
Love hurts

Katherine's POV

I was filled with immense joy when he uttered those words, confessing that he too didn't want to lose me. It was a bittersweet sensation, as it simultaneously uplifted my spirits and exposed my vulnerability. Never before had I experienced such emotions towards another soul, until Dean entered my life and swept me off my feet.

Dean, a man of boundless love and a heart brimming with kindness, deserved better than the turmoil I had unknowingly caused. It was solely my fault, for if I hadn't made that request of Julia, we wouldn't find ourselves entangled in this tempestuous situation.

Yet, I couldn't bear the thought of releasing him from my grasp. I simply couldn't let him slip away. I yearned to be a part of his existence, even if it meant occupying only a fraction of his precious time. I would gladly accept that arrangement, as long as I could remain by his side and revel in his presence as frequently as possible.

"Dean, I'm lost. I don't know what to do anymore," I confessed, seeking solace in his warm embrace. "A part of me desires you with an intensity that knows no bounds, while the other part condemns this as utterly wrong. What is happening to me, Dean?" I implored, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

As he held me close, I could sense his heart pounding fiercely within his chest, as if he too feared relinquishing our connection. In that moment, he leaned down once more, tenderly brushing his lips against mine, before delicately running his fingers through my hair.

"I was filled with trepidation at the thought of seeing you today, for I knew deep down that this very scenario might unfold. Fear consumed me," he confessed.

"Was it the fear of confessing your love for me?" I inquired.

"It was more than that. I dreaded losing control once again, a phenomenon that only occurs in your presence, Katherine. I have no desire to betray Julia, but I can no longer deny the profound impact you have on me," he admitted.

"I believe I have fallen in love with you, Dean. Every emotion I experience serves as evidence. The anguish I feel is a testament to this truth. That is why the inability to be with you as I yearn for hurts so deeply," I confessed, tears welling in his eyes.

He cast his gaze downwards as the tears cascaded, hastily wiping them away with the back of his hand.

"How did we arrive at this point, Katherine? How did it come to this?" he sniffled.

"Dean, I am sorry. It is all my fault," I uttered, my own tears beginning to flow.

"No, it is not. I willingly came to your house. I willingly made love to you. No one coerced me. Thus, do not burden yourself with blame," he responded, uncontrollable tears streaming down his face.

His lips trembled as the tears traced their path.

I had caused this. I had brought this magnificent man to tears. My selfishness and the pact we made have led us to this juncture.

"Listen to me, Katherine. Regardless of what unfolds, I will forever be by your side, caring for you," he vowed.


"Yes. I will go to any lengths to ensure your well-being," he assured.

"In that case, may I make one request of you?"

"What is it?"

"Could you make love to me just one final time, please?"

"At this place?" he inquired, his discomfort evident in his expression.

"No, silly. At my humble abode, where our journey began. Please?" I pleaded.

"Katherine, that's..."

"I apologize. It's a selfish desire," I confessed, and he silenced me with a tender kiss.

"I yearn to relive that passion with you. But I can't. It would inflict pain upon Julia, and I refuse to hurt her. I don't want to cause her any pain," he responded, and I nodded in understanding.

"Katherine, I know it's challenging, but let's explore the path of friendship first, alright? The future holds mysteries we can't fathom," he proposed, and I nodded once more.

He was the first to succumb to tears, which triggered my own. We embraced tightly, overwhelmed by our emotions. This was not the day I had envisioned. I had intended to extend an olive branch of friendship. Little did I know, our hearts weighed heavier than anticipated.

He kissed me again, this time brimming with boundless love. I could sense the depth of his affection through that kiss, and how desperately he needed me. However, our circumstances forbade us from being together, and we had to accept our fate.

He held me in his arms, our lips moving in sync. His tongue intertwined with mine, battling for dominance. His hands explored my back as mine found solace around his neck, intensifying the kiss.

I yearned for this moment to last forever. Just the two of us. United. But destiny had other plans. I wished he would claim me right then and there, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through my veins. Yet, he refrained, out of respect for me and Julia.

Oh, Julia. If only she weren't a part of this equation.

Dean's POV

Our kiss grew more intense and passionate, a fire igniting within us. I knew I should pull away, prevent myself from crossing a line, but the magnetic pull between us was too strong. The way her lips moved in sync with mine was pure ecstasy. She was the woman I yearned for, but fate had cruelly deemed her off-limits.

I longed to claim her as mine, to hear her moan beneath me like she had the night before. That night had forever altered the course of our lives.

Finally, we reluctantly broke the kiss, our eyes locked in a profound connection that seemed to delve into the depths of our souls, revealing our innermost desires.

Initially, I believed my feelings for her were merely fueled by lust, something that would fade with time. However, this kiss shattered that illusion. I realized the truth: I was in love with her. I was in love with Katherine.

We leaned our foreheads together, embracing tightly, as if we had finally comprehended the gravity of our connection. Reluctantly, I released her and took her hand, leading her through the enchanting gardens. She followed in silence, while I fought to conceal the tears that threatened to escape. My heart remained burdened, heavy with the weight of our forbidden love.

I yearned to confess my love to her, to pour out my emotions, but the words remained trapped within me. Finally, we reached the entrance, preparing to part ways, when she pulled me into one last embrace.

"Please call me when you arrive home. I need to hear your voice before the day ends," she whispered, and I nodded, promising to fulfill her request as soon as I returned.

As she reluctantly released me from her arms, she walked away, leaving me to grapple with the bittersweet ache that consumed my heart.

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