1 A Broken Promise and A Deal in Exchange

Being faced with the overwhelming truth that the woman he loved was going to marry another man and that the outcome could not be changed he was driven mad. He had to face the fact that he could no longer be with her he had to try and change something, but there was no way. On top of that what was worse was that she had confessed her love for him days before as she had seen it as no longer a relevant matter in an arranged marriage. After these events her father sighed and said "I wish things could be easier I know how close you to are and both of your feelings; well, *sighing* I forbid you from seeing each other" soon following that the soon to be husband approached him after spying and hearing what the fatger has said "not a word to her or appearance in front of her or you will be forgotten." soon following that he left town planning on suicide the next day with no hope in mind but after walking what seemed endlessly and void of emotions he decided to go to where he was not recognized and do it there, where it would be less likely to be revealed. As he walked a man bumped into him and he ignored him as that was not his greatest concern at the time as he continued walking the man yelled aren't you going grovel on your knees asking for forgiveness for your actions he was tired and fed up with what others had to say and did not respond. He got close and punched clean on the side of the nose injuring his hand and the man's face. A skirmish started and at the end of the day he was sent to prison for attacking someone of a higher class then him.

He had called to the guards expecting a response but no answer was given he had felt as if he was in a gazed state and started yelling that the man from earlier had done something to him as that happened he noticed the guards were sound asleep he could say nothing more than a whisper and the room start to get darker. A figure began to break through with smoke smoke as black as coal surrounded him to his eyes which seemed voice of life, he tried yelling to the guards and the entity responded "what a meaningless task". The voice of this being was deep and slipped right through the bars as if was not there he touched his throat and was able to speak. The being said "I have an offer for you, sign this and you can marry the woman of your dreams what else do you have to live for" quite perplexed and confused he asked who are you and he responded "I am someone who is offering you a deal you can't refuse, sign here and you can change whatever you want". As he tried to read the writing he could not understand a single word as none of it was written in a language he could understand. The being said "to me it is just a game I do not care if you do or don't what do you say", he cautiously said "I need a pen" and in the beings right pen and a jar on ink appeared of thin air. Elizer was faced with something he did not want to know. He signed without question and was told "good all you need to do is deliver this message do not forget".

As the room began to shake a door of sorts began to open and move in a circular manner he was asked to walk through before he entered he was told the pen allowed for two contracts to be written but for the joy of it the closer you get to people the more mad you will grow and as that happens your body will belong to me. Don't worry he said I made it easier for me I sent you back 14 years.

By the time the word he woke up in his bed in fear of who he just met.

But he remembered if it truly was 14 years ago then that was near the day they said they would marry each other.

{Author Notes:I won't publish this book as fast because there are a lot of gaps I need to fill}
