collar worker dies from exhaustion in the modern world and meets ROB. ROB judges the man, only to receive a good karmic value, giving the man a chance to reincarnate. ROB also gives the man the choice to choose a few wishes, but the man declines, not wanting any outside help. Seeing his honesty, ROB decided to let the man choose the world he wanted to go to instead, along with a healthy body, and a soon-to-be partner he didn't ask for. Is there romance? Yes! This is very much a slice of life journey through the Pokemon World. Current standing, MC works for the Aether Foundation, but has a high enough rank to enjoy his own freedom. Also decides to take the Professor route while going out on a journey with his friends. Current region: Kanto. Future regions remain unexplored. Three love interests. No more, no less. This is my second fanfic. *Cover art is not mine. I do not own Pokémon besides my own OC.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 3 : Growing

Yo. It's Itsuki.

I probably have a lot of explaining to do since I didn't go into any of my thoughts since arriving in front of Professor Oak's lab, right?

I mean. It's THE Professor Oak!

The same Professor that gives everyone their starter Pokémon when a Trainer is ready to start journey here in the Kanto region!

I guess that's where I should start, huh?

I found myself in Kanto, which was said to be the region containing the very first generation of Pokémon. It would be from here more regions got discovered. Turns out there are eight known regions right now and several islands, following very similar to that of the anime.

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Kalos, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar. There were also the Orange Islands and the Sevii Islands, among other islands. Well, I guess it follows the games too. I'm not sure if the world I'm now in has any elements from the manga though. I haven't seen Pokémon tearing each other's limbs apart. It's much more mild here.

Well, I guess that's a good thing, isn't it?

One may wonder how I came about to know this, well my memory of Pokémon as a whole carried over! Not only that, the Professor's lab was stacked with knowledge! All sorts of books were waiting to be read by me!

Speaking of reading, the first day came so quickly. Me meeting Professor Oak left me stunned that day. Not only that, I was able to meet his grandchild too, Daisy Oak!

She didn't appear a whole lot in the anime let alone the games, she was hardly ever mentioned there, but she is much kinder in person. Very fit to call herself my older sister. That's right, Daisy Oak is my older sister now! Professor Oak officially adopted me into the Oak family the day my basket arrived there.

I did see Professor Oak was concerned at first, but it seemed like my background was decided right then and there too. Turns out my birth parents came from the Alola region, so I guess I'm an Alolan!

So I guess it's only proper to say this, right?

Alola to all you Kanto folk out there!

But seriously speaking, after learning my background, it seemed Professor Oak decided to accept me into his family. And it seemed my birth parents were closely related to Professor Kukui too, who was the Professor of the Alola region. He and Professor Oak also seem to be well acquainted with each other already too.

And that means taking a visit to Alola isn't out of the question. I don't care how many people disliked the Alola region when they played or watched it back in my last life, I was one that enjoyed it. Watching or playing is completely different than actually going there! Alola was a tropical paradise. If I recall correctly this region was based off of Hawaii.

Any sort of Ultra Beast that would come my way can come. They were said to be actual aliens to Pokémon, from other dimensions.

But all of this still sounds well off on the future, right? Well not so much into it. A few years have already passed in the blink of an eye. My growing came fast.

While I was still one, Daisy brought me to meet her mother, who was Professor Oak's daughter. After Oak explained the situation, the mother accepted me as her own kin. She became my new mother, who I came to learn of her name, Violet Oak. Her name was never introduced in the anime let alone her character, so learning her name was a plus in my books. Since she accepted me with a warm heart, I will do the same to her and acknowledge Violet as my new mother, just as I acknowledged Daisy as my new Older Sister and Professor Samuel Oak as my new Grandfather.

Get this. Daisy said Violet was pregnant during that first meeting of mine, and when I came across Violet for the first time, I saw she actually was pregnant!

You guys know what that means, right?

Since Daisy had already been born, it can mean one thing, and pardon my language for saying this.

But Gary mother fucking Oak!

THE Gary mother fucking Oak!

You just can't spell Gary Oak without mother fucking Gary Oak! Why? He's such a badass character!

And now I get to be his older brother, so I'll end up being the middle child in the Oak Family.

Do I think I can become such a badass character as him? Sure he has his downsides, like his arrogance he develops, but the the dude is strong. Real strong to earn such an ego. Strong enough to topple Lance off his Champion's seat, becoming the Champion of Kanto himself.

But if there was one bad thing to say, I think I can confirm I'm mostly in the Pokémon anime-verse. At least I think I am. Violet did confirm she wanted to name her son Gary...So Blue is flown right out the window. Sorry buddy.

Not that I don't mind Gary, he aged quite well in the anime too, unlike a certain half-pint who always seemed regress his age every damn season. I'm watching you, Mr. Ash Ketchum.

And that's the man of the hour. In this first year I spent as a baby, well, the news didn't stay hidden for long. On top of that, Gary was born just a couple months after I came into the Oak Family. 2 months to be exact. I was brought in at the start of Year 1996, January, which was oddly enough the release year of Red and Blue games. It seems the timeline I'm in is based off of that, but with all typings, Pokémon, and regions discovered.

And about 70 years ago, the first Pokeball was invented. Technology only improved from there on, letting People and Pokémon stand side by side. Unlike that chaotic era around 2000 years ago. In these few years of growing I was able to read brush up my knowledge of the Kalos War that happened then.

King AZ was such a pitiful fellow, wasn't he?

But besides that I've seen no signs of the current generation of technology, like the Rotom Dex or Rotom TV. I was able to get a sneak peak of the Pokedex the Professor handed out to in this last year, and the current version looked like the upgraded Kanto version. Size wise, it was just like holding a 3ds, except smaller. It only had one screen too but it flipped open. It even had a thumb pad on the right. It's speaker system was on the left, and the screen in the center, which would display a Pokémon's stats, levels, moves, and It's biography, locations and habitats.

The Pokedex was truly a convenient little item, wasn't it? That's why I was against becoming one of those stupid system holders by God before arriving here. Why do that when it already exists here and you can get it FOR FREE! Well, it has many requirements to actually get it for free, but I'll dive into that at a later time. Mostly because I'm not old enough to start those requirements.

But we got technology good enough as it is right now. We got screen TVs, decently equipped computers, high speed internet. Cars and trucks that run both on gas and electricity. You get the idea. The times of the 1990s. Thank god I didn't arrive earlier in the decade to where we would still have broadband. That would have sucked hard.

I arrived at a good spot technology-wise, where it can only get more advanced from here. And if I wanted to, I could help in its development, and find myself a good partner Corporation like Devon Silph Co., but I'm not sure I'd go that route. I'm more interested in becoming a Pokémon Trainer. Though being a Trainer does require one to have lots of money, so helping to develop this world's technology may not be such a bad idea.

On top of that, it seems Professor Oak started to pin all his researching interests on me, instead of Daisy after Daisy expressed her interest to become a Pokémon Breeder. And when Gary could talk and walk on his own, after witnessing several Indigo League matches, Gary too expressed he wanted to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer there ever was. Though eventually even Gary would settle down, becoming a Pokémon Researcher of his own, eventually taking a spot in Project Mew. Don't confuse this Project Mew with Project Mewtwo, where Project Mewtwo would happen in around two years time, if this world follows the movies.

Project Mew wouldn't happen for at least a couple more decades, and this Project wouldn't be ran by a criminal organization, but by actual Pokémon Professors and assistants. As for its details, I won't go into much of that now either.

But I digress. Becoming a Pokémon Researcher while becoming a Trainer at same time doesn't sound as a half bad idea, plus it would let me test how far will go of that one ability God gave me. It already was starting to show its appearance. Every so often Professor Oak would let me go out into his range and let me play with the Pokémon there. So far I haven't found any Pokémon run away from me on sight, instead they usually look at me in curiosity.

But moving back to my growing period, right.

So the official year I was brought here was Year 1996. The events of red, blue and yellow had yet to happen, which I found strange. If that's the case shouldn't I have been brought in ten years earlier at Year 1986? Either way, it's good so I'd be able to partake in each generation as they come.

But another cool thing I found was that Trainers don't start their journey until they become 15 years of age! I always found it a bunch of bullshit letting ten year old kids running rampant with caught Pokémon. Now they need to be 15 years old, letting them mature more before they start. If God was the one who made this change, then I'll tip my hat off to you.

But when I came, as I stated earlier, it was January 5th, 1996 to be exact. My little brother Gary was born March 10, 1996. He did not share that same birthday with that one guy in the real world here, Gary was born a few months earlier.

As for Ash, he was born on his same birth date from the anime, May 22nd, 1996, which let us all three be born the same year. All of Pallet Town decided to throw us a party that year, since births don't happen too often in Pallet Town, let alone three in the span of five months.

That was fun and all, but then wasn't the first time I met Ash's mother, Delia Oak. I wouldn't say she was the hottest mother on the block, but she knew how to do her shit and was a very mature mother, far from a delinquent by any means. I first met her when Delia learned of my existence and decided to host a baby shower between her family and mine, seeing as both Delia and Violet were pregnant at the time.

And then my first year, or should I say my second year went by pretty uneventfully, since I came here when I was already 1 year old. By one I could already walk for short periods of time, which shocked Violet, and when I turned 15 months old, I could "speak" in broken sentences. I wouldn't show I could fully speak until I turned two, but even by then Professor Oak stated I was a genius, and that my talent would go to waste if I didn't become a Pokémon Researcher. Violet of course got mad by that and damn did she kick Professor Oak out of the house for a good week. That was really funny to watch!

But despite that, Violet herself was surprised I could speak pretty fluently by age 2, and was very happy, especially after the first word I spoke to her was 'Mama', just like any good ol' baby would.

And by year 3 I could read books and understand them! Between year 2 and 3 Project Mewtwo should have happened but it didn't, so either the whole Pokémon story wouldn't officially start until I aged further and started my own journey, or that the movies don't exist here. I really hope its the prior, since God set this world up specifically for me and not other reincarnators.

As such, even though Violet disliked it, Professor Oak admitted me to his lab to start studying theories and practices. It was then that I had my first encounter with Pokémon! I had free access to his whole range to study the different habitats and behaviors of Pokémon!

I guess this is where the next point in my life would start. Professor Oak revealed his ever popular Pokémon Camp that he holds twice a decade and that got me super excited. It would take place right as the new millennia struck at Year 2000.

This would let me interact with other children and study their behavior when they see Pokémon for the first time. Will they get excited like me, or will m they get scared and fun away?

Not only that, there will be one specific character that will make her first appearance here down at Professor Oak's lab when the camp start, and that girl is Serena! Serena is the one girl I'm interested in forming a bond with, since I didn't even manage to get a girlfriend in my last life. Sorry Ash, she won't be your childhood friend in this world, she will be mine. Hopefully I can set it up to where you two won't even encounter each other in the Pokémon Camp. Perhaps he would wake up too late to find out it was already over, haha!

But really, Serena is a very cute girl, who I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with. I'm not sure if I'd find another girl besides her, but for now, I hope I can make a good first impression on her when she comes.

That probably won't be too hard for me, I wasn't a shut in in my last life, I could talk to girls and get to know them normally if I wanted to. I just prioritized work over that, but I had my circles I could go back to if I ever wanted. But reality can always look the other way so you got to be prepared if things go south like that.

And that's not only thing that would happen soon. I didn't forget about my Pokémon Egg, okay? I just had a lot to talk about besides that little guy. Or will she be a girl? Pokémon have their own genders, but I won't know until it hatches. And it was showing signs of hatching soon! Maybe another month or two at most. I can't wait to see who my first partner will be!

Like that my first three years as a baby went by just like that, and it was a very nostalgic feeling. It made me miss home after getting overworked to the bone constantly, but now, I have a new home, a new family that I love, in a different world, and one that was filled with Pokémon. And I was already accepting this at hand!

Hi guys Aht here. Here is chapter 3 of 6 for first release!

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