
A Psychopath With SSS Rank Class

On Terrubis in 2308, numerous portals have been opening for over 1250 years. Initially, these portals posed significant threats, and the beasts emerging from these dungeons were dangerous enough to destroy the world. Firearms had no effect on these creatures. However, humans began to awaken and unlock classes, and these individuals were named adventurers. This story focuses on Asura Lock, a completely normal person... who only killed his family at the age of seven... and also enjoyed killing his family... I suppose those are just details. He was locked up in a psychiatric hospital and should normally remain there for the rest of his life, however... --------- The protagonist is truly a psychopath, with no reason for the murders he commits. He has a totally different vision of justice and life in general than other humans.

ScriptForYou · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"What's wrong, Asura? Aren't you feeling like playing anymore, do you want to rest?" asked his mother lovingly.

However, Asura didn't respond; he didn't even pay attention to his mother, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't listen to her. Currently, there was only one thing echoing in his head: 'blood, blood, blood, blood...'

"Asura? Why are you ignoring me? Are you sulking at me? Did I do something wrong to you?" asked his mother, afraid that she might have done something wrong to Asura. It's worth mentioning that it's the first time her son has behaved like this.

Still, Asura remained silent; he began to head towards the kitchen, his steps slow and hesitant, trying not to move, but his craving for blood surpassed his will.

"Asura, your mother is talking to you, why aren't you answering? If you're hungry, just tell us, and your mother will prepare something delicious for you to eat." This time, it was his father who spoke. He still didn't understand why his son wasn't responding and behaving so oddly. Usually, his son behaved normally.

Asura completely lost control; he walked faster towards the kitchen, quickly pulling out a knife from a small kitchen drawer. The knife was specially made for hunting, so it was quite large, probably over 20 centimeters long.

With the knife in hand, he walked calmly towards his parents. His steps were steady, making his actions even more terrifying.

"What are you doing, Asura!? Put that down right now, why are you picking up that knife!!?" However, Asura didn't listen to his father; he continued to walk towards him. In Asura's field of vision, he no longer saw human beings; he only saw blood, blood, and more blood.

He couldn't hear what people were saying anymore; he kept walking until he reached his father, who tried to pull the knife out of his hand. However, strangely, his father couldn't do it; it was as if Asura had become extremely strong, stronger than a normal adult. It's worth noting that his parents are normal adults and have never awakened their powers.

"Give it to me, Asura, don't do anything foolish with that, come on, please, Asura!" His mother shouted; she was currently very scared of her son.

Asura's eyes were even redder than usual; his face was terrifying with his smile reaching up to the sky. It was the first time he was so happy to be alive. He himself didn't understand why.

He pulled out the knife and plunged it into his father's heart; blood gushed out abundantly, the knife was filled with blood. Blood splattered on Asura; his eyes sparkled, the sensation of blood on his body was the best sensation he had ever experienced.

"HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!" mad laughter escaped from Asura's mouth as screams echoed in his ears, the screams of his mother, his sister, and the agony of his father.

He withdrew the knife delicately, taking his time; he savored the current moment because he didn't want it to end too quickly.


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