
1: The Beginning

Ralph had opened his eyes for the first time. He was in a new world. He could tell because he didn't understand a single word around him.

"@#$%$#!" someone had called out to him.

'What was that language'.

Ralph had talked to many people in his past life who spoke different languages but, he had never in his life heard anything like this.

He turned to see who it was.

It was a female in her late 20s who was about 5'5 (167 cm) with long auburn hair and a rather pretty face to match.

'She looks rather small for her age' He added a mental note.

Suddenly he was hoisted up by said woman. He could concur that his body was not the same as it had been back on Earth. He couldn't imagine this woman picking up a full grown man with ease

"!%#@$#@ %#^@ %$#" Again she had said something but, her cries were not heard as I couldn't understand her nor cared to.

She carried me back to what appeared to be my new home. It was about fifteen acres of land provided with a two bedroom house.

Ralph looked upon his new home and soon realized that he was no longer in the 20th century and, wasn't very rich to boot.

The lady had set him down in front of what appeared to be her rocking chair.

I sat there in disbelief. 'Did this woman seriously just get on to what I assume is a two year old, and just let them go'. Oh well. Time to explore.

Ralph tried to move his body best he could but, it felt like someone had taken every muscle in his body and replaced it with baby fat. The best he could conjure was a crawl.

Attached to the living room he was just in was a simple kitchen. As he had expected their were no electrical appliances. Only furthering his suspicions of a lack of scientific accomplishments.

There he found a girl, around seven, peeling potatoes. She turned around to see him and as soon as she did she picked him up from the cold floor.

I noticed that this girl to was smaller than I would imagine she would be. She had brown hair and brown eyes. "^%@%$#@&" 'What is everyone's obsession about talking to small children. What I am a gonna do respond. I can't even understand what you're saying.'

She put me down after a couple seconds of whatever she was doing. Afterwards I had decided that was enough as this small body could take no more.

I crawled my way back to the living room and passed out soon afterwards. not out of sheer exhaustion just deciding that going any further wasn't worth it.

As I was falling asleep I decided to recollect on my previous life. Just to see if what I now had was an improvement. I started with the biggest one.

At a young age I had never known my parents.

Not because of a noble cause like they had gone off to war or sacrificed themselves to save me when I was a baby.

No that wasn't the case. I was a leveraging tool for what seemed to be my mother at the time.

She had me without telling my father and tried to use me as a tool for child support money and food stamps. My father didn't fall for it.

He had never wanted a kid but my mother needed one so she could stay attached to him. After she had me he soon left. I was never bothered by it. Why should I be?

Since my mothers plan had fallen out she was stuck with a child. Well she took the same route my father did and left me. Same situation, I was never really bothered. Again why should I be?

For the rest of my adolescence I spent it in a building meant for souls that were never wanted. An orphanage.

It wasn't terrible. People were all in the same situation but, none of us truly enjoyed any of our childhood. When I turned eighteen I was ready life was finally going to turn its luck. I was going to be able to change. Soon after life bared its fangs right back at me once again.

I had accidentally run into a politician's drunk son walking home after school. He had decided that the best way to show of to his smug friends was to beat the shit out of a skinny uni student who was barely living between paychecks.

I was semi used to it. There wasn't much bullying at the orphanage just because a lot of people were in the exact same situation I was but, that doesn't mean there wasn't any.

"Oi whatzz do youuu think urrrr doing on this street,". "What the fuck are you talking about"


And that's when I felt it. Next second I was stumbling back with a metallic taste in my mouth. The kid had notified his friends to join in on the fun. The other thugs came running at me. One kicked me in the knee while the other punched me in my stomach. They both grabbed my arms and pinned me against the chain linked fence behind me.

The kid said and I quote "Now the real fun begins". After that it was just a bunch of repeated gut shots and haymakers from him or one of his lackeys. "Hey don't you think we should stop he looks like he's about to pass out" said one of his lackeys.

"Are you serious!? This is when we start hittin till they can barely stand". It just continued and continued until I gave in and passed out next thing I knew I'm here.

Looking back on it was it really that bad that i'm here now. I thought about it for a couple seconds and decided that I could be indifferent until I really had to make a decision about what I wanted to do in this world.

After that I fell asleep hoping this world would be more loving than the last one.

"_" being used to convey sentences and '_' being used to convey thoughts. First attempt at writing anything really. Just looking for any type of feed back. Only of the constructive type of course. Thanks for reading!

Griffboycreators' thoughts