
The White Gate (2)

The news from the Dark Dragon spread quickly to the guilds from the Prophets. Since Faust was not the only Prophet from the country, the news was delivered to the people by the Fifth Prophet who was also the president of the Association in the country.

The Association was like an academy. It took care of the training of hunters, recruiting retired ones as mentors and putting the new ones under their wings.

Hunting was a good career because the creatures of the Light Dragon all had hearts encased by pure gold. While it'd take special chemicals to melt the barrier, mana and mana-infused weapons could easily break it apart. Additionally, parts of the creatures were also used to create armors or to fortify buildings. In this case, everything that came out of the gate, even the sea imbued with mana, was profitable.

And because of that, the Association had to set up a screening for its potential hunters due to the overwhelming number of people who did not know what hunting was like but pursued it anyway because of the luxurious commodities.

Potential hunters were sorted first by their mana reserve and then ranked by their resonance with the Dark Dragon. If a hunter could not utilize the power of the Dark Dragon, they were seen as subpar and usually rejected. Rankings from E to S were assigned based on the resonance.

Once they were chosen, they had two paths: train with the Association for a year before being assigned to a guild by their aptitude, or try their chance by directly applying to guilds.

Direct applications were common because who wouldn't want to get into a top guild? However, more often than not, the top guilds accepted only those trained by the Association because fresh hunters without any experience were disasters waiting to occur.

In that case, Nathaniel and Faust were two very different people. Nathaniel applied without any experience and got into Cardinal because of his exceptional resonance with the Dark Dragon as well as his victorious fight against a few of the experienced hunters. He was respected because he was feared.

Faust, on the other hand, was respected because he hadn't died yet.

Because his element was light, his resonance with the Dark Dragon was close to zero. However, the Association took him in because of the unprecedented element as well as his unparalleled skills in support magic and healing. In his two years of training, the Association dubbed him the Strongest Support but it was well known within the community that Faust had no talent with weapons, which were necessary to become part of an attack force.

But it was all a disguise as instructed by the Dark Dragon. The prophecy of a destroyed world still reverberated every so often in his head.

"Faust." A voice interrupted his thoughts. Talcot Ilorov, the President of the Association looked pleased to see him. "Is Mr. Nathaniel not with you?"

The president was in his late thirties. His resonance with the Dark Dragon was high but his low mana reserve made him an unsuitable candidate for the field. Instead, he was bestowed the role of the president of the Association.

"He didn't want to come," Faust replied. The strongest hunter had that privilege but the strongest supporter did not.

"Ah, I should've predicted that. Please, come to my office."

Talcot offered him tea but Faust declined it. They sat after a tussle of politeness.

"Since the Dark Dragon had agreed to create a path into the Light Dragon's realm, we're planning to reshape the guilds in a very near future," Talcot began. "However, because this is our first time experiencing this, we want to send out the strongest team possible in case of any difficulties."

"Have you contacted the other countries?"

"Yes, I have. Since the first gate will be opened on U.S. soil, they've agreed to send their hunters here." Talcot looked at him and smiled when he saw that Faust knew his purpose already. "I want you and Mr. Nathaniel to be part of that group."

"Have you spoken to Ms. Emilia?"

"Ms. Emilia has already agreed. However, she's afraid that the Light Dragon's realm might have adverse effects on you so she's leaving that choice up to you." Talcot chuckled a little. "And if you aren't willing to go, there's a fair chance that Mr. Nathaniel will choose to stay behind as well."

"Why's that?"

"The strongest hunter cannot be without his strongest support," Talcot replied as if it were obvious. "Even though Mr. Nathaniel is indeed the strongest, he's not invincible as we all know. Without you, he would've died a couple of times already. I'm sure he wouldn't want to head into an unknown region without someone he trusts."

"Mr. Nathaniel has never backed down from anything," Faust said. "Besides, the group will consist of the strongest hunters. A support is probably unnecessary."

"Then…are you not going?"

A small sigh escaped him. "I will go."

"Good! I've already asked a uniform to be made for you." Talcot grinned.


"Well, it's our first time into the Light Dragon's realm. We need to be coordinated and matching to show our unison."

"They're monsters. They don't care."

"Well, it's good for the press. Just bear with it. Besides, all the other countries have agreed." Talcot nodded to himself. "It'll be a splendid dark outfit matching our Dark Dragon. It comes with a cape in case you need to wipe any blood. Oh, I have the design right here if you want to—hey, Faust! Faust, come back, I'm not done!"

* * *

Nathaniel looked unhappy at the assignment. "I hate working with foreigners."

"Don't hate yourself, Nate," Faust muttered absently as he ate his breakfast.

There were a lot of things to do today. First, they had to meet up with the hunters from the other countries and then Nathaniel would probably want to spar with them. Faust would take that time to accidentally destroy his uniform and gather a few special spells from the Association's warehouse.

"I don't speak their languages and you don't bother translating for me."

Faust was offended. "I always did."

"Wow, really?" Seated across from him, Nathaniel arched an eyebrow and stabbed a fork vehemently and unnecessarily into his toast. "Last time the french bastard spoke for a whole thirty seconds and the only thing you told me was that he hates my gut."

"It's true."

"Well, regardless, I'll just challenge them to a few fights. It's easier than talking." Nathaniel made up his mind. A glint in his eyes reflected his excitement.

"Good, because I'll be doing something else while you get beaten up." Faust nodded. "Hopefully, I'll be back by three in the afternoon."

"Where are you going?"


"Ah, places," Nathaniel scoffed at his vagueness. "To do what? Lemme guess, things."

Faust nodded. "How did you know?"

They finished breakfast quickly and drove to the Association. The reception floor was filled with reporters and flashing cameras. Nathaniel loved the attention but Faust did not, so he'd left the car a block before the Association's building.

The Association had a door in the back for people like him. And that was where he ran into the Chinese hunter Xiu Cai. The woman jerked around when she felt Faust's presence and then relaxed when she saw Faust being similar anxious.

Faust's name had spread throughout the world when he was first discovered as a light-type hunter. However, since he was a supporter, his name gradually diminished and became an accessory to Nathaniel's name. By himself, Faust didn't think anyone would recognize him.

"I'm Bob," Faust introduced himself. This way, if the woman ever asked for him, Faust wouldn't have to answer.

"My name is Xiu Cai ." She smiled and offered a hand. "Nice to meet you, Mister Bob."

"Likewise." Faust shook the proffered hand. "Let's head inside."

Nathaniel was already there and had already claimed a spot for himself amid the flashing cameras. He was shaking hands with a few of the foreign hunters who were making an attempt to speak in English.

"Mr. Nathaniel looks more handsome in real life," Xiu Cai remarked.

Faust sat down on one of the chairs and watched as more hunters began to arrive. There was the french one from last time. A sour look appeared on Nathaniel's face but the French hunter shook his hand amiably.

Xiu Cai stood a little to the side, surrounded by her own group of reporters. She looked a bit flustered but began to smile when Nathaniel came over to greet her. Nathaniel did not understand an ounce of Chinese but Xiu Cai wasn't speaking Chinese. Although her English wasn't as fluent, she managed to hold a proper greeting.

As a fellow swordmaster, she seemed to get along with well with Nathaniel. Faust was glad.

It was a little while later that Talcot came and escorted the gathered hunters to the large meeting room. The First Prophet in close communication with the Dark Dragon was there to relay the new information he'd received.

The hunters participating in the first White Gate hunt, as they'd decided to call it, sat in front of the projected screen. Talcot was standing at the podium, preparing his speech, and the First Prophet was speaking to him in low voices.

Reporters piled on the last few rows of tables and chairs. Faust did not want to be in such a crowded space and he made it clear by melting into the darkness in the corner of the room.

Most people thought his ability with light was something akin to turning the light on and off but they seemed to forget that by turning the light off, he'd created darkness. In a sense, his power of light was also a power of dark.

'And with dark, there is death.' That was what the Dark Dragon had told him years before. 'And with light and dark, there is time.'

So strictly speaking, he could also control time as well as the dead. Necromancers weren't rare but the last-recorded time warlock had died a few decades ago.

However, the Dark Dragon didn't want him to disclose his power because the more fame he received, the less likely the Light Dragon would believe in his sincerity to change sides.

Because of that, Faust was more than willing to let his name die out from the newspapers.

"Ahem," Talcot cleared his throat and tapped the mic, scanning the room quietly. "I'm sure we're all anxious to get to the topic but please hold any questions or concerns till the very end as we have a lot to get through."

"Hold on," someone held up a hand boldly. It was Nathaniel. "Faust isn't here yet."

What a bastard, Faust thought.

The seat next to Nathaniel was empty. Faust had thought it was reserved for Xiu Cai but that was not the case as she'd chosen to sit with the hunter from Japan.

Faust unhappily revealed himself and sat down next to the man who pays his wage.

"Are you enjoying this?" Faust asked quietly as Talcot continued again.

"I just don't want you to miss out," Nathaniel replied innocently. He then said, "Did you see that Chinese hunter Xiu Cai? She got stronger since last year but there's something odd about her."

"Why's that?"

"Even though she looks timid, there's something extremely powerful and predatory about her."

Faust looked toward her and, as if sensing his gaze, she looked back and waved at them.

The cameras flashed at their interaction and Faust quickly returned his gaze to Talcot. He let the president's voice drone on and sat idly through the rest of the meeting until the loud voices of the reporters snapped him out of his reverie.

"I'm heading to the training center," Nathaniel said to Faust as the reporters rushed Talcot with their questions. "The other hunters have agreed to be there as well. You going?"

Before Faust could answer, Xiu Cai had made her way to them. "Mr. Faust," she said.

Ah, she'd discovered his name. Faust felt a sense of despair as she continued to speak. "Do you want to fight?"

Nathaniel choked on her word choice. "Spar," he corrected her. "And Faust doesn't spar. He runs away."

Faust agreed with a nod. "I'm not good at fighting." But he could summon a sea serpent for her, not that he would.

Xiu Cai accepted his rejection and said, "Then will you watch my fight with Mr. Nathaniel? My master said you can teach me a lot about Mr. Nathaniel's weakness."

Faust did not want to do that. "I'm sorry but I have something to take care of. I'm sure Mr. Nathaniel can teach you plenty about his weaknesses."

"Ok," she replied brightly. "Then I will be honest." She produced a letter from her bag and handed it to him. "On behalf of the Chinese Hunter Association, we want to you work for us. We're planning for simultaneous gatebreaking of three gates at a time to make hunting faster and efficient. It will be great to have a strong supporter like you to back our first simultaneous gatebreaking."

Faust blinked. He then shifted to the side so the letter would be pointed in Nathaniel's direction. However, the letter shifted with him. Xiu Cai looked at him earnestly.

Nathaniel snatched it out of the air. "Simultaneous gatebreaking? That's foolish. You don't know what will come out of the gate."

"We have a lot of support forces to make sure everything goes well. But Mr. Faust can help us greatly since he is powerful."

"Oh, I'm not powerful," Faust replied. "And I don't want to be in danger."

"Mr. Faust is also very humble."

Nathaniel snorted. "Well, how about we get to sparring and let Faust think it through?"

Xiu Cai nodded and bowed. "Thank you."

No thank you. Faust had no intention of going to China.

Next chapter