
Avoiding her

Dean's POV

As I pondered the motives behind Katherine's unexpected offer to assist me in finding employment, I couldn't help but wonder why she would extend a helping hand when I had never confided in her about my job loss. Our encounter and passionate night together had stemmed from my desire to secure Julia's coveted promotion, not from any personal gain. So why the sudden interest in aiding me?

Replaying that fateful night in my mind, I struggled to comprehend how I had surrendered control to her. It was unlike me to lose myself in such a manner, even with Julia. What had transpired to lead me down this unfamiliar path?

Since departing from her home, I had resolved to steer clear of her presence entirely. I simply couldn't trust myself to maintain composure if our paths were to cross once more. That was the plan, until Julia's unexpected call requesting a meeting.

I had no desire to visit her workplace or set foot in her house. Nor was I prepared to accept assistance from her. Yes, I was without employment, but I refused to resort to begging. I had always managed to scrape together the meager funds I made, even if they fell short of covering all my expenses.

At that moment, a wave of relief washed over me, like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that Julia and I hadn't brought any precious souls into this chaotic world we found ourselves in. The weight of my current predicament would have surely burdened them, and I simply wasn't prepared for such a responsibility.

As the clock struck six, Julia returned home from her laborious day at work. With a graceful stride, she entered the living room and settled herself beside me, planting a tender kiss upon my cheek. Meanwhile, I diligently toiled away on my laptop, meticulously crafting a photo album for a youthful couple whose nuptial moments I had artfully captured during an intimate wedding ceremony.

This couple, lacking in material abundance, had opted for a modest celebration, surrounded solely by their loved ones. While the task of immortalizing their cherished memories didn't bring me great financial gain, it filled my heart with immense joy to be able to assist them in preserving those precious moments.

"Honey, what are you engrossed in?" Julia inquired, her voice laced with curiosity, as she observed my unwavering focus on the laptop screen.

"Just organizing some wedding photographs into an album for this young couple," I responded, my gaze still fixated on the digital canvas before me.

"I see. Well, I've brought us a bottle of wine. Let's revel in this new chapter of our lives," she revealed, presenting the wine bottle she had been cradling in her delicate hands.

"Darling, I'm afraid I can't indulge in wine at this very moment. It suddenly dawned on me that I had promised this young couple to complete their pictures and deliver them by tomorrow afternoon. I must finish this task," I explained, my fingers dancing across the keyboard in a flurry of dedication.

A hint of disappointment flickered across Julia's face, her lips forming a slight pout. "That hardly seems fair. I distinctly recall mentioning that we would celebrate my recent promotion. Why didn't you attend to this earlier in the day?" she grumbled, her discontent palpable in the air.

"I had some matters to attend to this morning, and to be honest, I lacked the energy to deal with them. "I'll be finished soon, and then we can rejoice," I assured her.

She sensed my need for space and graciously moved away, allowing me to focus on the task at hand. I thought she had left me to my own devices, but suddenly, her arms enveloped my neck.

"Darling, why don't you set this aside for a while? I yearn for your presence," she whispered, planting tender kisses on my neck.

Although tempted, I couldn't afford to be distracted, as I was on the verge of completing my work. "Julia., can you please wait just ten more minutes? We can indulge in whatever you desire once I'm done," I pleaded, attempting to extricate myself from her embrace.

"But I've missed you so intensely, my love. Don't you long for me too?" she queried, taking the laptop from my grasp and placing it on the table before settling herself on my lap.

"Julia, what has come over you?" I questioned, bewildered, as she pressed a soft kiss against my lips.

"Shh... just kiss me," she murmured, initiating another passionate kiss.

I reciprocated fervently, and soon our kisses grew fervent. She nibbled on my ear and neck, causing me to recline in the chair. Our breaths grew heavy as we gasped and merged into the kiss.

Yet, suddenly, an inexplicable urge compelled me to halt. I couldn't comprehend it, but I knew I couldn't continue. With gentle force, I pushed her away from me.

"What's the matter, my love? Don't you desire this?" she inquired, her expression filled with concern.

"No, I'm not feeling it," I uttered, causing her to disengage from me.

I rose from the spot and made my way towards our bedroom. Collapsing onto the bed, I massaged my weary face, attempting to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded.

Katherine's POV

I found myself nestled in the comfort of my bed, attempting to channel my focus towards the next wave of designs. However, my mind was persistently hijacked by thoughts of Dean. The memories of our passionate encounter from the previous night lingered, as if his presence still enveloped me, observing my every move as I toiled away.

He was not my first lover, as I had experienced the touch of many before him. Yet, none had ever left me feeling as cherished and fulfilled as he did. Despite his initial reluctance, he surrendered himself completely, elevating me to a state of euphoria.

A smile tugged at my lips as the recollections of our time together flooded my consciousness. I yearned for his presence, longing for him to grace my bed once more. Pushing my laptop aside, I glanced at my phone, scrolling through my contacts.

I had managed to obtain his number through my sources, yet I had never summoned the courage to dial it. The desire to hear his voice consumed me, as I stared at the digits displayed on my screen.

With the early hours of the day still upon us, I knew he would be awake. Before my mind spiraled into madness, I mustered the bravery to dial his number. As the phone rang, my anxiety mounted, nearly causing me to abandon the call altogether. But just before I did, his dulcet tones graced my ears from the other end.

"Hello?" he greeted, causing my heart to momentarily cease its rhythm.

I found myself at a loss for words. I couldn't fathom why I had reached out to him in the first place, nor did I know what to say now that he had answered.

"Hello?" his voice echoed through the phone, but my focus was solely on the rhythm of my breath, drowning out all other distractions.

"Look, if you're going to call and remain silent, kindly spare me the trouble," he sighed, his words laced with frustration.

Apologies slipped from my lips, almost involuntarily, as I found myself caught in the moment.

"I'm sorry. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Katherine? How did you manage to find my number?" Recognition flickered in his voice, as if my name held a melody that resonated within him.

The way he utters my name, like a symphony of affection, sends shivers down my spine. It's a sound I could listen to forever.

"Well, good evening to you too. How have you been?" I replied, attempting to maintain composure.

"I- I'm fine. I'm sorry. I never expected to hear from you," he apologized, his words dripping with sincerity.

He's such a gentle soul.

"No need to apologize. It's alright. Can we meet tomorrow?" I asked, my eagerness seeping through my words.

"Um...I...I'll be occupied tomorrow. I have some things to attend to for a client," he nervously responded.

"Oh. Did Julia inform you that I wanted to discuss a better job opportunity for you?"

"Yeah, she did. But I'm sorry, Miss Katherine. I have to decline your offer," his voice filled with regret.

"Why?" Disappointment tinged my words.

"Please don't misunderstand. I genuinely appreciate what you did for Julia, and I'm grateful for the promotion you granted her. But our agreement has been fulfilled. I don't see any reason for us to cross paths anymore," he explained, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

No, I couldn't let him slip away. I couldn't bear that thought. I wanted to see him. I had to see him again.

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