
Chapter 8 [Edited]

I was surprised that my own flesh would push the bullets out wolverine style.

But it was pretty nice and at least I didn't have to cut myself open.

Now, it was time to do some leadership stuff.

After the group came back, some asked where the food was and what happened to the kid with the goggles.

It was then that Clarke told them what happened on hers and the other's rather long journey.

And how they found a river where they got attacked by grounders with Jasper getting hit in the chest by a spear and taken away.

Clarke was adamant about bringing Jasper back to camp and honestly, she was right.

He was going to be the camps Moonshine supplier very shortly and alcohol would be very useful for Clarke in the medical department.

Not only that but in season two, he grew guts and acted like a leader should.

Besides, he seemed to be a nice guy. It would be a shame if he perished.

She was currently preparing herself and asking certain people if they would go with her or not.

That is when I decided to interfere.

"Clarke," I called her.

Getting her attention, I said, "You are not going anywhere outside of this camp."

"Why?" she inquired.

"Because along with Monty, you are the most valuable person in this place at the moment, so you're staying here. We can't have you die, can we?" I justified.

"Except you don't get to decide for me so get out of my way," she said trying to go around me.

I stopped her with my arm.

"I'm not playing with you Clarke, either you comply and stay in this camp without making trouble or I'll knock you out and lock you in the dropship."

She hesitated and acted like she was going to step down, but I knew from her intentions that she wasn't going to.

She tried to push me to the ground to leave but predicting this kind of action had become easy for me and I hit her in the jaw, rattling her brain and putting her in an unconscious state.

"Sorry Clarke, It's for the good of everyone," I said solemnly to her unconscious body.

"Hey you, what's your name?" I asked a random teen passing by.

"Dax," he told us.

"Dax, that's a nice name. You're going to keep this girl in this camp," I decided but quickly changed my mind.

"Wait no, you know what? You're going to go with Finn, Wells and Murphy to retrieve Jasper," I told him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean that you're going to go get the goggles kid with Finn, Wells and Murphy. Are you too dumb to understand that or are you acting?" I inquired threateningly.

"O-oh yeah, I understand," he reacted.

"Go get those guys and bring them in the dropship so we can discuss the details of their mission... please?" I ordered somewhat politely.

"Sure," it was at that moment that he left to get the others.

It was now time for me to lock Clarke up. I went into the dropship and climbed the ladder that lead to the second level and after putting her there, I locked the hatch.

While climbing down, I saw the guys I was waiting for.

"Hello boys, hi Wells, I suppose Dax told you why I called you here today, but for those who do not know yet the purpose of this little gathering, your mission is to find Jasper and bring him back."

"Now, the only person that was there when the fellow got kidnapped was Finn, so I think that he should be the one leading the searching part of the mission-." I communicated.

"Do you guys realise that this mission is basically suicide, that spear was thrown accurately from around three hundred feet. I don't know about you but I'm not dying just yet," Finn announced.

"Finn, please listen carefully. If your girlfriend, and by girlfriend I mean Clarke, was in Jasper's situation, would you be saying that? If yes you can leave. If not, then you can shut up," I told him.

"Now Wells, here is the gun I got from Bellamy. I think you're going to need it," I said, handing him the gun.

"I just want to make something clear, now that we know that there are grounders out there and that we are not alone, you guys have to stay together." I urged them

"And the final thing I wanted to tell you is, watch where you're going, the enemy knows this forest much more than we do and could have planted traps where you least expect it, so keep your eyes open. Do any of you have any questions?" I asked them.

"Yeah, where is Clarke?" Wells demanded.

"Now that I think about it, wasn't she getting ready to go find Jasper too? Her coming with us would honestly be helpful, don't you think?" Finn contemplated.

"She is staying here," I announced to them.

"Why?" Wells almost shouted.

"Her being there could help us," Finn added.

"Calm down, guys. We need her and her medical knowledge here, and we can't have her dying while searching for someone who potentially already has lost his life," I justified.

Nobody argued with me over that point.

"Great, you're ready to go. I'll see you in either a couple of hours or a few days depending on where Jasper was taken, so... good luck," I wished them.

"By the way, one last thing. If anything too risky happens, better to cut your losses and come back," I warned.

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