Xiao Ai: Good morning, good evening, good day to whenever you are tuning in. I will be your host for this show, let me introduce you to our guests on the stage! On the tail end of the sofa is Luo Xing alongside Dai Weiyuan from the upcoming novel 'The Riddle Of The Broken Pebble'! How are our two honoured guests feeling this afternoon?
Dai Weiyuan: We're glad to be here.
Luo Xing: My god, Weiyuan so formal. Isn't it one of the sect rules not to lie? We are actually confused why we are here.
Xiao Ai: Good question! It is… NOT one of the sect rules not to lie, that is the rule from the sect Frozen Jade which leads us onto our next guests -
Luo Xing: Hey! That isn't the question I wanted answered!
Xiao Ai: NEXT on our interviewing sofa is….Xun Hai and Wu Lei from the upcoming novel 'The Ground We No Longer Walk On'! Thank you for being here today with us.
Xun Hai: How long will this take? The two of us have training in a incense of time -
Xiao Ai: Wow! What a unique way of telling time! Tell us more! Wu Lei, how are you doing this evening?
Wu Lei: Good… thank you for asking.
Xun Hai: Do you know each other? Are you the reason why we are here and no longer at the sect-
Xiao Ai: Wow! A real live start to a couple's quarrel, aren't they just the cutest?! Now, to the centre part of the sofa sits our first lady of the night! Luo Yingyue and Wang Julong from the upcoming novel 'The Last Song You Played For Me'! How are the two of you doing this morning?
Wang Julong: I'm doing great thanks for asking! I honestly think that this is the most comfortable chair I've ever sat on!
Xiao Ai: Well I'm glad your comfortable which is a great thing to know for our next serious question! Luo Yingyue, where is your father?
Luo Yingyue: What type of question is that?
Xiao Ai: One I'm assuming you don't know the answer to! Well it was great getting to know you two! Onto the next! Here at the other end of the sofa is our two leading ladies, they don't need a man! It's Lu Hualing and Li Chen from the upcoming novel 'The Night That Never Saw Dawn'! May I be too bold to ask ladies but…..who styled you guys tonight?
Li Chen: Yulan Hua Sect.
Lu Hualing: I'm afraid I've forgotten their names but I know that this dress was a gift from the empress.
XIan Ai: Wow! The empress?! Is that some sort of stage name? How royal! Anyway, now onto our LAST guest seated, but on a individual sofa of their own, is our upcoming author Little Love!
Little Love: Hello.
Xiao Ai: Little love, you and I have quite the similar name, wouldn't you agree?
Little Love: Some may say so, yes.
Xiao Ai: Ah you're quite funny, I wonder why you aren't the one hosting this show.
Little Love: It wasn't written in the drafts.
Xiao Ai: Right - speaking of drafts, and I will come back to you our beloved author - Luo Xing! Yes, the first guest introduced today, did you know that you were just meant to be a rough draft of a plot?
Luo Xing: No? What? I don't understand what any of that means.
Dai Weiyuan: [Whispers something in Luo Xing's ear, unfortunately not loud enough to reach the studio mic]
Luo Xing: You don't know either? Why whisper that?
Xiao Ai: What a great interaction between our stars am I right audience?!
[Silence follows the hosts question, the studio couldn't afford an audience - No one is getting paid for this]
Xiao Ai: Anyway, lets move on to play a pre novel premiere game! I'm not quite sure what chapter theses stars have been pulled out of so we'll play a game to get to know them! Now- ah, wait a moment wild crowd, it seems that our beloved author wishes to speak to me.
[Xiao Ai walks over to the sofa that Little Love was sitting at, bending for the author to whisper something in their ear. Xiao Ai opens their mouth to respond but closes it due to the look Little Love sends them. Xiao Ai walks away back to centre stage]
Xiao Ai: Now slight change of plans audience, but don't worry! The author only wishes you all well and doesn't want anything to be spoiled before the novels even come out! So instead we will quickly be hearing a word from our sponsors -
Xiao Ai: Writing's not that easy but with gramma- Just kidding! We don't have sponsor, no one knows who we are! And no one is getting paid!
[Little love, the author, drops their head in their hands before getting up and walking off the stage]
Xiao Ai: Where are you going? I thought we were a team! There is no Xiao Ai without Little Love!
Xiao Ai:…Um, sorry about that viewers, audience, whatever! It seems that our beloved author isn't feeling well so we will cut to a short break! So stay tuned as we will be right back! Just remember that the novels are coming out - THIS SUNDAY! So be there or be square!
....because you won't be around.
I feel as if I should apologise for this but I had a good laugh whilst writing it so I will posting the next part soon, I might ven make it into a series but who knows. The novels are coming out at the end of this week - Sunday 28th of November so stayed tuned as this guide will finally get to be of use.