
Chapter 12

The information I got from them... its very vague as if they were communicating with emotions and blurry images. But one thing was clear and I'm really sure about it. I inherited not just <one for all>, but all the other users quirks. The only thing I have to do is to unlock it.

All Might would know something about this. But why the hell did he not warn me about this and there was nothing on the anime like this. Although I dint watch past the first six episodes. I can't blame anybody else but me.

"All Might, we need to talk..."


I reached Dagobah Beach to see a skeleton Toshinori. He told me to call him that when he is in skeleton form, since no one knows that is his real name.

He started talking about passing on the torch to me and all that 'graduation' ceremony teachers pull on their successors. I listened patiently, he had some good catchphrases. But his speech turned serious real quick.

"Because I passed it on to you and the injuries I sustained, I will slowly grow weak and disappear." he spoiled the moment by adding, "That's deep..."

"Sensei, I saw the other users in my dreams. It was like <one for all> was not the only thing I inherited...." I told him about who I met and he broke down crying. After sometime he was back to normal with a tinge of sadness. He was silent for a while before he spoke.

"She was my master, she thought me everything I know and was the reason, I'm who I'm. She was like a mother to me, her name was Shimura Nana. Her quirk was float, and if you inherited it then, good. It is a very good quirk and I know you will be able to use it easily, your own quirk being <copy>.

The other guy you saw was her master's predecessor, Daigoro Banjyo. He had a quirk called <black whip>, but I don't know much about it so you have to find it out yourself."


April came and its the first day of My Hero Academia. Pfft...

I had gotten a hang of Daigoro Banjyo's quirk <Black whip> Which was just like spiderman, except each time I use it the black energy thingy goes back into my arms and dissolves.

I still needed some practice with <float> . It has two functions: one, it can make me fly at a very low speed and the second, I can make other things float by touching the object or a person and concentrating. So far I can make tables and chairs amd similar weighted objects float. I can't even move myself with <float>. It is currently useless, but only for a while, I have to use the <flight> quirk till I figure it out. It is ten times faster.

Mom wished me luck and I also got a letter form Best Jeanist wishing me luck. Why is he sending me letters in this day and age. I reached UA with <one for all> active at 5% but I have upped the normal limit to 10% instead of 5%. I could continuously hold it for at most of 4 hours. It is just that today is a special day and dint want to mess it up for the quirk test thing that Aizawa will keep.

Aizawa is probably the best character in the anime. He is like a mix of Kakashi Hatake and Shikaku Nara. He is damn smart and knows how to handle a class full of students with their heads either in the clouds or up their asses.

I got there and started roaming around the huge campus trying to find my room 1-A. I almost gave up when I saw a giant yellow worm with a face slowly making it to a class. I just followed it to a huge door that said, 1-A. Must be to accomodate giant-types and mutant-type quirks.

I opened the door and said, "Monoma Neito reporting for class 1-A, hero course." There was a lot of "Ooh!" from the girls and a guy with a weird head, although no sound came from his mouth.

"You're...almost late." he said. "Ah sorry about that, I helped an old lady cross the street, then a black cat came across my path, so I had to take a different one." "Tch. Get in and take a seat. Settle down, this is not some fanclub class. Here pass these one. They are standard issue sports wear for you guys. Meet me in the ground."

One of the girls asked, "But what about the entrance ceremony?" "This is your entrance ceremony" He said that and just shuffled out of the class heading to the ground.

Everybody changed inside the room even the girls, they must be used to it I guess. Boom-boy came upto me and grabbed my collar, a collective gasp went across the room, "Look here you Bas- AAHH!" I dint let him finish, I grabbed the offending hand and squeezed till he let go, simultaneously upping my <one for all> to 15%.

I dusted myself and walked out of the room. I dint do any damage, just a tight squeeze so he would let go. I reached there first followed by new class-mates. When we reached, Aizawa started talking about the quirk assesment test and that he will be expelling the least scoring person.

"Now, I know it seems the same physical test like in junior highschool. But this time you can use your quirks. Monoma, what is your pitch score in junior high?" "122.3 metres" I replied. There were a lot of "Eh!?" from the students and a raised eyebrow from Aizawa.

"Now stand inside the circle and use your quirk to throw this." He gave me a baseball-like device. I went to the circle and took a stance. I upped <one for all> to 20% and activated <electromagnetic bullet> What surprised me was that the lightning arching off my body, turned from red to orange in colour.

The lightning surrounded the ball and crackled and sparked, it got me excited. I upped the output of <one for all> to 25% and then 30%...THERE!

A chirping sound started giving oc me, steam rising from my body. YES YES YES YES!!!! FUCK YEAH!! This is shaping out to be a great day.

I dint want to wait any longer. I cranked my arms back and with a yell I threw it...


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