

This is the third friend today I have helped pack for college. All her stuff is in the moving van and all that is left to do is go through the college check list and give her the moving out pep talk. School clothes: check. Party clothes: check. Makeup: check. Bed spread: check. School supplies: check. Laptop: check. "I think we got everything Lucy," I say, happily. Now I can get started on my own packing.

"Thank you so much for helping Anna!" She looks around her room double checking. "I can always count on you." She gives me a smile and a hug. "Don't miss me too much! I'm coming home for breaks so we should see each other often!"

I hug her back, "Lucy you know I'm leaving for college too right?"

"What?" She pulls back at looks at me clearly stunned.

I sigh. This is the third time today I have told my friends that I am also leaving our small town for something bigger. "Yeah, I got excepted to Oakwood University. I should get going, I still have to pack." I look at my watch 5:30. I should be able to leave by 8pm but it's a 3 hour drive.

"Oakwood? But that's an extremely stressful school! You know your great with the kids in the pack, you should stay here and become one of the house nannies. I'm sure all the parents would be totally happy to have you stay!"

I give her a quick fake smile. "Thank you, Lucy! You always give great advice, but I want to explore the world a little. I'll keep it touch, okay?"

"Okay, but be careful! It's definitely not safe for someone like you out in the real world."

"I understand, bye Lucy." I speed out of her house. Every single one of my friends today did not approve of my decision to leave the safety of the pack to go to college. Which I understand. My wolf is the the most timid thing I have ever met. Everyday is a constant struggle to deal with her trying to push me into being a submissive door mat.

I get home and great the empty house. My parents always away on business and my older brother is always partying with friends. We all love each other but we hardly get to see one another. I jog up to my room and speed pack around 3 suitcases. The email I got from the college said my dorm room should be completely furnished. I take my stuffed suitcases one by one to my car. Once I finish I turn to look at my house. It's a nice 2 story with cute pink and white flowers in the front yard, courtesy of me. Hopefully my brother will take care of them while I'm gone. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, it's finally time for me to leave.

I open the door to my silver Honda Accord and get in. Bye Greenlake Pack, hello Oakwood University.