
The Spy in the Leaf

Diary of Benimaru Uchiha

"Tsunade was always an lush forest full of life and vitality never forgetting her roots and her branches stretched out holding every leaf she could as tightly as possible. But just like every winter some leaves weren't meant to last forever."

B.U. K.Y- 36

"Okay guys here's the plan" I speak as we stare at all the information sensei daddio has gathered. Some photos of places he frequently visited and areas he mostly hung around. Our job is to find him and figure out his purpose.

"Our target most likely meets his contacts on different days and different places so we need to find out who is he meeting today and where." I look over at my teammates and see they're paying attention "Shiba your mosquitoes do you have any that can dull someone's senses?"

"Which sense?"

"Preferably slowing their Chakra perception?"

"I do. Mosquito 130-C has a fast acting virus that slows down Chakra responses."

"Under those circumstances do you think you can drag him into a genjutsu Yumi?"

"I can. For how long depends on the depth."

"Good so here's my plan. I locate the main target once we get close enough to confirm he can't escape my senses. During that time when he meets with his contact Shiba have your mosquitoes bite them. Yumi drags them both into a genjutsu and we ask a few questions, find who else is related and finish the mission."

"You make it sound so easy, sigh but it's better than nothing so let's do it." Yumi said

"Its pretty simple though are you sure?" Shiba asked

"Make the plan, Execute the plan, Expect the plan to fail and throw away the plan. Thats what I'm working with Shiba. Now let's go, no matter what how bad could it be. These are genin spy posing as fruit merchants and bar waiters."

With a trace of unwillingness from Shiba and a look of anticipation from Yumi we set off towards the commercial business section. Located closer to the Mitarashi compound was a small pet store that looked very abandoned. We slowed down and removed our forehead protectors as we walked into the store.

Standing at the register was an older gentleman he had a strange salty smell to him like someone who lived near an ocean.

"Morning boss, You wouldn't happen to have bird feed would you? I got a Crow at home that has an appetite that makes me embarrassed."

The man looked down at us and said In a single breath, "Aisle 18 third shelf down." Walking past the man he looked at us as we headed to the aisle looking for bird feed.

I reached out to a random bag with my pinky tucked in letting Shiba know its safe to release a mosquito. which he did. It surprisingly was silent as it flew and its nose was longer with two barbs, making it seem like a trident. Shiba said the barbs helps keep it in place. While the mosquito itself is a size larger than average mosquitoes.

We walked back to the counter and started checking out as the boss called out 250 Ryo for the bag I ask him "Hey boss you been fishing lately?"

"Not really? Been in the village for a few months now no time to leave."

"Alright boss man, oh you can keep the change. Have a good day old man."

With that we exited the store as I told my squad in low voice "Hes lying his heartbeat sped up when he said he was in the village for the past few months."

Getting my confirmation the three of us head towards the bar I'm the information packet we received before looking around for an in. The three of us are kids so obviously a transformation is needed and that spy doesn't come here for another few hours so we stopped on the opposite roof to come up with a game plan.

"So how do we get in and how do we stay in, we can't dance with anyone and definitely no drinking so what can we do that won't be suspicious." Shiba asked

I was looking at the club when I noticed the outside gazebo that had an excellent view point of the spies usual meeting place. There was some instruments there and suddenly.

"Hey guys I got a really good idea. It's a bit crazy it just might work. Tell me can you guys play any instruments?"

"As a Young Lady of Kurama I can naturally pay piano."

"....I can keep rhythm."

"....right then I guess I'll grab a guitar. Follow me ill give you Yumi some sheet music later. Shiba keep up we're gonna rock the house."


Sigh hopefully everything goes well.

A while later out of training ground 7 a tired Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade could be seen on the ground panting as Sarutobi looked down on them grinning.

"Congratulations you three passed. From today onwards you are all officially genin of Konoha. The Will of Fire burns bright in you three. Okay Team 7 today your officially disbanded rest for 3 days then meet me back here at 6 am no later. Dismissed."

"""HAI SENSEI""" The three screamed before rushing off to do their own things.

"Hey hey surely we became genin faster than Beni -baka right? I don't see his team anywhere?" Jiraiya said smugly wondering how to modify his headband to make it more 'iconic' as Benimaru said.

"Wait do you guys hear that?" Orochimaru asked as the three stopped and strained their ears hearing a slight chanting. The curiosity may have killed the cat but the small sannin obviously had no such fear.

They ran to the source of the noise just to see a huge crowd blocking an outdoor pavilion with a band of three people with the woman having bright orange hair as the crowd kept screaming their name.


"WHATS GOING ON?" Tsunade yelled to her friends next to her. Orochimaru looked interested while Jiraiya just couldn't keep his gaze off of the lead singer.

Going back to team 5

"I cant believe we're doing this." Yumi spoke to Shiba through a headset as she gazed at the ever growing crowds. What's went wrong they only went in the club to perform one song and got all the info they needed.

But then when they were ready to leave the manager asked us for an encore on the outside gazebo. Then we did a song. Then another. Then another. And The crowds kept growing??

Shiba couldn't help but get nervous. He never liked groups but for some reason he really did feel like drumming was really his thing.

Benimaru couldn't help being excited as the crowds continued getting bigger and bigger around them. At some point he even saw Tsunade join the crowd. Oh with the other two as well.

But everything changed when he saw their target walking up to the venue ignoring the concert. So he look over at 'Farro' and 'Hayley' his teammates and then switched gears as he addressed the crowd.


'Tyler' sent some lightning Chakra through the acoustic guitar to give it the necessary electric sound as he started his guitar rift before 'Hayley' joined in.






While the song was playing the pet store owner sat at an obscured table before being bit by a mosquito, he smacked it in irritation just as a certain waiter came over with a peculiar menu.

After passing on the 'menu' the waiter walked away before feeling a mosquito bite his neck. He smacked it away before walking back to his post at the bar. "Excuse me barkeep" he looked over a young woman as she smiled at him. For some reason he felt like her smile was so bright it was glowing but he brushed it off and walked over to chat with her. It didn't take more than five minutes for him to suddenly feel the urge to tell him about all his 'favorite customers and their names. He didn't know why but he felt he needed to tell her. But before he could figure it out he suddenly felt an urge of dihearrea. Running to the bathroom forgetting all about that lady who made her way over to a certain petshop owner and having "a nice chat" with him about his taste in food but unfortunately she didn't have a menu and he conveniently had one packed away in his pocket which he just handed over.

The music coming to an end the girl took her cue to leave as a mosquito came over biting the petshop owner giving him a sudding case of the bubble guts.

The audience was disappointed when 'Paramore' left but they understood. Little did Benimaru know he gained himself a few fans especially Tsunade who found her love for Rock music. But thats a story for the chunin exams.

As team 5 met back at training ground 5 an hour later which 7 various people knocked out including a certain bar keep and a petshop owner.

Kagami looked at his disciples with a proud look. Prowess could be trained but problem solving skills and ability to adapt quickly to a situation proves you're a ninja.

"Congratulations team 5 you are officially Konohagakure Genin. Feel proud these merchants came from the land of water and are certain spies affiliated with their chamber of commerce. Although the information they get is limited in this time period information is the most important thing for ninjas and never forget it. Wrong information could lead to death. For example this lady here."

As he spoke one of the 'civilians' suddenly stood up and rushed drawing a line on each of our throats with a red marker with speeds of at least a chunnin.

"Never completely rely on what you're told because that's the first fatal mistake. The second was leaving your back unguarded to living enemies. Bound or not, Unconscious or not, never underestimate an opponent who's alive. Thank Mrs. Nara for her help in today's demonstration and class 5 dismissed. Meet back here tomorrow for regular training."

A few minutes after the team dispersed the 'civilian' released her transformation revealing Danzo Shimura who just gave Kagami a blank stare and said "They only got 6."

"And? Personally my goal was 4, Hiruzen's was 2 and you only expected 3. They'll be great. Plus you know you enjoyed the concert. Rock music, huh."

Danzo walked away with a wry smile and simply said "Yea yea get them some more complete anti espionage training. Each of them is strong enough for chunin in some aspects, but their skill needs work."

"I'll pay attention, thank you."

"Hmph, just let them hurry up and grow so they can take some of the pressure of the battlefield I'm the future."

"Hard mouth Danzo. Be careful it doesn't become permanent one day."

Next chapter