
Chapter 8

The next day, Angelica woke up and smiled then choose a black dress to wear for the day and then she hold the portkey, she already told her family. "Eileen." She said softly.

As Angelica has went to the the manor a little too early, Severus is still sleeping ok his own bedroom, without knowing the fact that she has already arrived.

She looked around in silence. "Oh...it's amazing here..." She whispered, she stayed there looking. She look around and found a piano in the lobby then sat down carefully opening the lid. "It's been so long time...I don't see one like this."She said softly touching the keyboard, and softly starting a song.

As Angelica played the piano, the music of it has waked Severus up. As he suddenly sits up and said, "where's the bomb?"

Angelica started with a calm nocturne number 1 from Chopin. She closed her eyes feeling the notes and their sound, she had some tears in her eyes about that mix of feelings and sensations, she doesn't play a long time.

Severus then wakes up fully after falling off his bed. He then realised its music instead of the bomb in his mind.

Angelica kept playing and now she was playing another song called Nuvole Bianche was she waited Severus or someone from the house.

Severus quickly runs down the stairs to the lobby without realising he is only wearing his pyjamas bottom. "You played beautifully." He said with a small smile.

Angelica was startled by the his sudden appearance she just stopped to play blushing. "Merlin's beard..." She said chuckling about herself reaction then looked at him. "Sev..." She whispered smiling then go to him hugging him softly.

Severus then realised he is topless as he noticed she is blushing and hugged him suddenly. He tensed as he realised she can see all the scars at his bare chest and back.

She felt him tense under her hug and moved away from him. "I'm sorry... I forgot that you don't like." She said and looked at him noticing some scars on his chest. "Was your father?" She just asked sadly.

"Yes. They are all from him..." Severus admitted, "and this one..." he said as he points at a scar that starts from his abandon to somewhere below his pants, "happened when I was only four."

She looked at the scar he was saying. She get closer to him and softly she slides her fingers and nails slowly on his scars. She tried to show her love on those touches. Then she caressed his cheek softly with some tears in her eyes. "I don't know what to say..." She just whispered.

"I guess I will never understand why my mother never used magic against him...maybe she loved him once and doesn't want to leave him..." he said softly.

"Maybe she was afraid to him...you know...let things worst..." Angelica said softly. "You don't need to be nervous or tense about it Sev..."She said looking him. "All this just make me...want to stay closer to you." She smiled.

"But I am in shame because of the scar...the marauders nearly see that when they took of my pants after the DADA OWLs." Severus told her.

She looked at him sadly listening him. "Oh Sev.... I never could imagine all this happening to you..." She said and caressed softy the scar he was talking about. "I shouldn't be touching you...I know you don't like it...I'm sorry." She said and take her hand off.

"It's okay...I am just nervous and shy if you want to know, as no one has ever seen them before." He said looking into her eyes.

"I love them...you don't deserve it, obviously...but show me how brave you're..." She gets closer to him. "Look at you.. to this scars...obvious was hard..."

She said sadly caressing his chest with some tears in her eyes. But...but you're here." She looked into his eyes.

"I know my life is hard..." Severus said, "and if you don't mind let's go to my room. I mean I need to get dressed anyway."

She nodded. "Sure." She said smiling holding his hand.

To his own surprise, he didn't pulled away. He felt a bit nice actually. He then leads her to his bedroom, it is decorated in midnight blue and white, stars and moon are decorated around the room.

She looked around surprised. "Sev...it's marvelous...literally amazing..." She said softly.

"I know. This bedroom is really special, it reminds me of the sky. My grandfather gives it to me because he thinks the bedroom will let me feel relax." Severus told her.

She nodded. "He's right." She looked at him and get closer to him she was nervous. "Sev...I never was so closer to someone...and you wrote 'my Prince' I don't want to press you...what do I mean for you?" She blushed shyly.

"What I have written is 'yours, Prince' I cannot believe you translated it to that." He said shyly, "but I don't mind as I am thinking the same thing now."

Angelica looked down sadly. But.. wasn't your intention." She said lower and sighed trying to control her emotions. "Sorry I just...believed in something that wasn't real." She said not looking at him.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. But what I want to say is I have fallen into you for quite some time now. But I just too shy and nervous to admit it myself." He told her truthfully.

She looked at him and noticed he was being sincere, not knowing what she should say.

"I am sorry...I shouldn't be this forward...I just want to speak up my mind." Severus said.

She smiled. "No please, don't do it...I'm just afraid to scare you...I want to kiss you." She said chuckling nervously. "I like you...so much Sev."

Severus is shocked that she has liked her back. He is so surprised that his mouth and eyes are wide opened.

She looked at him him blushing and smiling. "I'm sorry...I'm so nervous, I never felt this." She chuckled.

"You mean no one has ever tell you how much they loved you? How can it be?! You are amazing and charming!" He said with a shocked face.

She blushed. "Thanks Sev, that means a lot to me." She said softly caressing his face looking his lips.

Severus noticed this and he suddenly used his daring bravery to kiss her on the lips quickly before he pulled away.

She gasped when she felt his lips on her, then she kissed him back deeply holding his neck gently.

Severus is a bit shocked that she has kissed him back. He pulled away suddenly because he's shy and he remembered he is only wear his pyjamas bottom so he really wanted to change quickly.

She blushed when he pulled her away, and felt herself guilty. "I thought that you wanted... you.." She said gently. "I'm sorry."

"It's not like that...it's just I need to breathe and well...get dressed." He said with a blush again.

"Don't be shy." She said with a smile as he sits on his bed, "I like your body, but it's okay...go and get dressed I'll wait here."

He smiled slightly and went to get dressed as quickly as possible. He hopes the clothes he wears can charm her somehow. He soon come out with some casual clothing.

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