
19... Grandma Tessa's birthday...


Today is Grandma Tessa's birthday. I was anxious as hell to attend the little party, I almost held Claire's hand for calmness. Yes, it's just a little party among family members, but that's what makes it a dreading party because I might as well be called 'the centre of attraction'.

You see, I'm viewed as the black sheep of the family and in gatherings like this one I'm about to walk into,all attention is usually on me,like they're waiting for me to do something really bad at any moment.

I had a lots of negative 'what ifs' roaming on my mind.

What if Grandma Tessa is displeased to see me as her grandson? I mean, She's my granny,so I respect her a lot.

What if she doesn't accept my gifts?

What if my parents,especially my dad, suddenly remembers the shitty things I did in the past? I'm not exactly the son of the year, I'm certain I can never be one.

Claire had voiced out compliments about each and everything in my parents house till I had to snap at her to stop. My edginess was killing me and her compliments were disturbance to my thoughts.

I feel like I should've allowed her to go on ranting about how she was supposed to be getting overjoyed at starting a new job at the moment instead of taking up a fake girlfriend as her current job.

I was aware she was supposed to start a new job today at a Cafe,but she needs to be here,here with me as my girlfriend. Now that she's actually here,she wouldn't shut up about how nice my parents house are, doesn't she know her compliments are making me feel more edgy than her complains?

I got more nervy when I noticed Roy's car at the garage, and not just his car,my other relatives had parked their cars there too, which signified that I was late.


I glanced down at Claire's soft and smooth hand, tempted to grab them to feel its warmness onto my cold,hard hand.

I was about to go for her hand,when she made another comment.

"Wow...your house is so so so huge,I feel like I might get lost in it anytime soon"

I got back my composure instantly, dipping my hands into my pocket with a usual glare_like expression on my face.


The squeal I got from Grandma Tessa was enough to block my eardrums.

At first,I thought they were angry squeals,but I relaxed a bit when she hugged me tightly,a hug that could ruin my bones, which made me wonder how exactly her bones manages to remain as strong as it presently is even at her old age?

The gifts I got for her were appreciated and she also accepted Claire's gifts. I'd bought some birthday gifts for Claire to give her.

My parents smiled at me, especially when I introduced Claire as my girlfriend. Thank God.

Though, I didn't get a hug from them. That's okay, I don't need one anyways, and at least they're not asking one of the maids to pour a hot chocolate on my face.

My extended family members had all kept their curious stares on Claire,like they couldn't believe I'd actually brought a girl home.

She looks and sounds so innocent with her smiles and light voice.

Some of my male cousins had gazed at her like 'Wow,she's so hot, where'd she come from?'

I finally got to notice the beauty everyone saw in her today. Her long gown, exposing her left thigh and beautiful legs had made her look so elegant. The pure colour of the dress gave her the look of an angel. For a while,I found it hard to take my eyes off her, especially when she smiled pleasantly.

"I believe your girlfriend's got friends that are as hot as she is, right?" Tyler asked in a low voice,so no one would hear him, especially Grandma Tessa.

I turned and placed my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it tight and hard to show how upset I was at his question. "No. She doesn't" I answered curtly.

He tried to force a smile,but he failed "God,I thought you've changed. You're still Satanic"

"I'm glad you know that" I said, taking my hands off his shoulder. "And take your fucking eyes off her curvy shape" I warned quietly.


At the large family dining table, I'd barely touched my food. Even with the nice smiles I'd received earlier,I knew the dining room was where the real and scary interrogations begins.

"Are we feeding a whole state?" I heard Claire whispering to me.

I rubbed my forehead. Oh God, I need some patience to deal with this girl today.

"Why that question?"

She gestured subtly to the different food kinds of food on the table and she'd tasted most of them in the few minutes we arrived here.

I see why she's so heavy when being carried over the shoulder.

I ignored her and drank some water.

"Linda, sweetie, you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you" Grandma Tessa praised Linda who smiled and appreciated her quietly.

Grandma Tessa stared at her strangely that everyone at the table couldn't help but notice.

"Mum,why are you staring at her that way?" My dad queried.

"Linda dear,are you by any chance pregnant?"

"Grandma!" Roy called with a flushed face.

Linda chuckled blushing, and glanced at her red husband. "No ma,I'm not"

"I'm sorry. I just thought you might be you know?....." Grandma Tessa trailed off, embarrassed.

"I understand" Linda said with her usual nice smile nodding her head. Claire would never give me a smile as lovely as that. She doesn't even care about acting as the sweet girlfriend right now, all she cares about is the food on the table.

"We understand Gram" Roy said clasping his palm atop Linda's.

"Well maybe..." My dad started. He's gonna say something absurd,just wait for it. "Maybe Ryan and his girlfriend will get married soon and they'd give us a grandchild"

I fucking said it! Something definitely absurd.

My father's ridiculous sentence caused a sudden noisy air expulsion from Claire's lungs,I don't know if it's a voluntary action,or she was truly shocked.

"Simon!" My mum called scoldingly, shutting my dad up temporarily.

I passed Claire some water,I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I did, watching my every action.

Claire got the cup of water from me and started to rush them down her throat. I placed a palm on her back and I froze for a second when I realized her upper back was naked. I regained composure and began to rub her smooth back tenderly till she was done drinking. I'm not gonna lie, the feeling of her skin underneath my palm is pleasing.

"Ryan is always so sweet around Claire" Cassie commented.

My dad hummed suspiciously. I looked up and met his intent stare. God,we look so much alike. I feel like I'm staring at my older self. It's kinda creepy.

"It reminds me of the way your father was around your mother when he brought her to the family" Grandma Tessa said slowly, smiling at both of them. "But unlike a confident Claire,your mother was so nervous"

Everyone's eyes were now on Claire. She felt it and feigned a smile,unable to continue with her food.

My mum grinned "You can't blame me for being nervous" she turned to Grandma Tessa and placed a hand on her chest dramatically "I thought your husband was gonna scream blood at me before sending me back home. A mere glance at him almost gave me a heart attack"

Everyone at the table laughed shortly, everyone except me.

Grandma Tessa's eyes went very soft,I know she's about to talk about her late husband "My husband was a nice man"

Here we go.

She faced Claire "Claire,you won't believe he's exactly like Ryan"

Claire glanced at me and back at her. Grandma Tessa smiled "My husband also acts all grouchy every damn time!" She said dramatically. "But deep, deep, deep down..." She demonstrated with her hands as she talked, forgetting about her food. "He cares for people,but he's got a strange way of showing it"

"That's very true" My mum agreed.

"Definitely true" My dad also agreed,then he added "There was a day I thought I was gonna get murdered by him, you know?"

There were soft chuckles from my family.

His eyes showed how he missed his dad. He began to glance at each and everyone of his sisters at the table "He was so strict towards me you won't believe I was his son,but his strictness..." He made eye contact with me "Made me the great man I am today"

He's passing a message across to me. I brought down my gaze, nodding slowly, message well received.

"I like your composure Claire,I wish I had half of that when I was younger" My mum praised Claire.

She smiled adorably and said a small thank you.

"How did you two meet?" Grandma Tessa pointed her fork at us, staring at us curiously.

The whole family has stopped eating, eager to hear our story when my dad added;

"Yeahhh. And how did you two fell in love?" My dad dropped the question we never practiced answers for.

This is why I don't like the dining room. I sometimes avoid it like a plague. The interrogations here are more than the ones you get from a cop.