
A New Empire

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After surviving an ambushed by the rivals of his master, Sith Acolyte Iblis crash lands on Ember Island of the Fire Nation

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Chapter 1Crash Land

Date: ?

Location: ?

Iblis wakes to unfamiliar voices speaking and multiple force signatures approaching his position, some familiar and some not. Blearily, he opens his eyes and spots undistinguishable shapes coming near him. Embracing the pain shooting through his body and using it to fuel him, Iblis slowly crawls out of the wreckage on his stomach, his arms screaming in pain as they drag him from the rubble of the Terminus-class destroyer.

"Look, there's a survivor in there." comes a voice through his muffled and ringing ears.

Trying to position himself to his knees, Iblis pushes up with his left hand only to fail as his cybernetic whirs in protest. With a pained grunt, he falls to the ground. Looking to his left, Iblis frowns as his partially crushed metal forearm and hand whir with sparks flying in an attempt to make a closed fist.

"How did he survive that?" asks a different voice a few dozen feet away from him.

Turning to the approaching group of people, Iblis once again embraces the force and slowly, painfully, comes to a kneeling position. With the sudden change in position, Iblis sways as his vision darkens and for a second his body sags in fatigue before he quickly rallies and recovers. Closing his eyes, he reaches deep enough into the well of power that the burning pain simply becomes a dull ache and his senses clear just enough for him to recognise the sound of crashing waves and the crushing of leaves underfoot.

When Iblis opens his eyes he can't help the string of sith expletives that he mutters under his breath. Of all the planets to crash on they simply had to crash land on a planet of pre-space flight civilization. It will most likely take years to repair their ship to return to Empire space, and that is if The Blue Blood is salvageable.

With a suppressed sigh, Iblis stands as the group approaching him comes close enough for him to identify their features.

The man leading them appears to be middle aged with black hair partially in a top knot, glimmering gold eyes reminiscent of some sith purebloods, a body sculpted by hours of martial training, and dressed in well made clothes that clearly denotes his nobility without being gaudy. Yet, for all the man's training, Iblis is willing to wager that he has never seen true combat in a battlefield; for despite the man's graceful and careful steps his movements are wasteful and full of openings. As expected of a noble, not even the Sith Empire which was built upon the belief of might makes right is free of such hollow warriors.

"My prince, I plead with you to allow us to approach first." says one of the followers, his hostility shining bright to Iblis' force senses. Muscles tensing, Iblis unclips one of his lightsabers from his belt. With his prosthetic arm on the fritz he will have to make do with only one.

"Are you saying that I should fear a child?" questions the prince as he approaches Iblis.

Judging by the way the man was addressed and his follower's armor, Iblis wagers that the followers are members of some form of royal guard.

"Of course not, it's just that we don't know what else can come from the wreckage or from what barbaric place that boy has crawled from. How are we to know if his parents have taught him manners or proper etiquette? " answers the guard.

Rather than answer, the prince simply regards the man with a glare as he comes to a stop before Iblis.

Turning back to face Iblis, the prince quietly regards him as he opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by Iblis.

"I will let your insult to my mother slide this once. Another statement like that will cost you your head." warns Iblis as the guards step forward, placing themselves between him and their charge before fanning out around Iblis.

"You dare to threaten a member of the Royal Guard? As expected of a savage raised by savages." replies the man.

Tilting his head, Iblis regards the guard with disdainful eyes filled with pity.

"I warned you." says Iblis as he lunges towards the man and the *snap hiss* of his lightsaber igniting fills the forest.

Before the man knows what he has brought up himself, Iblis' crimson lightsaber pierces through his throat and he dies as cluelessly as he lived.

Reacting to the danger to their charge with commendable speed, the guard closest to the prince does not hesitate to launch a stream of fire at Iblis.

Flipping over the attack, Iblis throws his lightsaber at the farthest guard before he can also attack him. With his operational hand now empty, Iblis telekinetically pulls another guard towards him and uses him as a shield. The man dies seconds after being burned by three balls of fire.

Recalling his lightsaber to his lightning wreathed hands from the guard's heart, Iblis sends out a wave of lightning with a slash and kills another three guards. Not willing to give the guards the space needed to firebend, Iblis closes the distance between him and the guard nearest to him.

Admirably, the guard is able to dodge the first stab towards his head, only to die to the slash that bisects him at the waist. Before the guard's body can fall, Iblis telekinetically launches the two halves at a guard who is in the middle of launching a flying fire kick, causing the move to backfire on him.

"Enough." commands the prince before the battle can further escalate. "There is no need to let this continue. Jin had overstepped his bounds and our new friend does not mean any harm to me." says the prince.

The man's voice is deep, but soft, yet all Iblis can think of when he hears it is poisoned honey. He speaks like a man used to manipulating others, used to getting what he wanted one way or the other, used to holding absolute authority, and Iblis hates him for it. All he can think about when he hears that voice, that tone, that mannerism are the sith who hurt the empire more than the Jedi ever could. He hears those sith who kill their competent apprentices and underlings for fear of being usurped, he hears those sith that kill anyone that dares to climb the ladder, he hears those sith that would rather mutually self-destruct than let anyone else come close to their station, and worst of all he hears those sith responsible for their current situation and his master's comatose state.

As these thoughts filter through Iblis' mind his vision becomes tainted with red, his golden eyes turn a sith yellow, and lightning sparks through his hand and down his lightsaber.

Taking a deep breath, Iblis releases his rage and hatred into the force, clearing his mind and returning to a calmer state.

"Apologies, my current situation has ruined my mood." says Iblis as he notices the group's tense expression while looking at his right hand. "Forgive my manners. My name is Iblis Chirikyât, and that is my ship or at least what is left of it."

"Judging by your brief display of lightning you're clearly a skilled firebender, and at a young age at that, yet I have never heard of you or House Chirikyât." says the prince, his tense guards still in their fighting stance.

Seeing this, Iblis can't help but mentally commend the guards for their courage and loyalty.

Before Iblis can answer he hears the *snap hiss* of lightsabers igniting as four of the royal guards are decapitated by crimson blades wielded by four sith apprentices who descend upon them from the trees, leaving only one Royal Guard and the prince. Not far behind the apprentices, squads of light infantry troopers emerge from behind the trees with their blasters pointed at the natives.

"Stop." commands Iblis before the remaining natives can be killed.

The leading apprentice, a lethan twi'lek with black markings on her face and lekku, wearily looks at the natives before reluctantly turning off her lightsaber. Approaching Iblis, her lekku twitches in that familiar pattern it does when she is nervous and her finger continuously jerks over her lightsaber's ignition button.

Feeling her nervousness and grief through the force, Iblis feels as if the gravity has doubled and a heavy weight is being pressed onto his chest

"Iblis, it's the master." she begins, her voice wavering slightly and the corners of her eyes tinged red as if she had wept recently, and already Iblis can feel the world sway and narrow. "She didn't make it. Between her critical state, the damage to our systems, and…"

The rest of the twi'lek's words remain unheard as Iblis' vision darkens before becoming completely enveloped in red and he loses himself to the rage, pain, sorrow, and hatred. Somewhere between the overwhelming emotions and the taint of the dark side, Iblis can hear the panicked screams of the troopers and apprentices as they and the natives flee in fear, but all he cares about is venting his pain to the world. All he wants is to make someone, anyone, pay and feel what he feels, and so he reaches out to the closest things near him, the corpses of the royal guards and the remaining wreckage of his master's ship.

Watching the impressive display of lightning from afar, Ozai can't help the glee that he feels. Such power in one so young, the walls of Ba Sing Sei would be nothing in front of this lightning and the soldiers would be nothing but fodder before his flaming sword and skills. If he can manipulate the boy into faithfully serving him, none would stand in his way.

"Oi, I know that look in your eyes. If you even think about using the little Lord for your schemes." says a voice from his right, reminding him of soldiers surrounding him and his guard. Soldiers that are clearly not of the Fire Nation, who wear uniforms and equipment that he has never seen before despite the Fire Nation's technical superiority in the world.

"Eligos, do not threaten the natives. Lord Iblis may have some use for them once he calms." orders the man's companion, this one clearly a soldier compared to his counterpart's warrior like nature.

"Are you giving me orders, Zepar?" questions Eligos, his voice promising violence despite the mask muffling it.

"And if I am?" replies Zepar with a tilt of his head.

Before Eligos can answer, Ozai feels a chill down his spine as a crimson sword springs to life between the two with a *snap hiss*.

"Do you two want to explain to Iblis why you're fighting when Master has just died?" says the group's sole female as she holds her blade between them. "When Iblis is finished venting his rage, he will want a status report. Grab a squad or two and take stock of our situation." commands the woman.

Staring at her for a few seconds, Eligos and Zepar seem to want to disobey her before thinking better of it and leaving.

"The only reason we're obeying you is because you're right, Iblis is going to want that status report." says Eligos before he and Zepar leave with two dozen or so soldiers.

When they are out of sight, the woman turns to Ozai and studies him through her mask.

"You are a Prince of this land we have landed on." she says, and had she been anyone else he would have struck her down.

However, not only are her and her people not of the four nations, but they clearly possess a power unseen before and far more advanced technology than even the Fire Nation. Acquiring that power and technology will require a softer touch than his usual methods of doing so.

"You still have not introduced yourself." replies Ozai amiably.

"Unless Lord Iblis decides that we will be cooperating with your people I will refrain from doing so." she says before tilting her head and adding. "You don't seem very surprised by his control over lightning, almost as if you know that it's possible despite not being familiar with the force."

Despite his impassive face she seems to have found her answer not a moment late.

"Elemental manipulation, how interesting. Perhaps this tragedy can be turned around yet." she says before turning her back to him.

Swallowing his irritation, Ozai can't help but wonder how she gained that information simply by looking at him. Other than his power, Ozai has always prided himself on his ability to deceive others. It is how he managed to convince Ursa to marry him, and it is how he has managed to amass his political power despite never serving in the army despite being the prince of a nation that functions on martial strength. Yet twice in a row he has been easily seen through by complete strangers.

As Ozai thinks of the best method to bring Iblis over to his faction, the sound of lightning and screeching metal cease.

"He has calmed down." calmly says the woman standing by him.

As she says so, Ozai can make out the faint silhouette of the approaching sith. While Iblis does not look any worse for wear, Ozai can feel the power rolling off of his form as he approaches, like a dragon who has decimated his enemies but has still yet to reign his presence in.

"Lord Iblis." calls out the woman as she gives him a short bow of her head.

"If we ever return to the empire I will raze much of the Dark Council's members down." he says to her before turning his golden eyes to Ozai, causing his muscles to briefly tense before he forcefully relaxes them.

"Prince of this land, it seems that we have begun our relations on the wrong foot. Allow me to reintroduce myself." says Iblis as he extends his right hand out to Ozai. "I am Iblis Chirikyât, head of Clan Chirikyât, Lord of the Sith, and former General of the Sith Empire."

Looking at Iblis' extended hand, Ozai raises a questioning eyebrow before introducing him. "I am Prince Ozai of the Fire Nation. Well met." he says with a simple greeting bow.

"It seems that we have had our first culture clash." says Iblis with a slight smirk as he retracts his hand before turning to Alecto, the female sith apprentice.

"Where are Zepar and Eligos?" he asks her.

"They returned to the ship to see what equipment still functions and how many soldiers survive." she says.

"Something else is bothering you." comments Iblis, causing Ozai to wonder if he could possibly divine that from her stoic voice, featureless mask, and cold body language.

"It's the ship, my lord." she says after a moment of hesitation. "Its systems have all but been destroyed. We may be here forever." she says, and Ozai can't help the satisfaction that comes from hearing that. It takes some of his training to show nothing but genuine surprise to the strangers.

Taking a deep breath, the boy seems to quickly accept this. "I had feared that it was so." he says before becoming silent, giving Ozai the perfect opportunity to begin enacting his plan.

"If I may." he says, bringing their attention to him. "As Prince of the Fire Nation, I offer you and your people my hospitality." says Ozai.

Looking at Ozai, Iblis seems to think of his offer for a few seconds before summarily accepting with a nod.



AN: Let me start by saying that no, my multiverse chat group story is not dropped. I've spent the last month and few weeks re-reading all of my stories because I plan on continuing a few of them in addition to writing this one and my multiverse chat group one. I originally did not plan on writing this, but I've been wanting to write and force sensitive mc for years now but never got to it because the more sci-fi lore of Star Wars have always eluded me. Then I found myself filling out a CYOA Sith Lord form and before I knew it I had a whole plot planned out. So here's a new story.

P.s.: Should I post a poll on what stories I should continue?

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