
Chapter-6 I have nice 8008s (Rewritten)

Harley Quinzel believed that "Quinn" should hold a special meaning for Stephen, but when asked about it, Stephen simply replied that it sounded right. She didn't find this answer convincing, but in that moment, Stephen changed the subject and inquired about the current situation in Gotham.

For now, she had to suppress her curiosity and accept the new name he had given her, focusing on discussing the condition of Gotham.

It's a complete mess.

Law and order have completely collapsed in Gotham.

Bane first seized control of Wayne Enterprises, taking over the building. Not only did he acquire numerous high-tech weapons, but he also converted the environmental protection equipment into a nuclear integrated reactor capable of obliterating over half of Gotham with a single explosion.

After destroying the sewers and decimating a significant portion of the Gotham police force, they targeted the stadium where a football game was being broadcasted. During the live broadcast, Bane killed Dr. Lanni Pavel, the only person capable of disarming the nuclear integrated reactor.

Furthermore, Bane destroyed most of Gotham's bridges, effectively cutting off access to the outside world. Only one bridge remains, and leaving the city through it would result in the detonation of the nuclear integrated reactor.

Gotham has become a lawless land.

Order serves as a container that suppresses the dark impulses of the human heart. When order is lost, the darkness of sin runs rampant, uncontrollable like a wild horse. Once the criminals were released from Black Gate Prison, they began burning houses, stores, and banks, committing acts of violence, looting, and engaging in all sorts of evil, armed or not. Gradually, more and more people joined in, embracing their inner darkness.

The first victims were the police officers who guarded Gotham, followed by the wealthy and politicians. Innocent bystanders and victims were taken to City Hall for judgment by the terrorists.

Rumor has it that the person in charge of these trials is known as the Scarecrow.

Originally a psychology professor at a university, the Scarecrow possesses exceptional knowledge in the field of chemistry. He dedicated his life to studying people's deepest fears. Utilizing his sense of superiority, he developed a fear gas that can make individuals experience their worst nightmares. The Scarecrow, who revels in spreading terror and derives pleasure from psychologically torturing people, is one of Batman's formidable adversaries.

"It's truly the tale of The Dark Knight's rise," Stephen remarked, stretching his arms. "I'm a bit hungry."

"I'll prepare something," Harley Quinn replied, getting up and heading towards the kitchen.

The front door of the apartment had been kicked open by Stephen and could no longer be locked. Perhaps due to the apartment's insignificance or the presence of a dead body at the entrance, nobody dared to enter.

Stephen pushed the sofa against the door, blocking it, and then stood by the window, observing the ongoing chaos outside. It seemed like the turmoil wouldn't subside anytime soon. Drawing the curtains, the living room dimmed slightly. Stephen turned his head and made his way towards Harley Quinn in the kitchen.

First, he encountered Catwoman in prison, and now he had met Joker's sidekick, Harley Quinn—a beautiful and obedient woman. With each new and intriguing experience, Stephen found himself growing fonder of Gotham.

He hoped this fascination would last longer this time. Despite his transmigration, he didn't want to fall into the habit of quickly losing interest and moving on. After all, there were so many captivating individuals and things to explore. It would be a waste not to have fun and create lasting memories.

Resting his chin on Harley Quinn's shoulder, Stephen wrapped his arms around her waist from under her arms, holding her close. Harley Quinn tensed up as his warm breath tickled her ear. "People would envy you, having such lovely bosoms at such a young age."


Do I really have nice bosoms at a young age?

Harley Quinn unconsciously glanced downward, momentarily forgetting her shyness. A word seemed to echo in her mind incessantly.

Small, small, small... Are they small or nice?

"Do you prefer bigger ones?" Harley Quinn asked softly, seeking to understand his preferences.

"I appreciate all shapes and sizes. Round, conical, droplet—they're all fine. Papaya, peach, you name it," Stephen replied nonchalantly.

"What's your favorite?" Harley Quinn inquired.


Stephen let go of Harley Quinn.

"How can you have no preference?" Harley Quinn turned her head to look at him.

Stephen smiled and said, "If I had to choose, my favorite would always be the next one!"

"Always pursuing novelty and discarding the old?" Harley Quinn mused to herself.

"Don't bother analyzing me. At least, I'm not yet bored with you. So, let's hurry up," Stephen said with a smile.

Caught off guard by her transparent thoughts, Harley Quinn felt flustered and blurted out, "Hurry up with what?"

"Cooking!" Stephen replied, turning around and walking away.

Growing up in a humble household, Harley Quinn had developed decent cooking skills for someone who lived alone. As they ate and chatted, Harley Quinn felt unexpectedly warm and at ease. It was hard to believe that these two had once pointed guns at each other.


Real Author: Marvel King

Translator: Zatch[King]Rex

Original Novel name : Meiman: The strongest villain/American Comics: The Strongest Villain/Marvel: The Strongest Villain.

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