
Mira on her way back

Somewhere close to the Cylon's capital, two persons had just now begun their travel. The first person was a grown woman who was able to fly through the sky. The second person was a younger girl, who was being carried by the first lady in her arms. 

"Sorry to bring you out on a short notice, Mira." Rachael was the one carrying Ryu's younger sister, on their way back to her hometown. This was an abrupt adjournment in Mira's training routine. 

They weren't supposed to break the schedule like that, however, on Rachel's last visit to her elder sister Emily, she was informed of the significant loss Mira's family had sustained. Her uncle and Ruby's husband was no more, swallowed by the Krypto vines while he was on duty.

For all these days, Rachel had kept this news a secret from Mira. Regardless, Emily had requested her to bring the young lady back to her hometown so she can stay a few days with her family. That's the reason, today she revealed the matter of James's demise to her. 

Naturally, Mira's reaction fluctuated between shock and disbelief, but once Rachel revealed Emily to be the convener of the news... Mira could no longer remain in denial. Though she felt bad for the young Mira, Rachel had no say in this familial trouble. 

"No... I must thank Aunt Rachel for bringing me over." Rachel's relationship with Mira was a complicated one. On one hand, she had always regarded Emily as her elder sister, considering she was the senior disciple of her master. This means, Mira can be deemed as her grand daughter. 

On the other hand, since Mira was training directly under their old master, she can be considered her sister in cultivation terms. Mira probably realized the complications of their relationship, thus preferring to call her neither grandma nor big sis and instead settle for an Aunt. Rachel consequently was happy with her decision to be addressed as such. 

Being unmarried, she would prefer not to be called a grandmother. At the same time, if such a young girl who was not even in her late teams started calling her big sis, Rachel will be toasted red with embarrassment. Therefore, being called an Aunt was the best possible outcome. 

"Respectful as ever." Rachel's eyes were filled with affection for the girl. Having always idolized Emily, Mira was truly precious to her. Not to mention the strange talent the young girl has displayed recently has kept her interest piqued. 

"Don't worry, big sis told that your family had coped well with your uncle's loss. Your elder sister was understandably affected the worst, but your brother seems to have played a big role in assisting her through the period of grief." 

Mira didn't utter a single word, quietly listening to what Rachel had to say. "Despite all that, big sis felt that if your family can be reunited once.. all of you will feel better. In addition, you can pay respect to the departed as well." 

Severely affected by the news, Mira's eyes were slightly red. Nevertheless, she was doing a great job not letting her emotions take over. "What about others? I hope others are unhurt." Who's gone is gone now. Mira just hoped the rest of her family was safe at least, especially her brother. 

She knew her brother had a tendency to get involved in the roughest of situations. "Yes, rest all should be fine only. That's the reason we are heading over to them, aren't we? If they are not fine, then this Aunt of yours will make them fine.. how about it?" 

Rachel had her own way of cheering the youngling. Thankfully, her trick seems to have worked.. bringing out a small smile on Mira's complexion.. no matter how faint. "Thank you so much, Aunt Rachel." "Anything for my little angel." 

In only over little more than a month, Rachel had developed an unbreakable bond with Mira, successfully taking over the role of her guardian. The more they interacted, the more Rachel loved this feeling of newfound attachment. 


"Madam Naila, both of us are heading in the same direction as the Korua town. As such, we don't mind looking after them for you." Ryu and his newly formed group were on their way back home when Linda consulted Naila who was walking alongside them carrying an unconscious Paula on her horse back. 

"It is fine. This is but a small detour. I don't doubt your capabilities, but this is my promise to Mrs. Emily. My time is a small compensation for a duel with her." Knowing she was intent on bringing the green-haired child back to his home, Linda and Yalda chose not to bother her anymore. 

"Besides, don't you see the fondness between the boy and my girl? You think she would allow me to part ways with him so soon?" Further in front of the group, Darla was walking hand in hand with Ryu, not willing to leave the boy alone for even a minute. Naila can easily anticipate her reaction if anyone suggested she part ways with Ryu at this point. 

"This befuddles me.. they must be pretty close to each other." Linda can only scratch her head in confusion over the peculiar relationship between the young teenagers with contrasting backgrounds. 

"It is nothing irrational. Centaur girls are pretty impressionable at such a young age. All it takes is a simple heroic attempt by the opposite gender and they end up falling head over heels for them." Naila summarised whatever Darla had told her about their budding relationship. 

"Ohh.. then the young one must have done a noteworthy job at impressing her." Yalda interjected, causing Naila to chuckle lightly. "Yes and in addition he must have beaten her up convincingly. Because otherwise, a centaur would never fall for you." 

While the three individuals laughed, Itzel's group was feeling slightly alienated. Apart from Ryu they practically knew no one in this group. Furthermore, being at the very bottom of the strength spectrum, they were yet to acclimatize to the presence of these majestic part-human and part-horse characters. But with Darla monologing Ryu all for herself, they can't complain. 

Naila was the first to sense their troubled expressions, choosing to cheer them up. "How are you guys coping? Don't hesitate to raise your concern if you are not able to walk anymore." Being humans with limited to no cultivation, Naila was right in her assessment. 

Finding the magnificent creature talk to her was in itself a surreal experience for Itzel. They had clearly underestimated Ryu's position. Even the centaurs were his friends. "Thank you for your benevolence, madam. We can still walk for a few more hours." 

In response, Naila stepped forth and gently reached down to caress Jenny's head. "Especially you, little one. I can carry you if you want." She can tell the little girl was the most fragile out of all, hence her offer. 

Centaurs considered their back sacred and as far as Naila was concerned, no one other than one was worthy enough to ride her. However, from her words, it's clear that a child-like Jenny didn't even show up in her pride calculations. 

Needless to say, even such a small gesture had sent Jenny huddling into Itzel, too stupefied to speak. "Please pardon her, madam. She is still too shaken from the last encounter." 

Naila chuckled lightly while continuing to rub Jenny's small head under her palm. "Haha... it's okay, girl. You are in safe hands now. This mother will not let anyone harm you." Not wanting to scare away the young human, the centaur lady chose to take a few steps back as they continued on their long journey. 

Away from the group, Darla was holding Ryu's hands as they walked close to each other. "You should thank Aunt Naila. If not for her, all of you would have been turned into pulp by that crazy woman." The young centaur boasted intending to shift Ryu's mind from his worries. 

Ryu could see through her efforts to cheer him up as well. Even with her snobbish demeanor, Darla was a true companion who despite spending the least time with Ryu, probably knew him the best. Such was the advancement in their relationship in a small span of time when they were stuck together in the underground caves having only each other as support. 

"Hm... I am not so sure. I think we had the situation more or less in control." Although his memory was hazy at the time, Ryu can vaguely remember how freely Emily's water spirit was able to cut down her opponent. 

"You wish.. all I saw was your pathetic faces when we came across you, humans. Believe me, boy.. we centaurs are superior in every metric.. hmph.." Though struck with grief at the loss of his master, Ryu acted to not let his emotions show on his face. 

"Forgive me, but last time when we met... I was certainly not the pathetic one out of us." Darla reacted as Ryu stepped on her tail, jerking her head swiftly and delivering a glare to the boy. "That humiliation... I am yet to get back to you for it.." 

Before Ryu could react, he felt his feet get off the ground. "Hey... What's the big idea?" The young human lad complained, but Darla had hastily tossed him on her horseback. "Nothing. I need to confirm if you are still the same Ryu I fell for." 

Saying this, Darla had increased her pace. Her long legs took big strides, confidently carrying the boy further away from the group. Before Ryu knew it, the centaur was rushing through dense woods, her sturdy body cutting a path across the harsh vegetation without any sweat. 

Darla's brisk run continued for a long period until they came across a small clearing in the forest. Her hooves crashed into the rough earth, throwing Ryu straight off her back. Fortunately for the boy, he had completely expected such a development. 

"A warrior must never let his guard down. No matter how great a loss, we must stand back up and keep fighting..." Darla revealed a large grin and then took off her long fur coat, revealing a massive body with well-defined muscles underneath. 

Ryu who had been sent flying had managed to somehow land on his feet. "I understand now. You have improved." It only took one glance from him to tell how exponentially the centaur girl had grown in the time they had been apart. 

"Yes. And you must prove yourself worthy once again." Darla reached out for the sword on her back. "I was but a naive brat when you ensnared me. I have grown stronger by a significant amount. Let's see if you can still keep up." 

Darla was not at all jesting. Before she met Ryu, she had rarely ever taken her training seriously. The thorough defeat at the hands of the human is what it took for the haughty centaur to get serious. 

Without a second thought, Darla swung her long sword at the boy. For a moment, Ryu was left shocked that Darla would attack him to do harm. Haphazardly stepping back, he noticed how Darla had switched from a heavy sword to a long one. Does this indicate the change in her approach?

*SHrrrr* Ryu was able to block multiple swings with some randomly conjured wood, but with the sharpness of her sword... Darla was able to cut through everything he threw at her like butter. In a battle of stamina, Ryu was for sure no match for a centaur. 

"This is just the beginning boy... I have high hopes for you. The wall between us is higher than any mountain. If you can't even convincingly defeat me, what are you going to do against that guy?" Darla gave a thumping speech while she easily overwhelmed the human with her consistent attacks. 

Ryu recollected Darla's fantasy of defeating her father. This wall she spoke of must be the same person. While he was not certain why exactly he was poised to confront such a personality, one thing that can't be contested was Darla's improvements.