
Let's cut it short.

Checking again and again that I toke everything, you never know, with this stupid head of mine, certain thing I could just imaginated to have done, but not actually did. I trust myself as much as I could trust anyone else. As exemple, when I expose myself at the edge of a tall rooftop in order to admire the landscape then get far away from the border because of fear to lost myself to the desire to jump or when relative passed the newborn baby to me, I could uncounsciously drop the little infant or toss it away, in short : Don't let me hold you babies.

Some clouds float in the sky, they apper for more or less half an hour then dissipate afterwards, but the wind doesn't seems to be strong down there, so there should be too much difficult to cross the river.

In fact, It wasn't as hard as I throught it would be, leaving aside that my body is in so much pain that it's hurts at each damn effort of mine, life is so tiring...this last phrase, after being repated every f***ing day, it's so worn out that it has lost its meaning.

The hardest part of the crossing was mantaing the balance of the raft to prevent it from flipping, without the required strength I was unable to fully control the direction, leaving myself partly to the course of the stream, arriving at 5 metre below at the opposite shore from the tarting point.

Then I had to take the raft to the other side of that split of rocky land . Then oar again after a short break.

Arriving at the oter side, I checked again if I lost or forgot anything, after quickly depating toward North-west. At least this' what I intended to do, What I didn't espect whas to hear was the sound of a bell with the familiar baa of a certain goat.

Now... Someone …somebody.

Please tell me wh...How this fella got here... I want....I PRETEND an explanation !

Could it swim or something?

HOW?! It's cleary doesn't have the predisposition to swim !

Had It grew fins? … And more importantly... How did it find me?

I stared in these flattened pupils of hers, my eyes narrowed into two fessures, in this moment I want to be the man who wispered to the goats.

"What are you ? " and why are you following me ?

I leave her stay with me and act as nothing ? I don't want to kill her, I she have a collar mean she have an owner … yeeeah.... Let it be...? ...Let it be

Althroungh the idea disturb me a bit, especially, if you make a parallelism with the image of a komodo dragon following the pray he already poisoned and waiting fo it tobe weak enough to kill it, and also...that goat is omnivorous.

Eh he eh...Maybe I'm just thinking too much … let's just keep an eye on her, she's quite useful after all, although goat milk is not really delicious, it's still an important source of nutrition...Now that I think about it...where is her offspring? She doesn't look pregnant ad if she has milk she must have gave birth not long ago...Nevermind.

Towards evening, while rearranging the backpack, Baffy approached me showing interest in the pouch where I keep the marbles''ve collected, so I gave her one to see what'll happen.


Nothing happened, at least, I saw no change on her...


(._.)... "You're welcome...???"

From that night I decided , from time to time, to eat them too, they taste like nothing, even water have more flavor, and they melt solwly in your mouth like a candy, I accumulated quite a lot of them and I'm keeping havesting them from the beast and consuming them during the night to kill the time, like pop corn or sunflower seeds...

Regarding the pelts, since they need lot of time to process them, I kept only the best ones, the rest is just to practice skinning. The carcasses were left them for the nature to make it's course...I mean...There's corpses everywhere, it' won't make any differences some more.

A week later, I finally made it, during that week I crossed another river, found refuge in a cave on the side of a cliff, nearly stabbed by that looks like a unicorn, saw a giant colorful bird (Ho-Oh is that you?), some time I saw other people, they're in teams, probably mercenaries (like adventurers of the games), there are also those that look like bandits (their lair is 3 hours away from the cave) while keeping myself hidden I heard a lot of interesting information; aaaand I also poisoned myself while ...more than once.


And today the weather is so great that it's raining cant and dogs and the temperature is more or less 10°C.


It could be worse, It could hail.

Then again, did I told ya about the stralucent entities that I see during the night? The creeped me out at first and after some time I gotten used to it, so I just ignore them now, because this is the best choice, TRUST ME, you don't want to cross your gaze with them.

Next chapter