
Chapter 24

Ginrei and his army of pirates had just arrived at his personal floating base that was hovering above the clouds. There were 178 pirates in total that he had gotten from impel down and the only person he knew he would keep was Shiryu.

"Shiryu. Since i explained that this zero division will have 6 people not including me in it's inner circle. What are your suggestions in finding the best of the best among these pirates here." Ginrei and Shiryu was sitting inside the top floor of his base. Ginrei office was here and it was a huge one. The room itself was 70 meters long and almost equally wide.

In the middle of the room he had a big circular table with 7 chairs around it. This was for the members of the zero division's inner circle. They were both sitting on one chair around this table with a mug of alcohol in hand.

"I suggest the process of elimination. Pin them against each other in a deathmatch and the 5 people that are left standing are your inner members." He said with a neutral tone of voice.

"Good. On the 10th floor, there is an arena that you can use. Go and gather the pirates and set this up. I have something to do, so when I get back, I hope to see my new members." Ginrei said and emptied his mug.

"It will be done!" Shiryu bowed and walked off. After seeing the display of strength at Impel down, he had absolutely no doubt that he could find someone better to follow then Ginrei. He was terrified by his strength so he didn't even wanna think about disobeying Ginrei.

Ginrei watched him leave the room and then rested his head against the back of the chair. The chairs themselves were 5 meters in height so both he and Shiryu could rest their heads against the chair while sitting.

'Now I only need to summon my 1st division commander, then I can leave for another universe.' Ginrei got up from his chair and walked over to his personal desk that was just in front of a massive window that almost reached the roof in terms of height.

'System, bring up the summon list.' A familiar window appeared in front of his eyes and he started to scroll through it while thinking about who would fit this role the most.

"I guess i could summon him.. Though he is not as much a leader as he is an executioner. But he certainly fits the Gotei 13, personality-wise." Ginrei sat back in his chair and closed his eyes for a while.

'Yes. Guess he will have to do. System, summon Alucard!' A red circle appeared in front of the desk and smoke started to appear. Soon enough, Ginrei could see the silhouette of a person inside the smokey circle.

"Alucard is here to serve, Master." A deep voice rung out from the smoke and two bright red eyes appeared and stared at Ginrei with reverence.

"You will call me Captain and nothing else. Is that understood?" Ginrei said with a domineering aura.

"Yes, Captain." Alucard said, and now the black smoke had disappeared and his entire form could be seen. He looked exactly the same as his original counterpart.

"Good." Ginrei started to explain everything about the Gotei 13 and that he was gonna be the first commander of the Gotei 13. Bradely was moved to be the 13th. Not because of his strength, but because it would be the person less focused on. He could remain more hidden if his status within the Gotei was low. He would keep it like this until Bradely could publicly make it known he belonged to the Gotei 13.

Ginrei was gonna continue speaking with Alucard but a voice interrupted him.

{Master Ginrei. Byakuya's division intercepted a transmission from the marines. Robin was spotted and caught by a Vice-admiral sailing in the west blue with a world noble. She is currently being escorted aboard the world nobles ship with Akainu joining in as escort.} Sylvia's voice that had been installed in every base reported.

*BOOM* The window and the desk inside Ginrei's room exploded into hundreds of pieces.

"Alucard. We are starting a slaughter!" Ginrei said with his entire aura exploding out from his body. Shiryu and the other pirates on board this floating base shivered in fear when all of the sudden, a massive pressure descended on top all of them. The only one that could still stand was Alucard.

"Yes, Captain. I can't wait!" Alucard grew a savage smile and stood up from his kneeling position.

"Sylvia, do we have the position of the world noble?" Ginrei said with fury in his voice.

{Yes Master. They are about 3,000 miles west of here.} Ginrei location was not west blue at the moment.

"Come Alucard." Ginrei said and Alucard walked over to his captain. Ginrei took him by the shoulder and they both disappeared. Alucard was about to be the first person to see his Ginrei's full speed. It was a mind-boggling speed. It took him exactly 29,8 seconds to travel that distance and he stopped when he saw a ship to luxurious to not be a world noble.

Ginrei and Alucard hovered in mid-air and looked at the ship that was sailing along the sea surface. Ginrei scanned the ship and found Robin's aura inside the ships prison area. She was not the only person there.

"Alucard destroy all those marine ships around the big white one. spare NO ONE! kill them all!" Ginrei was raging and Alucard felt it with every word his captain spoke out loud.

"Yes, captain!" Alucard floated down towards the ships.

'I was gonna wait, but forget that idea. Today you die, lava boy!' Ginrei disappeared towards the ship that and the people foolish enough to take his granddaughter from him.




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