
Lin's Story

I am an Orphan, penniless and poor. Barely surviving through the scraps of others. Once I was unluckily put in the presence of a martial arts master, one who was given one of the few titles of god. On that day he destroyed one leg and crippled the other.

While feeling humiliated and hopeless I felt anger towards the martial arts Master so I swore revenge. Despite my handicaps I trained till I bled every day. I traveled to gain enlightenment, and fight strong foes to perfect my prowess in battle. I mastered chi and learned the lightning arts of forgotten ancient martial arts. Yet despite this I still felt as if I hadn't reached the martial artist that crippled me.

As I was traveling I felt my existence pulled towards somewhere. I landed shaking the ground in an uproar I had destroyed my caused some destruction in my surroundings. As I turned around. I saw a young man with no muscle, plain, weak body. However I instinctively felt it. This man was stronger than me. I knew I couldn't run but I had my pride in my strength. While I could feel that he was stronger, my logic told me that I was. Yet as I charged all of my tactics and strength were easily defeated, while it seemed Iike he wasn't even paying me any attention. For once I understood no amount of training would've helped me defeat this man.

David's perspective

I realized I had just learned this man's story right after I defeated him, but I didn't understand why I learned it, but I could feel it that I could do the same things that he could. While I didn't ask for powers I wasn't against having them, but I felt like there was no need at the time I was given a wish and I preferred a story instead but I figured since it was a wish why not learn what a perfect story was. To be honest I couldn't process what was going on so well I had a weird dream from God and immediately after I go outside to face the main character if a Chinese manhwa. A screen appears in front of me saying mail from God. I open it reading this.

Hello David so sorry about the surprise but since you wanted a perfect story and I couldn't give it I decided to give you something special. You could call it a power. however it's much more than that I'll leave the rest of that stuff a surprise. The reason I called you on the first place is not just so that I could give you a wish, but I wanted to see what most people would ask for with a wish. especially if they didn't know what was going to happen next. I started an apocalyptic event. I am merging all the world's of the universe into 1. That's right thousands of worlds into 1. You might be asking why and the reason is that I bored. While I'm perfect in many aspects and posses unimaginable power. I'm not unfair. I gave every inhabitant with sentient knowledge a wish right before I started this event. So have fun.

I think my brain turned off to process all that information.

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