
Chapter one

All I remember was drifting into an endless void. Thoughts of my old life had already dissipated, and now I just wanted to keep living.

The concept of time had long passed through and departed. All I could do was hope somebody would hear my nonexistent thoughts.

That's when I heard the distant voice with a sweet melody, or what I wanted to assume was sweet.

Do you want to live? Asked the voice.

What seemingly felt like a yes surfaced toward the forefront of my nonexistent thought.

If you did, what would you like to take to this new world you'll be going to? The voice spoke again in a whisper.

Immortality surfaced this time around.

Once that surfaced, I knew I would not get complete immortality, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Well, since you want immortality, where I send you the opportunity to grow will not be an easy starting point for you said the voice, this time in a raspy voice.

What can be so tricky about where you are sending me? I've developed an iron will.

Or so I thought until I woke up from what seemed like a dream; then I realized I was in hell and just a tiny flaming bird.

Information popped into my head, and that scared me because I was told that this was an alternate marvel universe and that I shouldn't get so surprised if I made it out of the Hell Dimensions since this would be like a boss-level marvel universe.

After receiving that tidbit of information, my tiny body became sluggish, but I couldn't dwell long because I heard what sounded like giant footsteps.

As I turned around, I saw a red demon running toward me with an aggressive look on his face which frightened me.

I was using my tiny body to flap my little wings to fly out of the path of his giant arm swinging down at me.

Since I don't have to worry about arms and legs, I can create Pokemon moves.

As I fly very unstably out of the way of the giant red demon. I felt angry that a disgusted beast would attempt to murder me for no reason.

I wanted this beast to be gone, so I did the first thing that came to mind out of anger; vengeance. I used the flamethrower that overwhelmed the demon, and I felt exhausted; I couldn't help but curse at this time of hardship.


I felt the need to eat the demon's heart to become stronger. Even if God frowns, I would at least repent for what I am aBout to do.

For I have transgressed, but I repent.



I charged toward the demon, creating a small fire wrapped around me. I flung myself forward like a fireball. I was trying to burn as hot as possible I pass through its thick skin in this next attack.

FIRE STYLE FIRE BALL JUTSUS ' I screamed, tearing through the demon's chest.


I came out with its heart in my flaming beak as I slowly liquified it. I roared unconsciously, and it reverberated; the color of the dimension slowly turned fiery red.

What felt like two hours later

I had finally let everything sink in now that I had time to gather my thought.

I wanted to murder that voice impulsively just thinking about the being that sent me to hell and started me off like I was the MC in an RPG game cinematic trailer. I declared openly.


At least I grew to a reasonable size now.

After eating the heart of that demon, I felt stronger but more irritable. At least I know I'll have to work on that in the future. (Caw Caw)

It took a while to figure out what area of Hell I was in. I flew surprisingly quickly now that I had to learn to think heavily and fast under pressure as a newbie. (Caw Caw)


I stopped in my tracks real fast like the road runner. ( Caw Caw )

A transparent screen appeared in front of my demon eyes, and I blinked twice, dumbfounded at what I had seen.




I could cultivate skills so that they could become instinctual.

These skills could be considered average in whatever universe this is. I know it's dangerous, especially if he wants it to be hard on me must know I'll be lazy about it.

My bird face turns ugly immediately (Caw Caw)

I encountered a lot of demons over a long period surviving on cannibalizing monsters to improve my strengths in this dog-eat-dog Hell.

As I grew bigger and stronger, my strengths started to reach heights I couldn't measure until I met a terrifying Satan that showed pity stepping on my pride, so I had become Meek to earn from this cunning Demon whose name I had not come to know.

He was a sadist in his way of playing childish games and tricks on people. That was the impression I sensed from him.

( If I have to fake it till I make it right now, then I can do that. I Thought)

{Follow me, and I will give you the opportunity for power. hopefully, you don't die in the process, young Phoenix. Said this demon with a pure white face with a smile etched onto his face. }

This guy reminds me of The Joker, and those aren't good vibes.

As I watched this demon move and seemed cheerful as I followed him, I stayed vigilant

((He seems more go-off in the deep end than his DC universe counterparts, I thought to myself. ))

Flying behind this guy at a safe enough distance in case he wanted to try anything but the Demon Joker seemed pleasantly chilled.

I wonder how long he had been in the Hell Dimensions.

Next chapter