1 Chapter 1

A world with a Hierarchy that sounds like a medieval nightmare, well yes it would till one day in the forest a pond. took my dreams to the above the sky.

I sat at my window seat with the window open, feeling the chill brush against my skin. Intrigued my book, it has all kinds of lore and fantasy in it, if only it was real.

"Nalora your father and I are leaving." I heard

the door creak open to see my mother poking her head in. "alright I love you mom be safe." I saw her smile warmly to me. "Love you too" she closed my door and left me to my book as I gave a sigh. "Wish I leave my house more but sadly I can't...I'm different" I said as I got up to walk to my vanity mirror. Looking into my reflection, my shoulder length strawberry blonde hair with my hazel eyes reflecting off the mirror, then I lifted my slender fingers to brush my hair away from my pointed ears. "Always been different I think in the books their called elves" I mumbled. Trying to comfort myself from my difference.

I got bullied for it and I'm sick of it.

Even my parents don't even look like me my mother has long black hair and brown eyes with normal ears, then my dad the pale skin like mine, still he has brown hair along with green eyes with normal rounded ears... 'Why am I like this?'... I wondered for a long time soon what snaps me out of my thoughts was a loud shatter to my wall. Made me jump ten feet in the air. "The hell!" My eyes shakily view the room to find the noise maker. 'A rock?' I squinted at it as I cautiously step towards it. I placed my fingers upon the rock to bring into my view.

"I bet it was Kaden" I angrily step towards my window have the rock in my hand with a firm grip about to dismissively throw it the world.

The site of an elk took my breath away...it had luminosity around it, like a heavenly aura around it.

I dropped the rock to be amazed by this beauty of this creature. 'Is this a calling? Is this an adventure' what I was always dreamed. I scatter back to my backpack and pack my brush, snacks, and my favorite books of course, then I changed into black jeans along with a black tank top and lastly my small fit leather jacket.

I was about to climb down from my window when I realized what about mom she'll be home later...I'll be quick I have to be. Before leaving I left a fake sleeping dummy in case I come back late. I stood out the window looking into the chilling night.

I looked where the elk stood, he hurried me to follow him so I did; I made my way down the window to feel the grace of nature at my feet. I looked at the heavenly elk 'follow me child' I heard a faint voice in my head confused but didn't acknowledge it just followed the elk into woods.

The chilly air made goosebumps on my skin as I kept following this lit elk. Later on with our walk it just disappear without a trace in front of my eyes. "Wait wait!" I sprinted forward to only make myself stop about a minute later to see this moon and sun symbol appear above me "whoa..." I step forward to hear water below as I stepped back "huh?" I kneeled down and look at my reflection in crystal clear water. 'touch the water child' a mother like voice called out so I merged my hand into the water as I felt a tug in the water pulling me it terrified me as I try to pull my hand out but it wouldn't budge. This adrenaline rush of fear of I might drown emerge from my head. "Let go" I begged as it yanked in half my arm.

I kept fighting it but no use I'm not strong enough it took only one last tug and my whole body merged with pond as everything went dark darkness.

I felt my body ache as the warmth from a blanket kept me warm...wait. I open my eyes and sprung up looking around an unfamiliar area it's a wooden shelter "where am I?" I whispered I felt panic in me I'm getting all kinds of butterflies in my stomach. I heard a creek as I spun my head to direction to meet a female woman with long blonde hair and green eyes, "where am I?" I asked as calm as I could, but she gave a gentle smile and walked up to me. "Welcome...I'm Palva I'm an elf like you don't be so tense." I could not help by giggle her expression changed at I laughed. "No way everyone I have never met someone who had my ears" she shook her head and lift her hair away from her...pointed ears? "No way...where am I?!" I'm panicked now. "Calm down child its safe here don't worry...this is my camp I'm the leader here I'm the teacher if you say...." I looked down at myself to not see myself in my clothes but a soft white fabric grown "sorry but the attire you wore here was well wet and torn up greatly I could salvage it but the jacket from leather is hung up by the door...this is your home now we will be welcoming you at the camp fire see you then and new clothes are on chair by you" she smiled and left my little room...I'm long way from home I can almost bet on it.

I got off the bed and looked at the clothes she handed me it was a short red dress with hanging sleeves and a nit like design on shoulder area "pretty..." I took off the gown and place this red dress around my hourglass figure of mine "it fits I'm amazed" I moved around in the dress it's comfy and not too tight I like it. I looked around for my bag hoping I didn't lose it as I turned to see my coat with bag under it "thank god" I open my bag and saw my book undamaged thank the lord. Hearing two knocks at my door "Ms.?" A male voice called out as I place my hand on the handle and open it "yes?" The male has long ginger hair that goes little pass his shoulders along he has blue eyes with a bow on his back and pointed ears like mine... "I'm Cydis I'm here to show you around before the welcoming..." I gave a small smile as I stepped out the home shutting the door behind me to meet Cydis stepping back giving me space "I'm Nalora" he bowed then offer his hand "my lady please follow me" I didn't take his hand as I followed him around this camp.

"So Palva is a magic person?" He nods as he leads me around "she's a spirit of magic we like to say she's our teacher, leader but humans don't understand who we are...they kidnap elves like you for slaves or whores" scary I didn't know they been through this abuse "do you know where Colorado is?...Denver?" I asked he stopped and looked at me like I was crazy "Colora what? Den what?" I shook my head to shrug it off "never mind just us a story I heard when I was little" I lied and I think he could tell as we heard the noise of a horn "get back to your cabin we have trouble and don't open the door unless it's Palva or me" I nodded as he pulled his bow out and sprinted off somewhere. I quickly rushed to my cabin till a little girl was cornered by a man "help!" She looked terrified I looked around and grabbed a random stick and sneak behind the male as I did the little girl smiled to give me time to knock him out "come with me" I told her she nodded as I held her hand to pulled her with me to my cabin.

Stopped at the steps to see a tall man about feet higher than me but he blocks my path, so I push the girl behind me and held her hands. I felt fear feed through me, as the man investigated my soul.

The stories I read are no myth.
