

"Each of you take a ball from these boxes!" All Might told them with enthusiasm, "They will determine your teammate and whether you will be the hero or villain team!"

"Hey Akuma who made your costume?" Kirirshima asked as he saw the clear differences in Akuma's custome to the rest of theirs, "It looks sick!"

"None of your business." Akuma said coldly as he grabbed a ball and the others couldn't tell if he was being cold or just wanted to be left alone, "Team F huh?"

"You'll be on the Villain team with Bakugo!" All Might yelled as Akuma walked towards Bakugo and it was clear that neither of them were happy. Their attitude changed slightly when they heard that Izuku and Uraraka were going to be their opponents and they would be lying if they said they weren't looking forward to fighting the green haired teen. The wait seemed to take forever as they impatiently waited for their turn to enter the large building and once inside the two instantly went their separate ways with Akuma bringing the mock bomb to the top floor and Bakugou getting ready to attack Izuku and Uraraka.

"Mind if I watch?" Hatsume asked as she walked into the monitoring room and everyone inside turned around with a surprised look, "Akuma asked me to make his hero costume and I want to see how it does in combat."

"I thought our costumes were supposed to be made by U.A.?" Tsuyu asked in a confused voice and the other students seemed to be having the same thoughts, "That's what Mr.Aizawa told us."

"That's normally the case yes. The problem was that even though they were designing Young Akuma's costume how he wanted this young lady is the only one who can create the exact material that he wanted." All Might explained while he watched Bakugou and Izuku's fight closely and the other students seemed to understand as Hatsume got closer to screens. At first she was seemed to be the only one to notice that Uraraka had reached the bomb room, where Akuma was holding up at, but the others quickly turned their attention to them and she smiled knowing that she was about to see the costume in action.

"I was really hoping that you wouldn't be up here..." Uraraka sighed when she saw Akuma standing in front of them bomb with his arms crossed and she ran straight towards him at full speed, making him smirk as he took a fighting pose before she activated her quirk and began to fly over him. She gasped when an energy ball exploded in front of her and only All Might seemed to notice that it wasn't meant to hurt her as she flew backwards.

"There's a strong chance they wont get past Akuma and Bakugou." Iida said as all of them watched the two battles unfold and so far it wasn't looking good for the hero team, "Bakugou may be hot headed but he knows exactly how to use his quirk in combat and none of us have any idea what Akuma's quirk is so it's difficult to come up with a strategy to fight against him."

"Not to mention his costume." Hatsume said with a big smile and they were about to question her before Izuku used a powerful punch to destroy part of the building, catching Akuma off guard. Uraraka immediately used her quirk on the debris filling the room and used one of the broken pillars as a bat to send the debris flying at Akuma, blocking his view of her.

"Got it!" Uraraka yelled as she used her quirk to fly over him and she heard the floor break apart behind her as Akuma flee towards her with a serious expression. She breathed a sigh of relief when she grabbed the bomb and turned around to see Akuma smirking at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Guess that's what I get for underestimating you." He said as he floated to the ground and she gave him a thumbs up with a smile before they walked out of the now destroyed building.

"It looks like it didn't activate..." Hatsume muttered as she began to examine Akuma's costume the moment they were outside, "I'm guessing it might have shorted out when Midoriya destroyed the building..."

"Hi Hatsume." Akuma said with a chuckle as she took a step back and the others were surprised that she had gotten such a kind response from him, "You here to make sure the costume works?"

"Partly. I wanted to see your fighting style so I could design the costume to better fit it but you didn't even try to fight." Hatsume told him as they followed the others out of the mock city, "I can't get an accurate reading if you don't try."

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