
Day one

Hi I'm Desiree and I'm not so fit and I decided to change my life around so hear is my story

my mother always woke me up very early for school and oh lord was it dreadful. But I always got up and did what she said, I would wake up brush my teeth, get dressed, eat then leave on my to small bike. It's the same routine every day go to school and be bullied and as I stated earlier I'm not fit so they would pick on me for not being the prettiest or the thinnest and that usually made me feel pretty low about my self.

And on top of all that they would pick kn me for having a Samsung and not an iPhone "eww wires" "ugh she has a cheap phone ew" I got very depressed and I didnt know what to do no matter how hard I tried to let it not bother me it didnt work so I'm changing it peice by peice

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