15 ParaHumans Online Interlude


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♦ Topic: A New Cape in Town?

In: Boards ► Parahumans ► Boston

Accordingly (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Cape Groupie)

Posted On Nov 20th 2010:

Okay, there is this flyer 9 [LINK] that is currently circulating in Boston.

Now, there are lots of claim that by wishing on this flyer, critical condition patients were healed overnight with no recollection of what happened.

Source: [LINK], [LINK], [LINK]

There are also claims that they gained powers by wishing on the same flyer [LINK], gaining large amounts of cash and other valuables [LINK], and the mysterious disappearance of The Teeth [LINK].


(Showing page 1 of 34)


Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

I call ********!

[User was Infracted for foul language]


Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

Is it really true though?


Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

I can attest to that. My brother was in a coma due to brain hemorrhage and he just woke up yesterday with the Flyer at his bedside!

►Firefist (Verified Cape)

Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

I can't remember the details but I got that Flyer one evening, and BOOM! Instant powers in the following morning. Although I can't remember anything during that said evening.

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

What? @Firefist, you're joking right? RIGHT?!

►Firefist (Verified Cape)

Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

@Bruce Lao, nope... It's the truth!

►Accord (Unverified Cape) (Ambassadors)

Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

I have availed Bookmaker's... service, with propagating the flyers as payment... I can attest to their trustworthiness.

Edit: Interesting... It seems that I cannot even use a gender sensitive pronoun to substitute for Bookmaker.

►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)

Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

HOLY ZIZ! Accord just showed up!

You can't get more proof than that!

And what! That's some crazy Stranger power!


Replied On Nov 20th 2010:

Now where can I get some of that?

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♦ Topic: A New Thread

In: Boards ► Parahumans ► Boston

Accordingly (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Cape Groupie)

Posted On Jan 1st 2011:

Okay, there is this flyer 9 [LINK] that is currently circulating in Boston.

Now, there are lots of claim that by wishing on this flyer, critical condition patients were healed overnight with no recollection of what happened.

Source: [LINK], [LINK], [LINK]

There are also claims that they gained powers by wishing on the same flyer [LINK], gaining large amounts of cash and other valuables [LINK], and the mysterious disappearance of The Teeth [LINK].

(Showing page 33 of 33)


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I'm more worried about that text.

'Any wish for the right price'

If they can just give away powers like that, at what cost?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Pffftt... You're just overthinking bruh! Bookmaker, I'm willing to pawn my dog for powers!


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Has anybody noticed that there's no MOD in this thread?

►Bookmaker (Verified Story Teller)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

A wish, that is your heartfelt desire

A price, everything it requires

Equal and equivalent exchange

Now, what are you willing to pay?


Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

GOD has appeared!

@Coyote-C ****! You're right!

Edit: The word censoring is still there though...

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

@Bookmaker, the PRT would like to extend an invitation towards you and any of your associates (if any).

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