
A Prince and his Veela

After the DADA OWLs, Lily doesn't talk to Severus anymore. He found friendship with a beautiful Veela. Slowly, he is fallen into his charm, but he is afraid to love. Will she melt his heart, and make him to love again? Read this story to find out more! SSOC Romance

commodoreseverus · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Severus has quickly find an empty compartment for the train ride. He hoped the marauders or others won't bother him. He won't mind if it's Angelica through.

Angelica looked around for some compartment, her owl was on her shoulder. She saw Severus and get in. "Can I stay here? All compartments are full." She said softly.

"Sure." Severus said as he looks up and saw it's Angelica. He looks at the owl and smiled a bit.

She get in and sit down next him. "Well, Belle this is Severus. Severus this is Belle. Severus is my friend." She said calmly and the owl grunted cheerfully.

Severus has taken out his favourite book out from his bag, he then starts to read it. He knows he won't have money to buy snacks then, so he better keeps his mind in the book to distract himself from hunger.

Angelica looked at Severus. "Hey do you want something? I'll buy chocolates." She said softly caressing Belle.

"Can I have the chocolate cauldron cake?" Severus asked her politely after a moment of thinking.

"Ok, Give me your hand, I can't go with Belle." Angelica said to him. "She will hold your fingers but don't hurt, then put her on your shoulder. Do it slowly." She said and looked at him.

Severus nods and do what she has asked him to.

She took his hand and slowly put Belle on his hand and looked at them. "Ok, now put her on your shoulder." She said.

Severus nods and puts Belle on his shoulder gently.

Belle grunted softly holding his shoulder. Angelica caressed her head softly. "Belle remember he's my only friend, so he's your friend ok? Be nice with him." Belle looked at Severus and caress Severus with her head. "Good boy." Angelica said.

She get up and go to buy the chocolate for them.

Severus has gently pat the head of Belle. He smiled softly at the soft fur of hers. Belle grunted softly to Severus and looking at him.

Severus just smiled softly at this and returned his attention back to his book.

Angelica came back and gave the snickers to her then tilted her shoulder so Belle could go back to her shoulder but the owl stayed intact. "You're cheating me, Belle." She said ironically at him, and the owl tilted her head at her funnily. "Ok, you can stay with him."

"You can go back to her." Severus said softly to Belle. He is a bit uncomfortable as Belle continues to stand on his shoulder.

Angelica noticed that Severus was uncomfortable and looked at Belle. "Came on, Belle." The owl go to her fingers then her shoulder. "I'm sorry." Angelica said softly to him.

"It's ok. I am just overreact." Severus said, "thanks for the chocolate cauldron cake by the way."

She smiled and kissed his cheek softly. "It's ok." She said softly and eat her chocolate too.

Severus starts to eat his cake, and he starts to look at the sight outside. It's beautiful like always.

She looked at him feeling a little sad. "Severus do you like me?" She ask.

Severus is a bit shocked at her question. He doesn't know what to answer, "Maybe a little, I am not sure now."

She nodded in silence caressing Belle.

Hours later, they have arrived London. Severus has already fallen asleep during the ride.

Angelica caressed Severus cheek softly. "Hey...Sev...wake up, we arrived." She said softly to him as she slowly to shake him awake.

Severus rubbed his eyes and realised she is indeed right. They have arrived.

"Bye, I'll write you." She said and walked away, she was very confused about her feelings for Severus.

"I will write to you too." Severus said and has went to find his grandfather. And both left to the Prince Manor.