

Before reading the novel, keep in mind that:

1. I am not a professional, I just write whatever comes into mind and not proofread before posting.

2. There will be violence included, slight mentions of gore and blood. If you are uncomfortable with that, feel free to skip the scenes.

3. This is all fiction, my heart goes out to victims of domestic violence, mental abuse, gaslighting victims, and many more who suffered similar circumstances.

4. Get your hearts ready because this novel is dark. It will be touching a lot of themes, but I WOULD NEVER mention sexual abuse.

5. Updates is every Saturday, 1-2 chapters at most per week.

Please understand the updating schedule since I am in my final year in university, things are hectic rn with online classes and internship.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the book!

Keynotes throughout the book

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking

~...~ Flashback

[...] Talking on the other end (mostly through devices)

{...} Words on a letter

<...> Sentences that are abruptly remembered (from the past)

anon_xocreators' thoughts